> July 15, 2000
>Six members of the Worker Communist Party of Iraq have lost their lives
>On July 14, the armed men of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, after they had
>surrounded the offices of the Worker Communist Party of Iraq in city of
>Suleimania, they attacked the office of leading committee and the personal
>office of Nasik Ahmed (member of politburo of WCPI).  They clashed with the
>guards of these offices and attacked our comrades in other places in the city
>and as result of these bloody attacks six of our comrades have lost their
>Comrade, Sadiq Nekbin, born in city of Sna ñ Kurdistan of Iran, at 12 noon,
>along with another comrade, went to the city center, and the PUKís armed men
>attacked them. Comrade Nekbin after a heroic resistant was wounded and after
>they had taken him captive, they killed him. At the evening of the same day,
>while a delegation from our party was holding a meeting with the
>representatives of the PUK and discussing political ways of solving this
>fight, the PUKís armed men heavily fired on a vehicle for the party which was
>in its way to the partyís office, using automatic rifles. In this attack,
>comrade (Abdulbasid Muhsin) known as Sheikh Abdul, born in Suleimania, member
>of the leading committee; comrade (Latif), born in Suleimania; comrade
>(Mohammed Mustafa) born in town of Rania; comrade (Ibrahim Mohammed Rostam)
>known as (Hawkar), born in town of Kifri have lost their lives. In this attack
>comrade (Awara Majeed) was wounded and taken captive. In the same time, while
>the dialogue between the delegations of both parties was still going on, the
>PUKís armed men had fired on both offices of the leadership, as result of this
>attack comrade (Aumed Nekbin), born in city of Sna ñ Kurdistan of Iran, has
>lost his life at (8.30 P.M). Thus in the collisions of July, 14 which started
>at the morning and continued till 8.30P.M, six champions of the path of
>communism, freedom and humanity liberation had lost their lives.
>The death of these comrades in this imbalance fight against the military
>aggression of the PUK is evidence on the bravery and standing of the
>communists in defending the freedom, and humanity. They have lost their life
>in defending the objectives of a party, which has been always struggling for
>the demands and rights of the deprived people. We would like to express our
>consolation to ourselves, all members and supporters of the party. We also
>express our consolation to their families, relatives and friends. The best
>respect to them is our resolution to stay loyal to their path.
>Long lives worker Communist Party of Iraq
>Log live Freedom, equality and workersí rule


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