>Autumn 2000
>In Russia another, but, it would appear, far from calm, autumn has arrived.
>The events taking place in the south of the country provide evidence that
>the light-hearted flirtation of the proletariat with the authorities is
>drawing to a close.
>The workers of Astrakhan, not wanting to live next to the 'gas-chamber'
>Gazprom, took to the streets. The demonstrators made for the Governor, as
>their grandfathers had made for the palace of 'Saint Nicholas the Bloody.'
>(Yes folks, the Russian orthodox church recently canonized Tsar Nicholas II,
>along with quite a number of other vermin! [P.V.]) We remember how that
>demonstration ended; the 'tsar-father' did not come out to meet the people
>and the workers of St. Petersburg were met instead with guns and bayonets.
>This time, so far, the bullets haven't whistled into the ranks of the
>workers; though the Astrakhan workers have been unable to see 'their
>Governor.' He has refused to meet with the people. His Excellency turns out
>to be a political eunuch. Like in the popular song; he saw nothing, heard
>nothing, and said nothing to anyone. But we don't think that the governor is
>blind and deaf. For then we would simply feel human sympathy for him, and,
>perhaps, pass the hat to make a collection for the treatment of his
>Excellency the Governor. But this is not a question of a sick governor; he
>is as healthy as a the buffalo Mesa in the Kipling story, in contrast to
>many, many of those standing in the square demanding his appearance!
>Think of it, people sick with cancer, tuberculosis and other terrible
>diseases, stood in front of the palace windows to await Guzhvin, while at
>the same time, the was hiding his pudgy penguin-shaped body behind the stone
>walls of the regional administration building. I am afraid that pretty soon,
>they will start to say that he was not hiding, but that, at the very moment
>that the workers were standing outside the windows of his state mansion, he
>was deciding the most important problems, or even was busy with the question
>of the mass poisoning of the workers by the experimenters at Gazprom. Don't
>believe it for a second.
>It is completely unimportant why the Governor did not come to see the
>workers! What is important is that he did not come! What's the difference
>whether Guzhvin was sitting with his ass to the demonstrators, or whether he
>was peeking through the curtains observing the crowd, like a schoolboy
>spying through some crack on an amorous young couple. Though if he was
>peeking, he could hardly have experienced a proper orgasm. But to hell with
>him. After these events, we can speak more or less calmly about Guzhvin, for
>he is a thing of the past. He certainly has no future.
>What's important is something else. It doesn't matter that we didn't get an
>intelligible answer, only the senseless mumblings of the authorities; what
>we did get was an avalanche which blocked the arterial road, the lifeblood
>of Gazprom, halting entire convoys of trucks, an avalanche of the workers
>own bodies. The struggle continues!
>The workers of Astrakhan are making history. In the two years which have
>passed since the Samara strike, it as if the country were covered in a
>cloudy, super-dense democratic wrap. Yet, under this wrap the proletariat
>could be detected, like a phoenix rising from the ashes. Behind the
>democratic, theatrical scenery which had been set up, Russia heard the roar
>of events on a quite different scale. The Russian workers have been stolen
>from, starved and poisoned, they have moved beyond all illusions in
>Yeltsin's Russia, beyond the falsity and lies of the authorities, and are
>once again ready to make the greatest sacrifices and unprecedented efforts.
>There is the beginning of a new storm in Anzherk and Astrakhan!
>Our task is to support these elements, as they start to rage, with all the
>means at our disposal!
>Hail the New Proletarian Revolution!
>All Power to the Stachkoms
>With Proletarian Greetings,
>Mikhail K.
>E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    ICQ#42743890


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