>subject:  Cuba Press release Sep 6. Juragua Power?
>UNITED NATIONS.- Cuban President Fidel Castro arrived yesterday in
>New York to attend the Millennium Summit called by the United
>Nations Organization (UNO). The meeting will reunite over 150
>presidents from today, to carry out 3 days of discussion on the
>world's serious problems. The Cuban President is accompanied by Cuban
>Parliament President Ricardo Alarcon, Cuban Foreign Affairs Minister
>Felipe Perez Roque, plus Council of State Secretary Jose Miyar
>Barruecos. The Cuban delegation is also formed by Council of
>State member Carlos Valenciaga and World Economy Research Centre
>Director Osvaldo Martinez, amongst other national figures. After
>arriving at John F. Kennedy International Airport, Fidel Castro went
>to the Cuban mission headquarters at the U.N., where he was warmly
>received. His announced presence at the Summit's sessions caused
>great interest amongst the accredited journalists, who constantly
>surrounded their Cuban colleagues to learn details of the Cuban
>President's program.
>HAVANA.- Cuban Foreign Affairs Minister Felipe Perez Roque detailed
>the first meetings held by Cuban President Fidel Castro after his
>arrival in New York City to attend the Millennium Summit. Perez Roque
>said the meeting carried out between Fidel Castro and Malaysian
>Foreign Affairs Minister Mohamad Mahathir was full and positive.
>During the meeting, the need to implement agreements made by April's
>Group 77 Summit, held in Havana, was highlighted. The Cuban Foreign
>Affairs Minister revealed there was a wide exchange of information on
>bilateral relations between both countries. Mahathir assured that his
>country will open a diplomatic mission in Cuba before the end of the
>year, thus increasing links between both nations. During a live T.V.
>telephone conversation, Perez Roque stated that later, Fidel Castro
>met Chinese President Jiang Zemin at the Chinese diplomatic mission
>to the U.N., something which reveals the growing friendship
>between both countries. According to Cuba's foreign minister, Fidel
>Castro and Zemin agreed in highlighting both states excellent mutual
>PANAMA.- The need to defend third world nations' cultural identity
>was highlighted in Panama by Cuban Minister of Culture Abel Prieto
>during a meeting with Panamanian intellectuals and politicians. The
>influence of huge U.S. pseudo-cultural fetishes are increasing
>violently, and achieving more space, denounced Prieto. "It is
>demagogical and monstrous to propose to Third World children and
>youngsters the "model of happiness" shown in films that include a
>family with a very beautiful kitchen, a fat dog, everyone with cars
>and laser equipment, stated the Minister. Our idea in Cuba is to not
>only work for a dignified increase in people's quality of life
>in material terms, but also to try to always add a spiritual
>component which helps people to better understand each other and
>their habitat.
>HAVANA.- Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko proposed the creation
>of a new alliance between his country and Russia, and bet on
>strengthening links with Cuba, after a three-day visit that concluded
>yesterday in Havana. We had no moral right to leave Cuba alone during
>the years that followed the Soviet Union's disappearance. Now is the
>time to rectify this, Lukashenko affirmed at a press conference in
>Havana. Referring to Cuba, he emphasized "we owe this country very
>much in the political, moral and economic aspect". Lukashenko arrived
>in Havana on Saturday at an invitation from Fidel Castro. On Tuesday,
>he visited Varadero, (140 km from Havana City), leaving from
>the beach resort for the United States to take part in the Millennium
>Summit that begins today in New York.
>HAVANA.- A cultural celebration on the 190th Anniversary of the Grito
>de Dolores - date of Mexican Independence - will begin in Havana on
>September 7-17. During a press conference held at Havana's
>International Press Centre, Mexican Advisor to Cuba Hector Ramirez
>said "we are convinced that this event will be called the best one
>for a long time". Events opening the celebration on September 7 are a
>Mexican film cycle at the Sala Charles Chaplin, and the
>Fotoseptiembre exhibition. The exhibition gathers various Mexican
>photographers at the Emilio Bacardi Museum, in Santiago de
>Cuba, eastern province.
>DPTO.INFORMACION/MINREXThe Cuban delegation is also formed by Council
>of State member Carlos Valenciaga and World Economy Research Centre
>Director Osvaldo Martinez, amongst other national figures. After
>arriving at John F. Kennedy International Airport, Fidel Castro went
>to the Cuban mission headquarters at the U.N., where he was warmly
>received. His announced presence at the Summit's sessions caused
>great interest amongst the accredited journalists, who constantly
>surrounded their Cuban colleagues to learn details of the Cuban
>President's program.
>HAVANA.- Cuban Foreign Affairs Minister Felipe Perez Roque detailed
>the first meetings held by Cuban President Fidel Castro after his
>arrival in New York City to attend the Millennium Summit. Perez Roque
>said the meeting carried out between Fidel Castro and Malaysian
>Foreign Affairs Minister Mohamad Mahathir was full and positive.
>During the meeting, the need to implement agreements made by April's
>Group 77 Summit, held in Havana, was highlighted. The Cuban Foreign
>Affairs Minister revealed there was a wide exchange of information on
>bilateral relations between both countries. Mahathir assured that his
>country will open a diplomatic mission in Cuba before the end of the
>year, thus increasing links between both nations. During a live T.V.
>telephone conversation, Perez Roque stated that later, Fidel Castro
>met Chinese President Jiang Zemin at the Chinese diplomatic mission
>to the U.N., something which reveals the growing friendship
>between both countries. According to Cuba's foreign minister, Fidel
>Castro and Zemin agreed in highlighting both states excellent mutual
>PANAMA.- The need to defend third world nations' cultural identity
>was highlighted in Panama by Cuban Minister of Culture Abel Prieto
>during a meeting with Panamanian intellectuals and politicians. The
>influence of huge U.S. pseudo-cultural fetishes are increasing
>violently, and achieving more space, denounced Prieto. "It is
>demagogical and monstrous to propose to Third World children and
>youngsters the "model of happiness" shown in films that include a
>family with a very beautiful kitchen, a fat dog, everyone with cars
>and laser equipment, stated the Minister. Our idea in Cuba is to not
>only work for a dignified increase in people's quality of life
>in material terms, but also to try to always add a spiritual
>component which helps people to better understand each other and
>their habitat.
>HAVANA.- Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko proposed the creation
>of a new alliance between his country and Russia, and bet on
>strengthening links with Cuba, after a three-day visit that concluded
>yesterday in Havana. We had no moral right to leave Cuba alone during
>the years that followed the Soviet Union's disappearance. Now is the
>time to rectify this, Lukashenko affirmed at a press conference in
>Havana. Referring to Cuba, he emphasized "we owe this country very
>much in the political, moral and economic aspect". Lukashenko arrived
>in Havana on Saturday at an invitation from Fidel Castro. On Tuesday,
>he visited Varadero, (140 km from Havana City), leaving from
>the beach resort for the United States to take part in the Millennium
>Summit that begins today in New York.
>HAVANA.- A cultural celebration on the 190th Anniversary of the Grito
>de Dolores - date of Mexican Independence - will begin in Havana on
>September 7-17. During a press conference held at Havana's
>International Press Centre, Mexican Advisor to Cuba Hector Ramirez
>said "we are convinced that this event will be called the best one
>for a long time". Events opening the celebration on September 7 are a
>Mexican film cycle at the Sala Charles Chaplin, and the
>Fotoseptiembre exhibition. The exhibition gathers various Mexican
>photographers at the Emilio Bacardi Museum, in Santiago de
>Cuba, eastern province.
>            **********
>subject: Cuba-Russia agenda -Power plant?
>Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2000
>Subject: Power Plant on Cuban-Russian Agenda
>Interfax Russian News
>September 07, 2000
>Juragua nuclear power plant remains on Russian-Cuban agenda
>  MOSCOW.  The construction of the Juragua nuclear power plant in
>Cuba remains on the agenda of the Russian-Cuban
>relations, Moscow sources told Interfax on Thursday.
>Construction of the Huragua plant began in 1976 with the assistance
>of the former Soviet Union and was suspended about a decade ago.
>There have been reports that Havana is considering the possibility of
>abandoning the power plant's construction altogether or handing the
>contract over to a Western company.
>Some time ago it was planned to form an international consortium for
>the construction of the Huragua plant with the participation of
>Russia, Cuba, Brazil, Italy and Germany, but the project did not come
>to pass, the sources recalled.
>The issue will be quite likely be discussed during Russian
>President Vladimir Putin's visit to Havana scheduled for the end of
>this year, the sources said. The topic may be also touched upon at
>other Russian-Cuban meetings. " JC


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