>From: Rick Rozoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [STOPNATO.ORG.UK] Fresh From U.S. Tour, CIA Gangster Launches '
>[It's clear that Madeleine Albright, Bill Clinton, Al
>Gore, at whose nominating convention Thaci was greeted
>as a guest of honor, UNMIK's autocrat Bernard
>Kouchner, and now OSCE's Daan Everts have already cast
>their votes. Proposed campaign slogan: Vote For Me Or
>Former Guerrilla Leader Thaci Launches Kosovo Election
>PRISTINA, Sep 14, 2000 -- (Agence France Presse) The
>former political leader of the Kosovo Liberation Army
>(KLA) launched his party's campaign for Kosovo's first
>post-war municipal elections Wednesday with a upbeat
>Thousands of supporters of Hashim Thaci's Democratic
>Party of Kosovo (PDK) packed Pristina's university
>sports hall to mark the official start of the 45-day
>buildup the poll, an AFP correspondent at the scene
>"I greet you, dear friends, on this very important day
>in the history of Kosovo, which marks the opening of
>the election campaign, the day when for the first time
>Kosovo is preparing for free and democratic
>elections," Thaci said.
>"You are the liberators of Kosovo and it is you who
>will decide Kosovo's future," he declared, "It's you
>who will build a free and independent Kosovo ... you
>will integrate Kosovo with western Europe."
>October 28 will see the first elections to be held in
>Kosovo since the United Nations took over the running
>of the province in June last year after the end of a
>civil war between Thaci's KLA and Yugoslav forces.
>The Organization for Security and Cooperation in
>Europe was charged by the UN mission in Kosovo with
>organizing the poll, and the head of the mission, Daan
>Everts, took the opportunity of the rally to address
>its supporters.
>"It's very special to here today with a party that is
>so proud of its origins," Everts said.
>"This party holds the key to the future of Kosovo, but
>it does not do so alone. Together with other parties
>you will open the door on a new era for Kosovo, an era
>of multiparty democracy."
>"The entire world is watching you," he warned, before
>switching from English into Albanian to urge the crowd
>to "show the world that Kosovo is ready to pass the
>democratic test."
>The trumphant crowd cheered all the speakers at the
>packed rally and was so large it spilled out into the
>streets outside, with up to 6,000 mainly young
>supporters waving Albanian banners and chanting
>Thaci's name.
>In the hall the climaax of the celebrations was the
>appearance on stage of a young woman in a camouflage
>KLA uniform, who sang a song in honor of Adem Jashari,
>the guerrilla movement's most famous martyr. ((c) 2000
>Agence France Presse)
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