>Taiwan Leader Making "Dangerous Option": Magazine
>The latest issue of the Beijing-based magazine Cross-Straits Relations carried
>an article accusing the Taiwan leader of making a "dangerous option" with his
>recent separatist remarks.
>On August 17 and August 28, the Taiwan leader repeated his statement that
>reunification is not the only option for Taiwan, and on September 1, he
>stressed that there are two, three or even an indefinite number of options for
>the future of Taiwan, according to the article.
>These remarks have drawn serious attention from in and outside Taiwan and the
>public opinions put it that the claim that reunification is not the only
>option means that "Taiwan independence" is also one of the options, which may
>bring about "unmanageable danger," the article says.
>While the one-China principle is being accepted by more and more people in
>Taiwan, the Taiwan leader's option is that one China can not be regarded as a
>principle and could only be made a topic and an issue to be "dealt with in the
>future," it says.
>It also accuses the Taiwan leader of denying the consensus on the one-China
>principle reached by the two sides of the Taiwan Straits in 1992.
>The article points out that in fact, the Taiwan leader is refusing to accept
>the one-China principle and resisting the reunification between the two sides.
>The article blames the Taiwan leader for his activities to prevent Taiwan
>business people from investing in the mainland, blocking direct trade, mail
>and transport services across the straits, delaying the stationing of mainland
>journalists in Taiwan, sabotaging inter-city exchanges between Kaohsiung of
>Taiwan and Xiamen of the mainland, turning a deaf ear to the August 28
>announcement by a Taiwan-based party to establish the so-called "temporary
>government of the Taiwan State."
>On the current military policies of the Taiwan leader, the article notes that
>some people in Taiwan have feared that his pro-independence activities may
>lead to an "inevitable crisis of war."
>It also ridicules the Taiwan authorities' attempts to gain membership of the
>United Nations and their "dollar diplomacy." In his recent overseas tour in
>central America and Africa, the Taiwan leader spent 250 million U.S. dollars
>in exchange for five medals, three live sheep and two live chicken, it says.
>The article says that what's more dangerous is that the Taiwan leader openly
>said he would "loudly" say, "Taiwan is a sovereign state," which brings to
>light his stubborn adherence to the separatist stance of "Taiwan
>The article reiterates the mainland's constant and clear positions for
>reunification, its maximal sincerity for the prospects of peaceful
>reunification, and its firm determination and necessary preparations to stop
>all separatist activities including "Taiwan independence."
>The recent separatist remarks by the Taiwan leader are very dangerous and
>could not help arousing the high vigilance of the entire Chinese people, it


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