Maritime corporation makes development, 
                                      says Party leader

The Vietnam Maritime Corporation, set up only five years ago, has promoted
its own efforts and made steps of
development. The development is in line with orientation of building an
independent and self-controlled economy,
expressing the role of the State-owned enterprise in the field of seaway
transportation and international transportation. 

This were said by Party General Secretary Le Kha Phieu while he was
attending a Congress of the Vietnam Maritime
Corporation's Party Committee on September 8.

General Secretary Phieu praised the Party Committee's opinions contributed
to the draft document of the ninth Party's
Congress. He also said that the Party would consider and contribute good
ideas to the draft document of the ninth Party's

While there, Mr Dinh Ngoc Vien, the president of the management board and
the Party Committee secretary reported to the
Party leader on activities during the 1997-2000 period. He said that the
Party Committee undertook the leadership and
management of the production and business activities of the corporation.
This aims to successfully implement the political
task set by the corporation, which is to focus on promoting internal
strength for investment and renovation for itself, develop
a modern fleet and port system and build and apply the same technological
process for all ships, ports and services in order
to increase efficiency of business and competitiveness to develop its
market share in the country and be able to join the
regional market share.

The corporation has developed the capital given by the State with an annual
accumulation speed of between 7 and 10%. As
of the end of 2000, the total capital of the corporation reached VND 2,287
billion, 1.56 times increased as compared with the
original capital.

                 Reducing poverty a priority: President tells UN

Addressing poverty and narrowing the development gap should be considered
as high priorities for the early decades of the
21st century. 

So said President Tran Duc Luong at a round-table conference on poverty
alleviation, environmental protection and UN
reforms in New York on September 7.

He told 40 heads of State and prime ministers at the conference of the need
to take comprehensive measures and actions to
realise such goals.

President Luong asked the United Nations and all nations to work out a
global action programme on the problem in which
the UN should give more support to South-South co-operation and North-South
cooperation for development and poverty
alleviation. He also called for the establishment of economic and
commercial co-operation on the basis of an equality,
non-discrimination and satisfactory assistance and preference to poor countries.

On the relations between poverty reduction and environmental protection, he
said that international support given to poor
countries should be aimed at alleviating poverty, thus helping people lead
independent lives, without devastation and waste
of forest, land and water resources.

He stressed that, though being a developing country, Vietnam had always
paid attention to environmental protection by
implementing national programmes on reforestation and forest protection,
water resources and safe water supply. These
programmes, he added, had received assistance and praise from the UN.

President Luong pointed out that, as Vietnam was facing difficulties in
distributing resources, international assistance in
environmental protection should be given to industrial projects, waste
treatment and natural hazard control.

On UN reforms, he said that the UN should prioritise efforts to address
urgent issues, focusing on protecting children,
women and the elderly; maintaining eco-systems; controlling population;
fighting and preventing epidemics, especially
HIV/AIDS and drug abuse; and education and training. (VNA)

              PM works on capital's socio-economic development

Prime Minister Phan Van Khai, who is also a permanent member of the
Politburo standing board and deputies prime
ministers Nguyen Cong Tan and Pham Gia Khiem had a working session with
Hanoi's leaders on the capital city's
socio-economic development strategy in the 2001-2010 period.

The prime minister and his deputies heard a report made by Mr Nguyen Phu
Trong, secretary of Hanoi Party Committee, on
five issues of the draft resolution of the city's 13th Party Congress which
are now under discussion. They also heard a report
made by Mr Hoang Van Nghien, chairman of the city People's Committee on
Hanoi's socio-economic development strategy
in the 2001-2010 period. The socio-economic development strategy includes
objectives, development viewpoints, basic
orientation and investment structure. The city has worked out seven groups
of solutions to implement the socio-economic
development strategy in the 2001-2010 period. These solutions include
enhancing the capability and efficiency of State
management; boosting the research work for scientific and technological
application to production and business; raising the
quality and effective use of manpower; effectively mobilising and using
capital sources; developing economic sectors;
renewing the urban construction and management work and solving social evils.

Addressing the working session, the prime minister affirmed that Hanoi, a
political and cultural centre and the heart of the
country, has always received the attention of the Party, State and entire
people. Therefore, Hanoi should strive to become a
great economic centre of the country. To this end, Hanoi should have a high
economic growth rate as well as economic
development models for other cities and provinces to follow. The prime
minister has agreed with the city's economic
structure in the 2005-2010, that is service-industry-agriculture. In the
2001-2005 period, the structure is
industry-service-agriculture. The prime minister stressed that the city's
industry must be of high technology and modern. He
also said that the development of the city does not match with its
potential and its economic growth rate is still lower in
comparison with other localities such as Ho Chi Minh City, Danang and
Haiphong. He asked the city to work out greater
objectives for the city's annual GDP growth rate. It should be 1.5 fold of
the country's 7% average GDP growth rate instead
of its current 9% GDP growth rate.

PM Phan Van Khai to visit Belarus

Prime Minister Phan Van Khai will pay an official visit to the Republic of
Belarus from
September 14-16.

The visit is to be made at the invitation of Belorussian Prime Minister
Vladimir Yermoshin, according to a communique released by the Vietnamese
Foreign Ministry on September 8.

                       Vietnam always values ties with China

The Party, State and people of Vietnam have consistently attached great
importance to developing traditional relations with
China, implementing joint agreements between the two Parties and the two
countries, exchanging experience and boosting
co-operation between sectors and localities of the two countries.

This was affirmed by Politburo member Nguyen Duc Binh during a meeting in
Hanoi on September 8 with Wang
Guangxian, alternate member of the Communist Party of China Central
Committee (CPCCC) and deputy secretary of Hainan
province's Party Committee.

Mr Binh expressed his delight at new steps of development in relations
between the two Parties and States along the lines of
"neighbourly friendship, comprehensive co-operation, long-term stability
and looking towards the future" set out by the
General Secretaries of the two Parties in February last year.

For his part, Mr Wang congratulated the Vietnamese people on their
achievements. He said he was glad to exchange
experiences in ideology and Party building and strengthening work with
Vietnamese agencies, and to inquire into
possibilities for boosting economic and commercial co-operation between
Hainan and Vietnamese localities.

He also stressed all cadres, Party members and people of China are
determined to further strengthen the traditional friendship
and multifaceted co-operation with Vietnam.

While in Hanoi, the Chinese official and his entourage visited President Ho
Chi Minh's Mausoleum and had working
sessions with officials of the Party Central Committee's Commission for
External Relations and Commission for Ideology
and Culture.


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