>From: Rick Rozoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Chavez slams US military aid to Colombia
>UNITED NATIONS: Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez
>slammed U.S. military aid to Colombia on Thursday,
>saying more guns will not bring peace to his
>violence-ravaged South American neighbor.
>The left-leaning Venezuelan leader also took a swipe
>at U.N. sanctions against Iraq and the
>four-decades-old U.S. trade embargo against Cuba.
>"The only solution for Colombia is peace. Sending
>helicopter gunships to Colombia will not achieve
>peace," Chavez said at a news conference at the U.N.
>Millennium Summit.
>While he did not mention the United States by name,
>Chavez repeated Venezuela's concern about the
>"military component" in a planned drive against drug
>plantations protected by guerrillas in southern
>Washington has stepped up aid to Colombia with a $1.3
>billion package that mainly consists of military
>training and helicopters for Colombian army battalions
>to be deployed in the offensive.
>Chavez denied he had ties to Colombia's Marxist
>rebels, but said he has facilitated talks between the
>Colombian government and one guerrilla group in
>Venezuela, the United States's main supplier of oil.
>The Venezuelan leader, who chaired a round table on
>U.N. reforms attended by Cuban president Fidel Castro
>and Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Tareeq Aziz, called
>for reform of the U.N. Security Council to end the
>veto power monopoly of its five permanent members.
>Chavez, a former paratroop commander, swept to power
>on a wave of popularity several years after leading a
>failed coup, called for an end to the use of economic
>"That's enough of the blockade against Iraq. That's
>enough of the blockade against Cuba," he said. (Reuters)
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