>Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2000 00:04:23 +0530
>From: "CPI(ML) LIberation" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>ML Update
>A CPI(ML) Weekly News Magazine
>Vol.-3; No.-28; 19-7-2000
>Bihar Looks to the Red Surge of People's Power
>The gherao of Bihar Assembly on July 11 was indeed historic. The June 16
>Miyanpur massacre in Aurangabad district in which the Ranvir Sena had
>yet again slaughtered dozens of innocent people had left Bihar boiling
>in rage. The offensive statements issued  by the Sena following the
>massacre and the callous and collusive political response shown by the
>state and major political parties only added insult to this injury.
>Bihar had to explode and the CPI(ML)'s call for gherao of the State
>Assembly only helped ignite and channelise the explosion of mounting
>popular anger.
>The day was historic. July 11 marked the fourth anniversary of the
>infamous Bathani Tola massacre. During the four years following Bathani
>Tola, while the Sena went on perpetrating one gory carnage after
>another, the state and its political managers only presided over this
>unending bloodbath. The gherao was the people's way of remembering all
>the innocent victims of the Sena and warning the killers and their
>patrons that history would never forgive them.
>The place was historic as well. Sweeping away all barricades the red
>surge of people's power reached the martyrs' memorial situated right in
>front of the secretariat building which houses the Assembly. This was
>the place where the freedom-loving students had laid down their lives in
>August 1942 during the Quit India movement. Three decades later, this
>was the site where the militant student followers of JP took the oath in
>1974 to overthrow the repressive Congress government of Bihar. This time
>around, it was the turn of Bihar's rural poor to assert their presence
>and indeed, how gloriously did they announce their arrival!
>The July 11 gherao has given a serious jolt to the Assembly and to the
>dominant politics of massacre. It has thrown a bold challenge to every
>attempt to trivialise massacres and white-wash Ranvir Sena, the
>fountain-head of feudal violence. It has signalled the beginning of a
>new phase of people's unity and resistance. Laloo Prasad is fast
>forfeiting his mantle of social justice. One more blow and he will lose
>his last mask. The gherao has rightly proclaimed "samajik nyay baki hai"
>(the fight for social justice is ours and we shall win it.)
>Anger was not the only mood reflected in the gherao. More than anger,
>and inseparably mixed with it, was HOPE. The air is thick with new hopes
>of social transformation. Beleaguered, embattled, backward Bihar is once
>again rising with a dream and a new determination to realise it. A whole
>lot of people are looking to the red flag for reliable leadership.
>Revolutionary communists will have to intensify their initiative a
>thousand times to fulfil the great expectations of the great people of
>Cong-sponsored UPDS Kills 10 in Karbi Anglong
>CPI(ML)-ASDC Called for 12-hour Bandh
>Once again the Congress-sponsored killer gang UPDS struck in Telehor and
>Langparpan villages of Kheroni Police Station of Hamren subdivision in
>Karbi Anglong in the night of 15 July, killing 10 people including 5
>children. Among them 9 were of Bihari origin and one of Nepali origin.
>The extremists set the whole village on fire. Protesting against this
>heinous political conspiracy of Congress to create a split in the ranks
>of autonomy movement along Karbi-non Karbi lines, CPI(ML) and ASDC have
>called for a 12 hour bandh on 17 July.
>Congress, once in power in the autonomous councils in both the hill
>districts of Karbi Anglong and North Cachar Hills, is now out in the
>darkness for more than a decade. Its candidates suffered defeat not only
>in four consecutive parliamentary elections, in Assembly elections too
>twice they lost all the four seats falling in Karbi Anglong district.
>Its credibility as a champion of Karbi cause stands at the lowest and
>even its base among non-Karbis, particularly Biharis, has fastly eroded.
>As Congress govts. in the state or centre never appreciated the autonomy
>demand, the party could not find a political plank to revive itself
>here, so it has built up a terrorist outfit UPDS, which enjoys support
>from BJP as well. With the Assembly elections only a year away, these
>parties are trying to create terror among non-Karbi as well as Karbi
>mass base of CPI(ML)-ASDC. But Party and ASDC are determined to foil
>their conspiracy and carry forward the peoples' autonomy movement
>Assembly Gherao is just a glimpse, the real fight for Social Justice
>lies ahead
>When Bihar Assembly Was Encircled from the Four Corners
>11 July 2000 will be remembered as a glorious day in the history of
>political movements in Bihar. At the call of CPI(ML), thousands upon
>thousands toilers, students and youth reached Patna to and braving all
>the police barricades on all the four sides encircled the Assembly.
>Police and Rapid Action Force arbitrarily lathicharged and hurled more
>than a hundred tear-gas shells. Several party leaders including General
>Secretary Com. Dipankar Bhattacharya received injuries and many more in
>an attempt to cover them during the lathicharge. Demonstrators succeeded
>in reaching the martyrs' memorial of 1942 and held a meeting there and
>thus carried on the legacy of great democratic movement of 1974. The
>main slogan of this movement was: 'Smash Ranvir Sena, the stigma on
>civilisation, or else resign'. Agitators were demanding declaration of a
>time-bound work-plan to smash Ranvir Sena and concrete guarantee of
>security of the poor.
>Com. Dipankar, while expressing gratitude to toilers and
>progressive-democratic people of Bihar for making the gherao a grand
>success, said that the success of gherao represents our success in
>giving voice to democratic conscience, and it could be achieved only on
>the basis of poor and toilers' active support. Addressing the meeting at
>the martyrs' memorial, he said, "While you made Bihar Bandh successful
>on 21 June, the slogan was 'Bihar Bandh is just a glimpse, Assembly
>gherao is the real task lying ahead!' ... Today when we have
>accomplished gherao of Assembly, our call and pledge must be 'Assembly
>gherao is just a glimpse, the real fight for social justice lies ahead'.
>Congratulating Bihar govt. for the lathi blow on his person, Com.
>Dipankar said that by this act the lathi has demonstrated with whom it
>sides ... with Ranvir Sena or with enumerous poor and backward people
>who have reached here opposing Ranvir Sena. He said that the success of
>gherao has made it clear that Laloo Prasad had lost the right of talking
>about social justice, so the task of carrying forward the battle for
>social justice lies on the shoulders of CPI(ML) and leftist forces.
>This great resistance day began when at 9.30 a.m. on 11 July, when a
>detachment led by Com. Dipankar, along with PB member Com. Swadesh
>Bhattacharya, Bihar State Secy. Com. Ramjatan Sharma, U.P. State Secy.
>Com. Akhilendra Pratap Singh and Com. Rajaram Singh, MLA started from
>Patna Railway Station, shouting slogans The whole Bihar has one thing to
>say; We will not tolerate the massacres" "Innocents have to shed their
>blood, this rule cannot be allowed" and reached R-Block crossing where a
>permanent type barricade had been set up with iron rods. The police
>tried to stop the agitators by firing tear-gas shells but the barricade
>was broken and agitators surged ahead. Then the police started a brutal
>lathicharge, and it is here that Com. Dipankar, Ramjatan Sharma and
>Akhilendra Singh, along with several party activists, sustained
>injuries. Another barricade was broken and the agitators refreshened the
>memory of 1974 by reaching the main gate of Assembly. The papers wrote :
>'Maley has created a new history ... demonstrators have succeeded to
>reach this spot after a gap of 26 years.' Another newspaper wrote in its
>editorial that Maley has posed a great challenge before the politics of
>Laloo Prasad.
>When the first detachment was crossing R-Block via Hardings Park,another
>detachment led by CC member Com. KD Yadav, Com. Rameshwar Prasad, Arun
>Kumar Singh, MLA had come out from Party State Office and was breaking
>another barricade braving tear-gas shells. The barricade ultimately
>could not stand and the detachment reached the martyrs' memorial. Around
>that time a third detachment led by CC members Com. Pawan Sharma, Saroj
>Chaube and other party leaders including Com. Amarnath Yadav and
>Satyadev Ram had started from Gandhi Maidan and was busy breaking a
>barricade at Bailey Road, facing teargas shells and lathi blows. The
>fourth detachment was led by Com. Shivpujan Yadav and Murtaza Ali, which
>started from Sachivalaya Halt and reached the southern gate of Assembly.
>Here a head-on collision with police took place.
>This was the scenario on the streets. But within the Assembly the number
>of legislators had greatly reduced. Many a legislator could not reach
>the Assembly till 2 p.m. because of the gherao. Leader and Dy. Leader of
>CPI(ML) Legislature Party Com. Ram Naresh Ram and Mahendra Prasad Singh
>squarely accused the govt. of siding with Ranvir Sena and asking reason
>of police repression on thousands of demonstrators including Party
>General Secretary. In this atmosphere of chaos, the govt. was forced to
>make a reply by this was once again a whitewashing affair. However, in
>the face of pressure from the outside, the government had to accept that
>despite massive police-administrative bandobast demonstrators in
>thousands had succeeded in encircling the Assembly. CPI(ML) legislators
>continued their opposition even on the second day. On 13 July black day
>was observed throughout the state.
>After taking part in this gherao of Bihar Assembly, conducted for the
>first time after 1974, when the caravan of agitators was returning to
>their areas of struggle,  they had a gleam of victory and
>self-confidence of success on their face, but no sign of fatigue. It was
>the confidence of 'we shall fight and we shall overcome', of 'building a
>new Bihar in a new century' by raising the struggle to newer heights.
>Protest Against Lathicharge in Patna
>In protest against the barbaric attack by Bihar police on the peaceful
>Bihar Assembly Gherao programme, CPI(M-L) activists in Calcutta
>organised demonstration before Bihar Bhawan on 13 July and handed over a
>memorandum, addressed to CM demanding judicial enquiry and punishment to
>police officers responsible for lathicharge. The demonostration was
>addressed by Com. Partha Ghosh, Arijit Mitra, Joyatu Deshmukh and
>others. Protest programmes were also organised at Chandannagar and
>Dhanekhali of Hooghly district.
>Delhi :
>Activists of AISA and RYA held a demonstration in front of Bihar Bhawan
>in New Delhi on 13 July protesting against the lathicharge on CPI(ML)
>rally in Patna on July 11. AISA president and Gen. Secy. Kavita Krishnan
>and Sunil Yadav addressed the gathering and demanded resignation of
>Bihar CM.
>Citizens of A Different Class They Are!
>Mumbai police sought and ultimately got the permission from the
>Maharashtra government to prosecute the Shiv Sena Supremo, Mr. Bal
>Thackray, and the Samjwadi Party's  Mumbai unit president Mr. Abu Asim
>Azmi under section 153(A) of the Indian Penal Code for 'inflammatory'
>articulation that sought to break inter communal harmony during 1992-93.
>Any common  Indian citizen knows what police can do the moment they
>decide to prosecute a person. But Bal Thackerays are a different class
>of citizens. Even though it took seven years for Mumbai police to decide
>on his prosecution, Bal Thackeray has warned the Maharashtra govt., even
>before the prosecution started, that Art. 356 may be imposed against
>them. And Shiv Shainiks, by enforcing an uncalled for Mumbai bandh, have
>made it clear that they may not allow 'the law to take its own course'.
>Protest Against Fee Hike
>AISA and other left student-youth organisations staged a demonstration
>before the residence of Vice Chancellor of Lucknow University protesting
>against fee hike on 12 July. On 15 July, parents of the students held a
>dharna in the campus in support of the students. As the protest is
>smouldering in Lucknow and Allahabad, and state Assembly elections are
>just over a year away, BJP govt. has been forced to temporarily put the
>fee-hike in cold storage. However, universities have not taken back the
>hike in the name of their autonomy. In view of this, student youth
>organisations are planning to spread their initiative state wide.
>RYA-AIPWA to Protest Hike in Hospital Charges
>RYA and AIPWA, in their U.P. state level meetings held on 15 and 16 July
>respectively, have decided to jointly organise chakka jam before
>hospitals on 9 August. RYA will also observe anti price rise day on 23
>July throughout the state. AIPWA will hold a dharna before Lucknow
>Assembly on 5 August to protest against sexual oppression of inmates of
>women's home in Varanasi.
>Criminal-Politician Rules the Roost in Siwan
>According to the intelligence Bureau report and state CID informations
>available in the official circles of Patna, detailing the activities of
>the 'most influential politician' Md. Shahabuddin about how he rules the
>roost in Siwan, here are some facts:
>Siwan District Magistrate, Rashid Khan's official chamber was ridden
>with bullets fired from sophisticated arms allegedly by Shahabuddin to
>terrorise the DM. Consequently he has virtually taken over the DM's
>chamber and has made DM his puppet. The report says that whenever this
>politician is in  Siwan, he is found in the DM's chamber dictating his
>terms. The DM, reportedly remains a silent spectator of the naked
>display of arms and muscle power of the 'influential politician'.
>Siwan collectorate wears a deserted look during office hours because of
>his terror tactics. ...
>The said politician has created a reign of terror in the entire district
>of Siwan and neighbouring districts of Chapra and Gopalganj.
>Incidentally, Laloo Prasad Yadav belongs to Gopalganj district. Even his
>supporters, party activists and close relatives are not spared by  the
>politician, the report says. They have to obey his dictums of terror.
>The report reveals that he has not only close nexus with influential
>politicians of ruling party of the state but with ISI activists of Jammu
>and Kashmir and Daud's gang in Mumbai and Dubai as well. ...
>According to the IB report, recently he had made futile attempts to bail
>out over a dozen Maulanas, who were caught carrying over Rs. 20 lakh
>counterfeit Indian currency near Sitamarhi on Indo-Nepal border.
>(Source:Times of India, Patna, 12-7-2000)
> AISA Released Booklet
>AISA has published a booklet on real designs behind privatisation and
>commercialisation of higher education in Indian universities. The
>booklet titled "Fee-hike, Privatisation and Commercialisation : Eviction
>Order from Higher Education" has been published in Hindi and English.
>Agri-labour strike in Nadia
>Agricultural labour strike was organised in three blocks of Dhubulia,
>Nakashipara and Chapra in Nadia district of West Bengal on 10 July
>demanding minimum wage fixed by the State Govt. and employment.
>Processions were organised from the very morning, and in some villages
>big landholders' attempt to break the strike were successfully resisted.
>Overall response was good. In many villages strike was total. In one
>labour market there were only 100-150 labourers whereas the daily
>attendance is usually 700-800.
>Resistance Against Anti-Social Elements
>Anti-social activities in Kalsbagan- Shaligram area of Nakashipara,
>Nadia have gone to the extent of not only robbery but even killing and
>raping poor women, and number of incidents also went on increase. Local
>people became furious and some days back following one incident of rape,
>people came out on the street and chased the criminals,  who fled from
>out of fear. Whereas local police took a passive role, people formed
>groups and started arranging night guard to counter any possible attack
>by the criminals. Our local party organisation had been with people's
>resistance all along and on 10 July, Party organised a mass meeting
>where 700-800 people participated. Leaders called for carrying the
>resistance to the end.
>Protest against Closing PSUs
>In protest against the Central Govt.'s decision to close five public
>sector units including MAMC in W.B., black flags were hoisted in almost
>all the factories of W.B. at the call of central trade unions including
>AICCTU on 6 July, when Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee came to
>Calcutta. On the same day thousands of workers assembled at Rani Rasmoni
>Road in Calcutta in a mass meeting addressed by TU leaders including
>Com. Sudarshan Bose of AICCTU.
>The same day worker representatives met the Prime Minister and asked for
>repeal of Central Govt's decision,   but a Vajpayee instead suggested
>them to opt for taking VRS.
>Opposition to Black Law From Within
>Mounting opposition to the new avatar of TADA form the democratic
>opinion across the country has found its reflection not only at the
>institutional but even at the ministerial level. First, National Human
>Rights Commission rejected the Government's defence on the proposed New
>TADA and categorically said, " There is no need to enact such a law".
>NHRC  felt that the proposed Bill will be inconsistent with the human
>rights of the citizens.
>This, it seems, served as a wake up call to Law Minister  Ram
>Jethmalani, who said: "I am personally against enactment of any special
>law against terrorism as it is bound to be misused by the police.
>Existing laws were enough to meet any untoward incidents arising out of
>emergency, militancy and terrorism".
>Strangely however, contrary to CPI(M)'s position, Somnath Chatterjee has
>favoured introduction of such a special law.
>Anti-Human Face of Capitalism Betrayed
>In the UN Human Development Report-2000 covering 174 countries, India
>was ranked at 124. Report says global inequalities have increased in the
>20th century "by orders of magnitude out of proportion to anything
>experienced before". The gap between the incomes of the richest and
>poorest countries was about 3 to 1 in 1820, 35 to 1 in 1950, 44 to 1 in
>1973, and 72 to 1 in 1992. Dr Jolly estimates that a calculation of a
>comparable figure today would show an even wider discrepancy. Between
>1990 and 1998, per capita income fell in 50 countries, only one of them
>in the 29 developed states which make up the Organisation for Economic
>Cooperation and Development (OECD). The human development report (HDR)
>says the top 200 billionaires had a  combined wealth of $ 1,135 bn.
>last, up by $ 100 bn. from the previous year. The total income of the
>582 million people in all the developing countries barely exceeds 10% of
>that : $ 146 bn. Gap in the national income is also widening in many
>countries, including US and UK.
>While income poverty in countries such as China has fallen dramatically,
>1.2 bn people -- a fifth of the world's population  -- are living on
>less than $ 1 a day. In addition, 100 million children are estimated to
>be living or working on the streets and 1.2 million women and girls
>under 18 are trafficked for prostitution each year. In the OECD as a
>whole, 8 million children are undernourished, and in the US 40 million
>people are not covered by health  insurance and one in five adults is
>functionally illiterate. The convention on the rights of the child, for
>instance, has been  ratified by every country except two: the US and
>In the 30 countries considered to have the highest level of human
>development, life expectancy at birth is more than 75 years. In
>sub-Saharan Africa it is 48.9 years, falling to 39.1 years in Malawi and
>37.9 years in Sierra Leone.
>Although the number of conflicts fell during the 90s, the cost to the
>international community of the seven main wars (not including Kosovo)
>was $ 200 bn. -- four times the development aid in any one year. Not too
>surprising then that the volume of development aid went down
>substantially in the 1990s. The shift of resources away from
>development may even be contributing to future conflicts, the report
>>From Vinod Mishra's Writings
>Add A Conscious Element
>to Your Practice
>"If you had some policies, firstly, what experiences have you gathered
>through their implementation? And secondly, does this experience demand
>any changes in policies? On these questions many reports prefer to
>remain silent, and this is the greatest drawback in our style of work.
>At many places, either there have been no policies and plans, or they
>have remained only on paper. Working blindly means working on the basis
>of wrong policies. If you have no correct and conscious policy, you have
>wrong policies, spontaneous policies, and you are not alive to the
>dangers inherent in following such course. Consolidation of party
>committee always revolves around the policies it makes and implements
>and constant review of these policies. Leaders again have not paid
>sufficient attention to this aspect. Their job is to concentrate on
>particular areas or fields of work, develop policies, analyse typical
>cases, and guide the whole organisation in the light of these
>experiences. ...
>"To add a conscious element to the spontaneous struggle of the people--
>it's for this purpose that a communist party is there, otherwise it
>loses its raison d'être."


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