

>Agricultural achievements reviewed The average year-on-year increase of 1.1
>million tonnes in Vietnam's food production output in recent years is the most
>outstanding achievement of the agricultural sector during the renovation
>process. The figures were highlighted by Minister of Agriculture and Rural
>Development Le Huy Ngo at the first Patriotic Emulation Congress of the
>agriculture and rural development sector held in Hanoi on September 13 and 14.
>In spite of heavy natural calamities in 1999, the country's food output
>reached 34.2 million tonnes in the year, 1.9 times of the 1985 figure,
>reported the congress. Speaking at the event, Party General Secretary Le Kha
>Phieu appreciated the farmers' role in the struggle for national independence
>and construction, especially in the current renovation process. He stressed
>that the Party and State have always attached importance to farmers and
>agriculture - the first front in the national renovation and construction at
>present. The agriculture and rural development sector was awarded the Golden
>Star Order and the Ho Chi Minh Order by the Vietnamese State. The congress was
>also attended by Vice State President Nguyen Thi Binh, Deputy Prime Minister
>Nguyen Cong Tan and General Vo Nguyen Giap. Emulation movements in
>agricultural production have been launched and developed vigorously in recent
>years. They urged farming households to get involved in production, hunger
>eradication and poverty reduction, reforestation of barren land and bare
>hills, irrigation development, dyke reinforcement, rural construction and
>development and co-operative renovation. The movements have helped boost
>production and create new conditions for restructure in agriculture and rural
>areas. In addition, Vietnam's output of coffee increased by 40 times; rubber,
>4.5 times; and tea, two times; and the quantities of cattle and poultry have
>constantly increased over the past 25 years. Many scientific innovations have
>been successfully applied in agriculture. A wide variety of hybrid rice,
>plants and animals have been put into production and brought about high
>quality and productivity. Several large zones have been set up to produce
>rice, coffee, rubber, cashew nuts, tea, pepper, sugarcane, mulberries and
>other fruit. The country earned US $3.2 billion from exportation of farm
>products in 1999, or 10 fold increase over the 1985 figure. The country has
>seen dramatic changes in its forestry. The State-run forest farms have changed
>from exploiting natural forests to protecting and developing forest
>plantations in co-operation with people, growing forests, processing timber,
>planting material forests along with promoting processing industry. Under
>various national forest planting programmes, the country has planted 1.5
>million hectares of concentrated forests and regenerated 2.5 million hectares
>of forests over the past ten years. It has also reduced the number of forest
>destruction cases, bringing the forest coverage to 33% at present from 28% in
>1993. Many ethnic minority people have gained stable jobs and high income
>thanks to forest planting and protecting programmes. Irrigation has always
>been the top priority in agricultural production. At present, the country has
>75 large, medium and small-sized irrigation systems, 743 reservoirs, more than
>1,000 dams, 2,000 pumping stations capable of irrigating three million
>hectares of cultivated land. As many as 7,700 kilometres of sea and river dyke
>and thousands kilometres of embankments in the Mekong Delta are playing an
>important role in protecting agricultural production and people's life. A
>number of large irrigation works such as Thach Nham, Azun Ha and Nam Thach Han
>were put into use and many others have been upgraded. Economic structure in
>many rural areas has been improved along the development of industry and
>services. A number of agro-forestry processing plants have been built and
>upgraded in the past decade. More than 1,000 traditional craft villages have
>been restored and developed, providing jobs and increased income for around 10
>million work hands in rural areas. Rural infrastructure facilities in the
>country have been upgraded with more than 70% of households have access to
>electricity and 36% of rural people, to clean water. Among rural communes, 95%
>have access to rural roads; 99.8%, schools; 98%, clinics; and 80%, telephones.
>New economic mechanisms have been diversified and developed in agricultural
>production. As many as 5,700 co-operatives changed their business structures
>and more than 1,300 others were newly set up under the current Co-operative
>Law. (VNA)


Tribunal sector.

           President Tran Duc Luong with tribunal sector's staff.

 A ceremony was held in Hanoi on September 13 to mark the 55th anniversary
 of Vietnam's tribunal sector.

 At the ceremony, Mr Trinh Hong Duong, president of the People's Supreme
 Court, reviewed the 55 year development history of Vietnam's tribunal
 sector, stressing that on September 13, 1945, President Ho Chi Minh
 signed a decree to set up the military courts with the tasks of judging
 those who did harm to independence of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam,
 marking the establishment of Vietnam's tribunal sector. The newly
 established courts made great contributions to suppressing counter
 revolutionaries, who were working hand in glove with the French
 colonialists to restore the yoke of slavery on the Vietnamese people.
 Over the past 55 years, the Vietnamese tribunal sector has made a great
 contribution to the national revolution. It has followed closely with the
 Party's and State's policies at each concrete revolutionary junction and
 served effectively the political tasks of the Party and State. The sector
 has completed all the tasks assigned by the State and people.

 Mr Duong emphasised the tribunal sector's determination to create a new
 atmosphere to overcome all difficulties, take measure to overcome
 weaknesses and shortcomings so as to complete all the tasks, being worthy
 with the Party's and people's confidence.

 Addressing at the ceremony, President Tran Duc Luong praised the
 achievements of the tribunal sector over the past 55 years. He asked the
 cadres of the sector to overcome the shortcomings so as to be further
 worthy of the trust of the Party, State and people.


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