September.09.2000 Juche 89


   * Greetings to Kim Jong Il from Cambodian King

   * Floral basket to Kim Jong Il from Palestinian President

   * Repatriation of unconverted long-term prisoners hailed abroad

   * Congratulatory message to Kim Jong Il from NDFSK

   * Congratulatory message to Kim Jong Il from Chongryon

   * Film shows to greet 52nd DPRK birthday

   * DPRK team leaves for Olympiad

   * Short course on Juche idea given in Britain

   * Kim Il Sung's immortal exploits for state building

   * Congratulatory message to DPRK leaders from Chinese counterparts

   * Anniversary of WPK to be celebrated in Poland and Finland

   * Wreaths laid before bust of Kang Kon

   * Aid equipment from UNICEF

   * Wreaths and floral baskets laid on occasion of 52nd anniversary of DPRK

   * U.S. unreasonable obstruction termed as anachronistic act

   * KCNA on issue of Japan's redeem for its past

   * Papers observe 52nd anniversary of DPRK

   * DPRK will closely watch U.S. practical deed

   * Senior party and state officials pay homage to Kim Il Sung

   * Floral baskets laid before statues of Kim Il Sung

Greetings to Kim Jong Il from Cambodian King

    Pyongyang, September 9 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il received
a message of
greetings from Norodom Sihanouk, Combodian King, on September 4 on the
occasion of the
52nd anniversary of the foundation of the Democratic People's Republic of
    The message said that the people, parliament, government and royal
family of Cambodia
and he himself extend the warmest congratulations to the distinguished
leader Kim Jong Il on the
occasion of the 52nd anniversary of the DPRK.
    The message paid the warmest reverential homage to the most prominent
and eternal
President Generalissimo Kim Il Sung, the greatest hero in the Korean
history spanning
thousands of years, the liberator of Korea, the lodestar of Korea's
independence, the father of
the Korean nation and people.
    Kim Jong Il, the dignified successor to Kim Il Sung, has successfully
carried forward the
policies of defending the sovereignty of the country, developing the
economy and making social
progress and overall development of glorious. Korea, the message said, and
    The close relations of solidarity and good cooperation forged long ago
between the two
countries have been symbolic of successful and very valuable unbreakable
friendship existing
between us, and are permanent thanks to you, a respected man.
    We are firmly convinced that these valuable relations of fraternal
friendship and mutual
support would continue to strengthen in the future, too.

Floral basket to Kim Jong Il from Palestinian President

    Pyongyang, September 9 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il received
a floral basket
from Yasser Arafat, Palestinian President, on the occasion of the 52nd
anniversary of the
foundation of the DPRK.
    The floral basket was conveyed yesterday to Paek Nam Sun, Minister of
Foreign affairs, by
Shaher Mohammed Abdlah, Palestinian Ambassador E.P. to the DPRK.

Repatriation of unconverted long-term prisoners hailed abroad

    Pyongyang, September 9 (KCNA) -- Personages and organizations of
different countries
released statements warmly welcoming repatriation of unconverted long-term
    Thomas Oberbichler, chief of the Group for the Study of Works of
Comrade Kim Jong Il of
Austrian Communists, in his statement on Sept. 3 said the repatriation of
unconverted long-term
prisoners is entirely the fruition of the deep trust, benevolent affection
and warm love for them
shown by Kim Jong Il, General Secretary of the Worker's Party of Korea,
Chairman of the
DPRK National Defence Commission and Supreme Commander of the Korean
People's Army.
    The Tanzanian National Coordinating Committee of the Juche Idea Study
Groups on Sept.
2 released a statement saying that the repatriation gave a pleasure not
only to the Korean people
but also to the world people.
    The unconverted long-term prisoners could defend their revolutionary
faith and sense of
obligation as there is the fatherland guided by the respected Kim Jong Il,
the statement added.

Congratulatory message to Kim Jong Il from NDFSK

   Pyongyang, September 9 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il received a
congratulatory message from the central committee of the National
Democratic Front of South
Korea today, the 52nd anniversary of the foundation of the Democratic
People's Republic of
    Noting that the foundation of the DPRK was the solemn birth of the
great Kim Il Sung's
Korea and a new start of Kim Il Sung's nation, the message said:
    The DPRK's history of state building spanning 52 years is shining with
the august name of
the great sun.
    You have developed and enriched the Juche-oriented line of state
building, brightly
indicating the road of building a socialist state and strengthened and
developed the DPRK
government into a reliable defender of the sovereignty and dignity of the
country and the nation
with your great ability.
    It is also your immortal exploit in building a unified country that you
provided the historic
Pyongyang meeting in June for the first time in the history of the national
division and made
public the south-north joint declaration, a milestone of national
reunification, arousing all the
fellow countrymen to realize national reunification.

Congratulatory message to Kim Jong Il from Chongryon

    Pyongyang, September 9 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il received a
congratulatory message from the central standing committee of the General
Association of
Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon) today on the occasion of the 52nd
anniversary of the
foundation of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
    The foundation of the DPRK on September 9, Juche 37 (1948), was an
historical event and a great auspicious event that provided the Korean
residents in Japan with the
honor of being full-fledged overseas citizens of a sovereign and
independent state and with
national dignity, the message said, and continued:
    You have realized the cause of perpetuating the memory of the leader
which had never been
recorded in the history of the world revolution, performed immortal
revolutionary exploits with
his army-first leadership and turned the "arduous march" into a cheerful
march, breaking the
encirclement ring of the imperialist allied forces for the last 6 years of
the hardest trials ever since
the foundation of the DPRK.
    You put forward the compatriots of Chongryon as the proud masters who
undertake the
implementation of the north-south joint declaration and let them visit
their native places in South
Korea across the barrier of long-standing division.
    Now, your leadership over reunification is making compatriots' society
seethe with joy and

Film shows to greet 52nd DPRK birthday

    Pyongyang, September 9 (KCNA) -- Cinema houses in the capital city and
different parts of
the country are screening films showing superiority of the Korean socialist
system to celebrate
the 52nd anniversary of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
    Documentary films including "50th Anniversary of the DPRK" and "Under
the Guidance of
the Great Brilliant Commander" and feature films such as "the Birth of a
New Government,"
serials of "the Nation and Destiny" and "a Country I Saw" are now on show
in cinema houses in
    Cinema houses in Nampho, Sinuiju, Hamhung and other parts of the
country are projecting
on the screen many films including "Forest Sways," "My Country," "Kwan O's
Family Came
Back to Homeland."

DPRK team leaves for Olympiad

    Pyongyang, September 9 (KCNA) -- The DPRK sports team led by Yun Song Bom,
vice-chairman of the Physical Culture and Sports Guidance Commission, left
here today to
participate in the 27th Olympic games to be held in Sidney, Australia.
    It was seen off at the airport by Kim Jung Rin, secretary of the
Central Committee of the
Worker's Party of Korea, Ri Tong Ho, vice-chairman of the physical culture
and Sports
Guidance Commission, and Officials concerned.

Short course on Juche idea given in Britain

    Pyongyang, September 9 (KCNA) -- A short course on the Juche idea was
held by the
British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea and Works of Comrade Kim Jong
Il on Aug. 28
and 29.
    Lectures and symposiums on the famous work of the President Kim Il Sung
"On the
Occasion of the 30th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Worker's Party of
Korea" and the
celebrated work of General Secretary Kim Jong Il "On Some Problems on
Foundation of Socialism" were held at the course.

Kim Il Sung's immortal exploits for state building

   Pyongyang, September 9 (KCNA) -- Today is the 52nd anniversary of the
People's Republic of Korea.
    On the occasion of the anniversary all the servicemen of the Korean
People's Army,
working people from all walks of life, and school youth and children look
back with deep
emotion upon the immortal exploits of the great leader Kim Il Sung for
state building.
    From the first period when he embarked on the road of revolution he
paid deep attention to
solving the issue of the power and put forward the line of building the
Juche-oriented people's
power during the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle.
    The idea of this line was that the power should be a people's
revolutionary government
based on the alliance of workers and peasants led by the former and
dependent on the united
front of the broad anti-Japanese patriotic forces.
    After the liberation of the country Kim Il Sung laid down a policy of
developing the
people's power established in the stage of the anti-imperialist,
anti-feudal democratic revolution
into a power able to carry out the task of the socialist revolution through
democratic election.
    At that time the U.S. forces occupied the south of Korea and schemed to
hold separate
elections, pursuing military rule. Under this situation he called a joint
conference of
representatives of 56 political parties and public organizations in the
north and the south of
Korea in April Juche 37 (1948) to indicate tasks and ways for building a
unified central
government on democratic principles.
    And he set out the policy of founding the Democratic People's Republic
of Korea without
delay through a general election in the north and the south of Korea at a
consultative conference
of leaders of political parties and social organizations in the two parts
of Korea in June that year.

    Under his policy a general election of the north and south of Korea was
conducted in august
of the year to set up a supreme power body of the republic.
    In September of the year the constitution of the DPRK was adopted and
the DPRK
government was organized.
    Kim Il Sung was acclaimed as head of state and premier of the cabinet
of the DPRK by the
unanimous will and desire of all the Korean people at the first session of
the Supreme People's
    He proclaimed the foundation of the DPRK all over the world on September 9.
    With the birth of the DPRK the Korean people could become a dignified
people who were
independently hewing out their destinies as true masters of state and
society for the first time in
the nation's history and Korea could emerge proudly on the international
arena as a full-fledged
independent and sovereign state.

Congratulatory message to DPRK leaders from Chinese

    Pyongyang, September 9 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il together
with Kim
Yong Nam, President of the presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of
the DPRK, and
Hong Song Nam, premier of the cabinet, received a congratulatory message on
Sept. 8 from
Jiang Zemin, general secretary of the central committee of the Communist
Party of China,
President of the People's Republic of China and chairman of the Central
Military Commission,
Li Peng, chairman of the standing committee of the PRC National People's
Congress, and Zhu
Rongji, premier of the PRC State Council, on the occasion of the 52nd
anniversary of the
Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
    The message said:
    We, on behalf of the communist party, government and people of China, extend
wholehearted congratulations and best wishes to you and, through you, to
the workers' party,
government and fraternal people of Korea on the occasion of the 52nd
anniversary of the
    After the foundation of the DPRK 52 years ago, the Korean people became
the master of the
country and embarked on the brilliant road of building a new, socialist state.
    Under the correct leadership of the respected Kim Jong Il and the WPK,
the Korean people
are now working hard to greet the 55th anniversary of the WPK with good
continuously advancing the cause of building Korean socialism in
single-hearted unity and by
displaying the revolutionary spirit of self-reliance and strenuous efforts,
true to the behest of
President Kim Il Sung.
    The DPRK is actively developing the friendly relations with many
countries of the world,
pursuing its foreign policy of independence, peace and friendship.
    The successful inter-Korean summit, which produced affirmative results,
made an
important contribution to easing the situation of the Korean peninsula,
improving the
north-south relations and defending regional peace.
    As a friendly neighbor of Korea, we are sincerely rejoiced over all the
successes you
achieved in building the country, developing foreign relations and
accomplishing the cause of
national reunification and hope that you will continue to make fresh and
greater success in the
future, too.
    The traditional China-Korea friendship forged and cultivated by the
leaders of old
generation of the two countries has withstood the protracted ordeals and
taken its roots deep in
the hearts of the two peoples and it has a strong vitality.
    Kim Jong Il's successful China visit in may this year made a new and
contribution to further strengthening this friendship.
    The Chinese party, government and people greatly value the traditional
friendship and will do their utmost to continuously develop the friendly
and cooperative relations
between the two countries together with the Korean party, government and

Anniversary of WPK to be celebrated in Poland and Finland

    Pyongyang, September 9 (KCNA) -- An inaugural meeting of a polish
committee for celebrating the 52nd anniversary of the Democratic People's
Republic of Korea
and the 55th anniversary of the Worker's Party of Korea was held in Warsaw
on Sept. 1.
    The meeting discussed programs of significantly commemorating the 52nd DPRK
anniversary and the 55th WPK anniversary.
    The chairman of the central committee of the Poland-Korea Association
was elected
chairman of the preparatory committee.
    Meanwhile, a Finnish preparatory committee for celebrating the 55th
anniversary of the
WPK was formed in Helsinki on Sept. 4.
    The chairman of the Finland-Korea Association was elected chairman of
the preparatory

Wreaths laid before bust of Kang Kon

    Pyongyang, September 9 (KCNA) -- Wreaths were laid before the bust of
Kang Kon, a
communist revolutionary fighter, in the Revolutionary Martyrs' Cemetery on
Mt. Taesong
yesterday on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of his death.
    A wreath sent by General Secretary Kim Jong Il was seen before his bust.
    Present at the wreath-laying ceremony were Kim Il Chol, Yang Hyong Sop
and officials of
the party, armed forces and power organs, ministries and national
institutions, bereaved family
members and working people in the city.
    Wreaths were laid amidst the playing of the wreath-laying music in the
name of the Central
Committee of the Worker's Party of Korea, the Ministry of the People's
Armed Forces,
ministries and national institutions.
    Meanwhile, wreaths were laid before his statue in Sariwon in the name
of local party and
power organs, etc.

Aid equipment from UNICEF

    Pyongyang, September 9 (KCNA) -- The UNICEF provided the DPRK with aid
necessary to public health.
    A presentation ceremony was held here yesterday.
    The equipment was conveyed to Choe Chang Sik, vice-Minister of Public
Health, by Z.
Karim, acting representative of the office of the UNICEF in Korea.

Wreaths and floral baskets laid on occasion of 52nd anniversary of

    Pyongyang, September 9 (KCNA) -- Senior party and state officials, the
people's army
soldiers and working people yesterday laid wreaths at the Revolutionary
Martyrs' Cemetery on
Mt. Taesong and the Patriotic Martyrs' Cemetery and floral baskets at the
monument to victory
in the Fatherland Liberation War on the occasion of the 52nd anniversary of
the foundation of
the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
    Seen before the cemeteries were wreaths sent by General Secretary Kim
Jong Il.
    Present at the wreath-laying ceremony at the Revolutionary Martyrs'
Cemetery on Mt.
Taesong were Jo Myong Rok, Ri Ul Sol, Paek Hak Rim and others.
    Hong Song Nam, Kye Ung Thae, Yang Hyong Sop and others were present at the
wreath-laying ceremony at the Patriotic Martyrs' Cemetery.
    Wreaths were laid at the Revolutionary Martyrs' Cemetery on Mt. Taesong
in the name of
the Central Committee of the Worker's Party of Korea, the presidium of the
Supreme People's
Assembly and the cabinet of the DPRK.
    A wreath was laid in their joint name at the Patriotic Martyrs' Cemetery.
    Wreaths were also laid in the name of the Ministry of the People's
Armed Forces, working
people's organizations, commissions and ministries of the cabinet, national
institutions and units
of the KPA.
    Present at a ceremony for presenting floral baskets at the monument to
victory in the
Fatherland Liberation War were Jon Byong Ho, Kim Il Chol, Kim Jung Rin and
    A floral basket was laid in joint name of the central committee and the
Central Military
Commission of the Worker's Party of Korea and floral baskets in the name of
the Ministry of
the People's Armed Forces, working people's organizations, ministries and
national institutions.

U.S. unreasonable obstruction termed as anachronistic act

   Pyongyang, September 9 (KCNA) -- The Russian Foreign Ministry in a press
release on
September 6 said that U.S. obstructive moves against President Kim Yong Nam
of the
presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the Democratic People's
Republic of Korea and
his entourage are anachronistic.
    According to an Itar-tass report on September 7, Russian Foreign
Minister Igor Ivanov said
that the failure of the DPRK delegation to participate in the UN Millennium
Summit makes
complex diplomatic affairs of Russia and other countries difficult.
    Noting that the purpose of the summit was for the leaders of all the UN
member nations to
sit together to find solutions to the problems of the world's concern, he said.
    The Korean issue is one of acute problems.
    Therefore, we are convinced that if the DPRK delegation had
participated in the summit, we
would have made progress in the issue related to the situation of the
Korean peninsula.

KCNA on issue of Japan's redeem for its past

    Pyongyang, September 9 (KCNA) -- Japan was busy having summit meetings with
developing countries and arranging luncheons for them during the UN
Millennium Summit held
in New York. It was reportedly aimed to solicit support for its bid for the
membership of the UN Security Council.
    Is it possible for a country to sit on the UNSC if it begs for support
from someone or makes
a big contribution to the UN? The answer of the international society to
this is no.
    The UN is a world body whose objective is to protect global peace and
security. Therefore,
only a country, which had contributed to the global peace and security or
can do so, is entitled to
sit on the UNSC.
    As far as Japan is concerned, it is a war criminal state which imposed
disasters upon humankind and the only country which has not yet liquidated
its crime-woven
past though over 50 years have passed since World War II.
    But unlike Japan, Germany has already made an official state apology
for its war crimes and
decided to compensate not only those countries that fell victim to it but
individual victims. It has
already paid more than 60 billion dollars in compensation and plans to pay
over 16 billion
dollars more by 2030.
    Italy, too, apologized and compensated for its war crimes and Austria
and Hungary which
followed Germany during the war did the same.
    Germany and Italy could win back the confidence of the international
society as they were
bold enough to eradicate militarism and made sincere apology and
compensation after the war
and are now doing so.
    But Japan does not even admit its war crimes and employs this or that
trick to evade
apology and compensation to those states that fell victim to it, especially
to the Korean people,
its biggest victim.
    If Japan is to win the confidence of the international community it
should honestly redeem
its crime-woven past.
    Only then will Japan be qualified to make a bid for the permanent
membership of the UNSC
as a full-fledged member of the international community.
    Japan's liquidation of its past is a prerequisite for winning the
confidence of the
international community.

Papers observe 52nd anniversary of DPRK

   Pyongyang, September 9 (KCNA) -- Papers here today dedicate editorials
to the 52nd
anniversary of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea calling for more
vigorous endeavors
to achieve the prosperity of the DPRK and reunification of the country
single-heartedly united
around the great Kim Jong Il.
    An editorial of Rodong Sinmun says:
    The President Kim Il Sung founded the Democratic People's Republic of
Korea on
September 9, Juche 37 (1948). This was a historic event which enabled the
Korean people to
become a dignified nation of a sovereign and independent state after
getting rid of the miserable
fate of a ruined nation in the past.
    It was thanks to the clairvoyant wisdom, outstanding ideological and
theoretical activities
and energetic leadership of the President that the Juche-oriented cause of
founding a state was
successfully accomplished even under the difficult and complicated
situation where a new
society was built.
    He devoted his all to the strengthening and development of our
revolutionary power and the
prosperity of the country from the very day of its foundation to the last
moment of his life.
    The DPRK founded by the President has been steadily consolidated and
developed under
the wise leadership of the respected Kim Jong Il.
    It is the firm will of Kim Jong Il to retain a firm grip on the
government of the DPRK as a
powerful weapon of revolution and construction for successfully
accomplishing the
revolutionary cause of Juche.
    The DPRK led by him is a dignified state firmly defending the national
sovereignty under
any circumstance.
    This republic is an invulnerable socialist fortress in which every
field prospers and overall
national power steadily grows stronger.
    Kim Jong Il's army-first leadership of revolution is the most perfect
political mode in our
era that makes it possible to significantly increase the mighty of the DPRK.
    Rosy is the future of the DPRK vigorously forging ahead towards a
bright future under his
    It is the true picture of the DPRK to rush forward to building a
powerful nation overcoming
all difficulties under the slogan "Let's us always be cheerful although our
path is thorny "
    The editorial calls for building a powerful nation on this land under
the leadership of Kim
Jong Il.
    Minju Joson notes that the DPRK will more strikingly demonstrate its
dignity and honor as
it is dynamically advancing towards the hopeful 21st century under the
leadership of Kim Jong

DPRK will closely watch U.S. practical deed

    Pyongyang, September 9 (KCNA) -- The spokesman for the DPRK Foreign
Ministry today
issued a statement as regards an official apology made by the U.S. side for
its provocation
committed against the President of the presidium of the Supreme People's
Assembly of the
DPRK and his party en route to New York to participate in the UN Millennium
    The statement said:
    As already reported, the United States committed a provocation against
the President of the
presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK and his party on
transit at Frankfurt
to attend the UN Millennium Summit.
    This was an incident in which the sovereignty of state was seriously hurt.
    The DPRK values its sovereignty like its life and soul.
    Our delegation was not able to attend the summit allowing its
self-respect to be damaged and
strongly warned the U.S. that it would be entirely responsible for the
ensuing consequences.
    Our counter-measure in not time aroused deep understanding and sympathy
among the
international community, and the very abnormal act on the part of the U.S.
met deserved
    Meanwhile, U.S. authorities came out as one to ask the DPRK to show
understanding of
what happened in token of regret and apology, saying the incident in the
airport was nothing in
common with the stand of the U.S. government authorities.
    The U.S. State Secretary sent a letter to the DPRK to the effect that
the U.S. government
expresses deep concern over this incident, fully understands the
displeasure caused to the DPRK
side and assures it that this will not recur in the future.
    We pay attention to the official apology made by the U.S. side for this
    Taking note of the fact that the U.S. side, feeling responsibility for
the incident, made an
apology, we decided to follow the U.S. future practical deed.

Senior party and state officials pay homage to Kim Il Sung

    Pyongyang, September 9 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, Hong Song Nam, Jon Pyong Ho,
Han Song Ryong, Kye Ung Thae and other senior party and state officials
visited the Kumsusan
Memorial Palace to pay homage to the President Kim Il Sung today, the 52nd
anniversary of the
    Lining up before the President's statue was a guard of honor of the
three services of the
Korean People's Army.
    A floral basket was placed before his statue in the joint name of the
Central Committee of
the Worker's Party of Korea, the Central Military Commission of the WPK,
the National
Defence Commission of the DPRK, the presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's
and the DPRK cabinet.
    Senior party and state officials paid noble homage to the President's
    They went upstairs to make wholehearted reverential bows to him who
lies in state.
    They looked round orders and medals the President received from foreign
countries, his
portrait with bright smile and bronze relievos in the mourning hall, the
train he used for his
on-the-spot guidance and foreign trip and a car he used during the last
moments of his life.
    On the same day, officials of organs at all levels and working people
from all walks of life
in the city visited the Kumsusan Memorial Palace.
    The commanding officers and soldiers of the three services of the KPA
visited the palace to
make bows to him.
    Today, the palace was visited by Jo Myong Rok, director of the general
political department
of the KPA, Kim Il Chol, Minister of the People's Armed Forces, Ri Ul Sol,
marshal of the
KPA, vice marshals, generals and soldiers of the KPA.
    The diplomatic corps and the military attaches corps here and the
Liaoning provincial
friendship delegation of China visited the palace to pay respects to Kim Il
    Among visitors to the palace were overseas compatriots and the chief of
the Pyongyang
mission of the National Democratic Front of South Korea.

Floral baskets laid before statues of Kim Il Sung

    Pyongyang, September 9 (KCNA) -- Soldiers of the people's army, working
people across
the country and members of the Pyongyang mission of the National Democratic
Front of South
Korea laid floral baskets before the statues of the President Kim Il Sung
today, the 52nd
anniversary of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
    Seen at his statue on Mansu Hill in Pyongyang was a floral basket sent
by General
Secretary Kim Jong Il.
    Floral baskets, bouquets and flowers were laid before his statue in the
name of the party,
armed forces and power organs, public organizations, ministries, national
institutions, KPA
units, organs of science, education, culture and art, public health and the
press, factories,
enterprises and farms.
    A floral basket was laid in the name of the Pyongyang mission of the NDFSK.
    Floral baskets, bouquets and flowers were laid before his statues at
Kim Il Sung
University, Kim Il Sung Military University, the Ministry of People's
Security, the Korean Film
Studio and other places of the city.
    KPA soldiers, working people and school youth and children across the
country visited his
statues in their residential quarters to present floral baskets, bouquets
and flowers.
    Meanwhile, the foreign diplomatic corps, the military attaches' corps,
overseas compatriots
and unconverted long-term prisoners with strong faith and will laid floral
baskets before the
statue of the President on Mansu Hill today.


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