>From: Rick Rozoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [STOPNATO.ORG.UK] Scott Ritter: Reports of Iraqi Missile Threat
>Reports of Iraqi Missile Threat Are Greatly
>Scott Ritter
>Wednesday, September 14, 2000
>San Francisco Chronicle
>THE PENTAGON'S DECISION to place a Patriot missile
>battery on a heightened state of alert for deployment
>to Israel underscores the effort by the United States
>and others to create the perception of an imminent
>threat from an Iraqi ballistic missile. It doesn't
>seem to matter to the Pentagon that the Israeli Prime
>Minister himself downplays the Iraqi missile threat as
>In the nearly 20 months since U.N. weapons inspectors
>were last on the job in Iraq, there has been no
>shortage of speculation on what has transpired inside
>Iraq's weapons factories. Richard Butler, the former
>executive chairman of the now-defunct United Nations
>Special Commission (UNSCOM), has been at the forefront
>of those charging that Iraq is actively rearming.
>One of Ambassador Butler's favorite themes has been
>that ``Saddam Hussein is back in the business of
>making long-range missiles.'' The Pentagon's
>announcement appears perfectly constructed to play
>along with this theme.
>This is not the first time the United States has hyped
>an ``imminent'' threat from Iraqi missiles. This past
>summer, the CIA reported that its satellites picked up
>evidence that Iraq had resumed flight testing of the
>Al-Samoud missile. Even though the Al-Samoud has a
>range of less than 150 kilometers and is permitted
>under U.N. resolutions, the CIA highlighted these
>tests as proof that Iraq had more nefarious plans for
>long-range missiles.
>The United States has not been alone in ``exposing''
>the threat from Baghdad. In a rare public statement
>earlier this month, the German Bundesnachrichtendienst
>(BND) Intelligence Service confirmed a report that its
>agents had located a ``secret Iraqi missile factory
>near Baghdad,'' the Al Mamoun factory, which produces
>solid- fuel missiles known as the Ababil-100.
>Although the Ababil-100, like the Al-Samoud, possesses
>a range less than 150 kilometers, the BND cited this
>latest discovery as clear evidence that Saddam Hussein
>has continued to build up his arsenal.
>Given that inspectors have not been on the job for
>some time now, such information, on the surface, would
>seem compelling. But the reality is much different.
>Contrary to the BND report, the Al-Mamoun factory was
>well known to UNSCOM missile inspectors. Like the rest
>of the Iraqi weapons production infrastruc ture, the
>Al Mamoun factory had been under continuous monitoring
>UNSCOM since 1993. The ``secret'' Ababil-100 missile
>project had in fact been declared to UNSCOM by Iraq in
>the spring of 1998. UNSCOM inspectors never felt that
>the Ababil-100 missile represented anything close to a
>viable project, let alone the potential threat to
>German cities that the BND report made it out to be.
>Why would the Germans publish such a report at this
>time? The answer lies in the current effort by
>UNSCOM's successor organization, the United Nations
>Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission
>(UNMOVIC) to send inspectors back into Iraq. Iraq has
>made it clear that it rejects such inspections, and
>the Security Council is bracing itself for yet another
>confrontation. A report such as the one put out by the
>BND will play a prominent role in any discussion
>concerning Iraq's refusal to accept the UNMOVIC
>inspectors, and it closely parallels the CIA reports
>of the past summer and complements the recent Pentagon
>announcement on the Patriot missiles.
>Given the lack of substance behind the reports from
>the CIA, BND and the Pentagon, one couldn't help but
>conclude that these reports are part of an overall cam
>paign of disinformation designed to continue
>demonizing and isolating Iraq. Such disinformation
>campaigns have long been associated with the effort to
>contain Iraq through the continued economic sanctions.
>In this regard, the key issue isn't the truth about
>Iraq's weapons of mass destruction, but rather the
>perception, however incorrect, of the threat such
>weapons pose in the hands of Iraq.
>The continuation of economic sanctions, which have
>resulted in the deaths of some 1.5 million innocent
>Iraqi civilians, hinges on the issue of Iraq's weapons
>of mass destruction. It is high time that this issue
>be debated on the basis of fact, not fiction.
>By spreading such misleading and inaccurate reports,
>the United States and Germany have thrown away the
>credibility that comes by embracing the truth, and
>instead have surrounded themselves with a bodyguard of
>lies. Given the enormity of the tragedy unfolding in
>Iraq today, the citizens of these two great
>democracies deserve, and should demand, better.
>Scott Ritter, the author of ``Endgame'' (Simon &
>Schuster, 1999), was a U.N. weapons inspector in Iraq.
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