>Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2000 22:35:50 -0400
>From: "S.C. 7 !" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Dear human right supporters,
>This is a call from a country where security forces demonstrate against
>human rights just after extra-juridical executions, where mothers of
>disappeared people are beaten and detained every Saturday for their peaceful
>actions, where a great range of people faced torture at least once... I call
>out from Turkey.
>Sufferings have not come to an end in prisons for a long time. It is my
>chief concern since I am a political prisonerķs parent. I am one of those
>painful mothers and fathers waiting in front of prisons day and night. We do
>so, because we are deeply concerned about the lives of our children. It was
>last year, I remember, 26th of September, when 10 prisoners were murdered in
>Ankara Ulucanlar Prison directly by security forces. I did run across the
>hospitals just to know if my son/daughter is alive or dead.
>Nowadays our concerns and sufferings have been doubled. The government is
>running the construction of F-type prisons, particularly for political
>prisoners. F-type is a special regime of individual and/or small group
>isolation. Several times we tried go Ankara in order to discuss the subject
>and tell our concerns with to the authorities. In each case we were
>repressed brutally.
>Dear human right supporters,
>In F-type prisons, prisoners shall stay alone or three persons in isolation
>cells. These new prisons have been constructed on the Article 16 of
>Anti-Terror Law which says: ģ The sentences of those convicted under the
>provisions of this law will be served in special penal institutions built on
>a system of rooms constructed for one three people. (...) Convicted
>prisoners will not be permitted contact and communication with other
>convicted prisoners.ī
>Well, as far as I know, whatever he or she had done, every person should
>serve his or her sentence under equal conditions. This is a basic
>requirement of civil law based on human rights. In just the same way ģ
>Standart Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisonersī have been determined
>in detail by United Nations: ģ The following rules shall be applied
>impartially. There shall be no discrimination on the ground of race, colour,
>sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social
>origin, property, birth or other status.ī However, the mentioned article of
>Anti-Terror Law is obviously discriminative.
>What makes we most frightened is the phrase that says ģ the convicted
>prisoners will not  be permitted contact or communication with other
>convicted prisoners.ī The spokesman  of Ministry of Justice claim F-type
>prisons are not composed of ģcellsī , but of ģroomsī. In order to support
>their claim, they further say that sport rooms, libraries and ateliers have
>also been constructed in prisons. However, the Anti-Terror Laws says ģno
>contact, no communicationī. How shall prisoners sport, read and work without
>any contact and relation? The point is also mentioned by the European
>Committee for the Prevention of Torture in the 23.02.1999 dated report
>presented to Turkish Government: ģIt is imperative for prisoners in Turkey
>to the accompanied measures to ensure that prisoners spend a reasonable part
>of the day engaged in purposeful activities outside their living unit.
>Indeed, the effects of the current almost total absence of any organised
>programme of activities for prisoners would be felt even more keenly in
>activities for prisoners, the introduction of smaller living units will
>almost certainly cause more problems than it solvesī.
>Dear human right supporters,
>I see in no way persuasive what the authorities have been telling. I,
>frankly to say, do not trust them. Hundreds of prisoners died in those
>prisons under their control, since ill-treatment, hunger strikes, medical
>problems, torture and repression. I believe that my son/daughter will suffer
>of isolation in F-type prisons. Isolation is certainly an extra-sentence
>during the serving of sentence. As human beings our nature is in need of
>other human beings, to be heard and seen by them.
>Consequently, I tell all these to inform you. That, you can tell also other
>people. Since we could not have any respond to our appeals from the
>authorities, now we need your support and solidarity.  We ask you to try to
>make pressure on Turkish authorities through the ways you prefer. Perhaps,
>these attempts may remind them the universal principles and international
>documents of human rights.
>                                   Mother of a revolutionary prisoner
>p.s. : please send this e-mail to the democratic, socialist, communist,
>anti-fashist, greenist people, parties, associations, founds for helping us.
>Thanks from now.
>Take care of you
>We are right, we will fight, we will win
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