PM's Russia visit appreciated by hosts

The Russian Foreign Ministry expressed high appreciation for Vietnamese
Prime Minister Phan Van Khai's five-day official visit to the Russian
Federation. The ministry in its communique released on September 14, said
that the visit affirmed the two countries' wish to further strengthen
comprehensive partnership for mutual benefit in the spirit of strategic

Accelerating the implementation of documents recently signed in Moscow will
contribute to reaching the co-operation target set by the two countries,
the communique said, adding that co-operative relations between Russia and
Vietnam have been built on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. (VNA)

                                    PM Visits Bulgaria

Prime Minister Phan Van Khai and his wife left Minsk for Varna on September
16, successfully concluding his three-day
visit to Belarus and starting his three-day visit to Bulgaria at the
invitation of his Bulgarian counterpart, Ivan Kostov.

Varna is Bulgaria's biggest port city, about 800 kilometres from the
capital, Sophia. It is also a big economic and tourist
centre where a thermo-electric power plant has consumed millions of tonnes
of coal from Vietnam in the past few years.

In the past, the city served as the entrepot where Bulgaria's goods and
medicines in support of the Vietnamese struggle for
national independence were transferred to Vietnam.

The prime minister and his wife visited the Varna Municipal Administration
where they were warmly welcomed by the city's
authorities. Prime Minister Khai wrote in the municipal golden book: "The
Vietnamese government delegation is happy to
visit the beautiful and hospitable port city of Varna, a city of long
tradition and rich potentials in industry, agriculture,
tourism and having a close and traditional relationship with the Vietnamese

He wished the Varna people happiness and prosperity and the city's
authorities success in building and developing the city.

The prime minister and his wife left Varna for the capital city of Sophia
on September 17.


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