>From: "CPI(ML) LIberation" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Message of Solidarity to S-11 protest in Melbourne
>Dear  Comrades,
>Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist)-Liberation wholeheartedly
>supports the S-11 resolve to organize mass protest against the World
>Economic Forum meeting to be held at Crown Casino, Melbourne. It is very
>heartening to note that despite the right-winger student union
>leadership the majority of university students have decided to join the
>protest movement. And similarly, despite capitulation by several
>opportunist trade union bosses, workers who have been made to bear the
>brunt of policies of liberalization and globalization dictated by the
>International Monetary Fund-World Bank-World Trade Organisation trio,
>are coming in the van of this struggle. In India too the workers and the
>students are two organized strata that are hit hardest by the new
>economic policies pursued by the ruling classes at the behest of
>imperialist agencies of global domination. Whereas the incidence of
>unemployment and job insecurity has increased manifold, the prices of
>essential commodities are soaring making the living of the poor harder.
>The toilers, especially peasants are committing suicides or selling
>their kidney to survive. On the other hand the policy of privatization
>of education has resulted in increase in tuition and other fees around
>tenfold in one go in several universities. Workers and students in India
>have taken to warpath in several states and soon the whole unrest may
>crystallize in an unprecedented upheaval. We sincerely hope that the
>protest movement in Melbourne against World Economic Forum would not
>only become a landmark in people’s struggle against the imperialist
>attempt to subjugate humanity, it will serve as a source of inspiration
>as well as an example of resistance worth emulating to us who are
>fighting a common battle against imperialism to safeguard our national
>sovereignty on the one hand and to change the exploitative system for
>the benefit of working class, agrarian laborers and other toiling people
>on the other. We heartily wish resounding success to the S-11 movement
>and express our militant solidarity with the fighting people.
>Warm Internationalist Soliudarity  Greetings,
>Comradely yours,
>Incharge, International Department
>CPI(ML) Liberation


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