
                      Seminar on Nepal-China Relations Held in Nepal

                       A one-day seminar on Nepal-China relations was held
                       in Kathmandu Monday with the purpose of enhancing
                       mutual understanding between the two peoples and
                       promoting constant development of bilateral ties.

                       Speaking on the occasion, former Nepali Prime
                       Minister and senior leader of the ruling Nepali
                       Congress party Sher Deuba said Nepal-China
                       friendship, which can be dated back hundreds of
                       years, has seen even faster development since the two
                       countries established diplomatic relations in 1955.

                       "As close neighbors, we don't have any outstanding
                       issues between us, nor do we have border disputes,"
                       said Deuba.

                       Deuba expressed appreciation for China's enormous
                       economic aid to Nepal's development and hoped that
                       the cordial relations between the two countries will
                       continue and economic, social and cultural
                       cooperation will be further increased in the new

                       Zeng Xuyong, Chinese ambassador to Nepal, said the
                       past 45 years since the establishment of diplomatic
                       relations between China and Nepal has witnessed
                       sustained, stable and sound development of the
                       traditional friendship and friendly cooperation
                       between the two countries on the basis of the Five
                       Principles of Peaceful Coexistence.

                       "Our relations have stood up to the test of the
                       changing international situation and become a model
                       of good-neighborly friendship," said Zeng.

                       "Facts proved that China-Nepal friendship not only
                       conforms with the fundamental interests of the two
                       peoples, but is also conducive to peace and stability
                       in the region," he said.

                       The Chinese ambassador believes that China and Nepal
                       should further strengthen their close cooperation and
                       mutual support in international and regional affairs,
                       so as to safeguard their own independence and
                       sovereignty as well as world peace.

                       About 100 people, including officials and academics
                       from both Nepal and China and foreign diplomats
                       stationed in Nepal, attended the seminar organized by
                       China Study Center, a non-governmental organization
                       committed to promoting China-Nepal friendship.


                       Top Chinese Legislator Supports Sino-Russian Ties

                       Top Chinese legislator Li Peng said Monday that China
                       and Russia should make concerted efforts to further
                       promote bilateral economic, trade and cultural

                       Li, chairman of the Standing Committee of China's
                       National People's Congress, made the remarks at a
                       meeting with Yevgeny Nazdratenko, governor of
                       Primorsky Territory.

                       Li said Vladivostok, located near northeastern
                       China's Heilongjiang and Jilin provinces, has played
                       an important role in helping the two countries
                       develop economic and social ties.

                       While expressing thanks for the hospitality rendered
                       by the government and legislature of the Primorsky
                       Territory, Li said the two countries can expect to
                       continue friendly relations for generations to come.

                       He also said the Sino-Russian strategic partnership
                       serves the fundamental interests of both countries
                       and their peoples.

                       Nazdratenko said Russia and China's decision to
                       establish a strategic partnership has been a historic
                       one. He described the partnership as conducive to
                       regional and global peace and stability as well as to
                       progress towards a multi-polar world.

                       Nazdratenko said the friendly ties and economic
                       cooperation between the two countries are reflected
                       by the positive collaboration between the Primorsky
                       Territory and China's Heilongjiang and Jilin

                       Vladivostok is the final stop of Li's nine-day
                       official visit to Russia. Earlier he visited
                       Novosibirsk and Moscow.



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