----- Original Message -----
From: Walter Lippmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2000 6:02 AM
Subject: [CubaNews] Mumia Greets Cuban Delegation

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On behalf of the committee to welcome the Cuban delegation
to the Millennium summit and their supporters in various
communities, we say, "Bienvenidos mis amigos de Cuba.

We welcome his Excellency el Presidente Fidel Castro,
members of the honored Cuban delegation, and the members of
the welcoming committee that organized this event and made
it possible. Bien venidos. We welcome you to the historic
Riverside Church of Harlem.

This is an important moment of history. For as the late
revered Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, "Nothing can stop
an idea whose time has come."

It is time for us all to recognize the futility of the
blockade that continues to stifle Cuban economic life. In a
time when the watchword on every major politician's lips is
"free trade," how can such a thing as the blockade, a naked
restraint of trade if ever there was one, be maintained?

It is an anachronism, a rusty tool of the Cold War era, due
for storage in a dusty museum of another century. It should
be joined by the Cuban Adjustment Act, another Cold War
relic of another age, another time. If lawmakers were
honest, it would be called the Cuban Destruction Act, for it
lures poor and desperate people into the shark-infested,
treacherous water of the Florida Keys.

Every empire in the world has acted like an economic magnet
for poor people on the periphery. But it is inhumane to set
up a system that treats their survival like a deadly
obstacle course.

Like the blockade, the so-called Cuban Adjustment Act
punishes free trade and also forbids free travel by
Americans to that island just 90 miles offshore. It too is
an idea whose time has past.

We gather today to join our voices to the swelling chorus of
millions calling for an end to the blockade, repeal of Helms-
Burton, an end to the travel ban. The recent American media
fever over Elian has provided an invaluable opening for
those like the late Philadelphia activist Bob Simpson who
wanted to bring some sanity to an American-born policy that
is muddled in madness.

Take heart, for madness cannot last forever. even the most
raging fever will break. You are all the breath of fresh air
that is signaling the return of sanity to Cuban-U.S.
relations. So again, Bien-venidos, we welcome you.

We also want to thank you for your continuing resistance to
the empire, for four decades of remaining true to the
revolution; for building a system where education is a
fundamental human right; for aiding in the long and arduous
fight to free South Africa from the obscenity called
apartheid; for providing a home for fugitives from the
prison house of nations, like Assata Shakur, like Mahanda,
like the late Dr. Huey P. Newton and briefly Eldridge
Cleaver. We thank you and we welcome you to Riverside.

Ona Move!

Viva Fidel!

Viva la revolucíon!

Viva John Africa!

>From death row,

this is Mumia Abu-Jamal.

September 6, 2000

- END -
Reprinted from the Sept. 21, 2000
issue of Workers World newspaper

(Copyleft Workers World Service: Everyone is permitted to
copy and distribute verbatim copies of this document, but
changing it is not allowed. For more information contact
Workers World, 55 W. 17 St., NY, NY 10011; via e-mail:
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