>Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2000 23:29:50 -0700
>From: Green Left Parramatta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>                        http://www.greenleft.org.au
>                            Green Left Weekly,
>                                 Issue #412
>                               July 19, 2000
>  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>Green Left Weekly provides news, information, opinion and debate from an
>environmental and left perspective.
>Green Left Weekly debunks the six main myths circulated by the big business
>proponents of genetically modified food.
>  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> * GM food -- myth and reality
> * KURDISTAN: PUK attacks Worker Communist Party of Iraq
> * DSP-WCPI call for international protests against sanctions on Iraq
> * ZIMBABWE: ISO MP -- `We hope to influence events'
> * NIGERIA: Hundreds die in pipeline disaster
> * BRITAIN: How Rio Tinto broke the 11th commandment
> * Editorial: Support democracy in Fiji
> * FIJI: `Parachute journalism' aids plotters' propaganda
> * ARGENTINA: Mothers of Plaza de Mayo attacked
> * Spotlight on Indonesia
> * EAST TIMOR: Hostage in West Timor
> * PAKISTAN: Journalists appeal for help
> * HONG KONG: Hot march greets cool election
> * EAST TIMOR: UNTAET to form `cabinet'
> * ECUADOR: Church calls cops on activists
> * CHINA: Human rights deteriorate
> * INDIA: Bihar assembly besieged
> * SOUTH AFRICA: Privatisers gets `Seattled'
> * The spectre of Frantz Fanon
> * Urban guerillas confront injustice
> * Rock Against Racism 2
> * `Free trade' rules rob poor, protect rich
> * A parable of globalisation
> * HISTORICAL FEATURE: The Korean War -- a war of counter-revolution
> * UN report shows poverty grinds on
> * Statistics as lies
> * Statistics as tragedies
> * Market of one
> * Making a living? Having a life?
> * Australia abuses refugees' human rights
> * The myth of the peaceful atom
> * Socialist solutions to the country crisis
>  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>Articles posted are as they were before proofreading, and prior to any
>final changes in the printed version.
>All articles appearing in Green Left Weekly, and reprinted here, are
>copyright by their authors. However, most regular contributors have granted
>permission for their work to be republished by non-profit green, left,
>human rights or generally progressive publications.
>Where such permission has NOT been granted, articles are marked with the
>symbol && in the index above. Before reprinting such an article, or if
>uncertain whether your publication is allowed to reprint, please inquire by
>e-mail at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>ALL cartoons are copyright and must not be reproduced without permission of
>the artist.
>  We like to know what audiences we are reaching, and would therefore
>appreciate being informed of any republication (in print or
>  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *
>                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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