70 years of Nghe Tinh Soviet marked

 A meeting was held at the memorial area of the Nha Rong Wharf, Ho Chi
 Minh City on September 10, marking the 70th anniversary of Nghe Tinh
 Soviet, September 12, 1930 - September 12, 2000.

 Representatives from the city's Party Committee, People's Committee and
 the Fatherland Front and Nghe Tinh fellow-countrymen in Ho Chi Minh City
 attended the meeting.

 After an incense offering ceremony, revolutionary veterans reviewed the
 heroic tradition of the Nghe Tinh Soviet. Also on this occasion, Nghe
 Tinh fellow-countrymen promised that they would do their best to be
 worthy of being citizens of Ho Chi Minh City.

 A song and dance performance was organised for the occasion.

                  Vietnam, Russia sign co-operation deals

   Vietnam and Russia signed four co-operation agreements at the witness
 of Vietnamese Prime Minister Phan Van Khai and his Russian counterpart M
 Kasyanov in Moscow on September 11.

 These include an agreement between the Vietnamese government and the
 Russian government on principles for co-operation between Vietnam's local
 administrations and Russia's executive authorities; an agreement on
 co-operation in plant quarantine and protection between the two
 governments; a contract on the exploitation of gas in lot 112 and a
 co-operation agreement between the Vietnam Foreign Trade Bank and the
 Russian Foreign Economic Relations Bank.

 After the signing ceremony, the two prime ministers met Russian and
 foreign reporters in Moscow. The two prime ministers expressed their
 satisfaction and optimism at the encouraging development in the
 comprehensive ties between Vietnam and Russia. The Russian prime minister
 stressed the important co-operative ties between the two governments and
 peoples. Prime minister Phan Van Khai said that the purpose of his visit
 was to further boost ties between the two countries, especially in the
 fields where the two countries have potentials. In the future, the two
 countries would promote their bilateral relations through many measures,
 including the promotion of barter trade, contacts between businesses and
 co-operation between the two countries' localities.


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