
PM welcomed in Sofia

An official State welcome for the Vietnamese prime minister, Phan Van Khai,
and his wife was solemnly held at the Saint Sofia square in the centre of
the capital of Bulgaria on September 18.

Prime Minister Ivan Kostov, his wife and ministers, deputies ministers and
other officials of the government of Bulgaria were present at the welcoming

After the welcoming ceremony, Prime Minister Khai and his wife laid wreaths
at the Unknown Soldiers Statue where those who laid down their lives in the
resistance war against German fascists were buried.


                     Vietnam in 20th Century conference held

More than 400 delegates from 38 countries and territories are gathering in
Hanoi for an international conference entitled
'Vietnam in the 20th Century'.

Prominent among those present at the opening ceremony on September 19, were
Advisor to the Party Central Committee Le
Duc Anh, General Vo Nguyen Giap, President of the World Peace Council
Romesh Chandra and President of the
France-Vietnam Friendship Association Charles Fourniau.

More than 200 reports will be presented at the conference, focusing on the
role of Vietnam's Communist Party and President
Ho Chi Minh in the country's revolutionary cause; the August 1945
Revolution and its historical significance; the two
resistance wars for national independence and unification between 1945 and
1975; world views on Vietnam's revolution and
vice versa; changes in Vietnam's economy, politics and culture in the first
half of the 20th century; Vietnam's comprehensive
renovation process; development and cultural exchange; and Vietnam in the
first decades of the 21st century: potentials and

In his opening speech, Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Manh Cam said that for
Vietnam, the 20th century was one of
extremely deep revolutionary changes. A colonised and semi-feudal society
for centuries, the country became a society of
equality, democracy and civilisation. It has received warm support from
people all over the world and its prestige has been
constantly raised in the international arena.

On Vietnam's development in the 21st century, Deputy PM Cam said
optimistically that the next century would see the
Vietnamese people achieve great things in national development and defence.
He stressed that Vietnam would find proper
ways to solve important issues relating to national industrialisation and
modernisation, in harmony with the country's
specific characteristics and the path it has chosen, and conforming with
current trends.

The three-day conference was jointly organised by the National Centre for
Social Sciences and Humanities and Hanoi
National University. (VNA)


   New development in ties between Vietnam and Russia, Belarus and
                                        Bulgaria: PM

Q: Can you please tell us the purpose and the outstanding results of your
visits to Russia, Belarus and

A: The three countries that the Vietnamese government delegation has been
to are our traditional friendly countries, having
had friendship and co-operation ties with Vietnam for over half a century.
They supported and helped Vietnam during its
struggle for national independence, the country's reunification as well as
the national reconstruction and defence. After a
time, those ties were suspended due to the change in the political systems
in Russia, Belarus and Bulgaria. Recently, the
political relations between Vietnam and these countries have seen positive
developments. Co-operation in economy, trade,
science, technology and education between Vietnam and these countries has
made good progress. However, it has not yet
matched with the potential and satisfied the aspirations of each country.
In that context, these visits aimed to affirm our Party
and State's foreign policy of independence, self-control, diversification
and multilateralisation, unceasingly consolidating
and developing friendship and multi-sided co-operation with traditional
friendly countries. The visits also created chances for
Vietnam and these countries to have exchanges at the top level on
orientations, measures and forms to accelerate the
multi-faceted co-operation between Vietnam and other countries,
particularly in economic, commercial, scientific and
technological fields. Also during these visits, Vietnam and these countries
exchanged opinions on the situation of their
respective countries, on international and regional issues of common
concern, to enhance further their mutual trust and
understanding. We also compared notes on how to strengthen co-operation and
co-ordination in international activities.

With such a significance, we can assure that the visits to Russia, Belarus
and Bulgaria of our government delegation ended
in success. Vietnam and these countries have signed several important
documents and continue to complete the legal
framework to make a positive contribution to developing multi-faceted
co-operation in the coming time. Leaders of the three
countries shared the same views with Vietnam that more efforts should be
made to boost multi-sided co-operation with
Vietnam, particularly in economic, commercial, scientific and technological
spheres so as to match with the potentials of each

Q: Could you please say what Vietnam should do to effectively implement the
agreements reached in
order to further strengthen multi-faceted relations with the Russian
Federation, Belarus and Bulgaria,
especially in the economic, trade, scientific and technological fields?

A: First of all, it is necessary to confirm that the Government encourages
and will take measures to facilitate the sectors,
businesses and localities nationwide to look for partners and widen and
boost ways of co-operation in economy, trade,
science and technology with their partners. Potentials of the parties are
great. Vietnam and these countries have big
advantages that can complement one another, meeting the practical
development needs of each country. Markets in these
countries are in need of tropical products of Vietnam such as rice, coffee,
tea and rubber as well as consumer goods and
handicraft and fine arts products. Vietnam has a requirement of widening
co-operation in many fields in which these
countries have advantages including exploiting and processing oil and gas,
electric energy, producing and assembling
lorries, tractors, engines, electronics and fertilisers.

The most important thing is that the partners in both Vietnam and these
three countries need to be active and patient to find
effective measures to develop co-operative relations of mutual benefit,
contributing to raising trade turnovers and scale of

Q: Could you give us your impressions on the visits to these countries?

A: This was my first official visits to the Russian Federation, the
Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Bulgaria as the
prime minister of Vietnam. We were warmly welcomed by the hosts. They
impressed us with their deep sentiments. I had an
opportunity to relive the unforgettable days during my study in the
friendly country forty years ago. I was very glad to find
out that the fine, sincere and warm sentiments given by the host leaders,
officials, businesses and people to the Vietnamese
delegation and people were in a constant development despite great changes
in each country in the recent past. I believe that
the traditional, friendly and co-operative ties between Vietnam and these
three countries will see further development,
matching with the potential and people's wishes in each country.


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