TODAY'S NEWS (September.21.2000 Juche 89)


   * Kim Jong Il visits new catfish farm

   * Greetings to Malian President

   * Maltese ambassador presents credentials

   * Talks held between Korean, Canadian party delegations

   * Chairman of Hyundai Asan board of directors here

   * 7th Pyongyang Film Festival closes

   * Int'l symposium held

   * DPRK FM suggests establishment of diplomatic relations with European

   * Executive plan signed between ministries of public health of DPRK and

   * Japan's moves to tamper with history under fire

   * U.S. troop pullout called for

   * Excesses of Japanese imperial army denounced

   * Film art of Korea

   * Guidance of great leader, basic guarantee for accomplishing cause of
     national independence

   * Kim Jong Il's work published in Peru

   * Korea's reunification supported

     For Spanish-speaking people

   * kim jong il orienta piscicultura

   * canciller de rpdc envia carta a sus homologos de paises europeos

   * segunda ronda de conversaciones de cruz roja norte - sur de corea

Kim Jong Il visits new catfish farm

    Pyongyang, September 21 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il visited
a newly-built catfish
farm on September 20 to direct the work of putting fish farming on
scientific and intensive basis.
    The modern catfish farm which was built on the basis of the latest
scientific and technological
method on fish breeding has all conditions for fish farming including a
feed processing room, a spawn
hatching ground, a circular fattening pond, a breeding pond and a ground of
breeding animal-matter
    The catfish farm based on highly scientific and intensive method
mass-produces catfish, eel, crucian
carp and other fish.
    After hearing an explanation about the construction of the farm and
production, he went round a
feed-processing room, a spawn hatching ground, indoor and outdoor breeding
    He said that as the catfish farm has laid a solid foundation to put its
production on a high and steady
basis and secured a lot of big catfish, it should regularly provide
Pyongyangites with fresh catfish every
    Then, he set forth highly important tasks which would serve as
guidelines in the work to put
fish-breeding on a scientific and intensive basis.
    He said that the shortest way of providing soldiers and people with
more fish is to produce fish by
an industrial method by putting fish-farming on a scientific and intensive
    As our country abounds in hot springs, it has favourable conditions for
breeding fresh-water fish
including hot water-liking catfish in a big way, he said, adding that
hot-water resources should be
discovered in all parts of the country and an all-people campaign for
catfish farming should be
conducted vigorously.
    He set forth tasks to breed more nutritious and high-productive
fresh-water fish including catfish,
eel, crucian carp and terrapin.
    He advanced tasks to radically improve breeding fish and solve feed
problem in our own way.
    He earnestly called upon those in all fields and units to provide
people with sufficient life at an early
date by making a signal change in the production of fresh-water fish
through a revolutionary campaign
to put fish-farming on a scientific and intensive basis.
    He was accompanied by director of the general political department of
the Korean People's Army,
chief of the KPA general staff, member of the National Defence Commission
of the DPRK Ri Ul Sol,
commanders of services and arms and other KPA commanders, secretary of the
Central Committee of
the WPK Jon Pyong Ho, chief secretary of the Jagang provincial committee of
the WPK Yon Hyong
Muk, secretaries of the WPK Central Committee Choe Thae Bok and Kim Yong
Sun, directors and first
vice-directors of departments of the WPK Central Committee, leading
officials of the party central
committee and chief secretaries of south and north Phyongan provincial and
south Hwanghae provincial
committees of the WPK.

Greetings to Malian President

    Pyongyang, September 21 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the
presidium of the Supreme
People's Assembly of the DPRK, on Sept. 18 sent a message of greetings to
Alpha Oumar Konare,
President and head of the State of the Republic of Mali, on the occasion of
the 40th anniversary of the
promulgation of the republic.
    The message extended warm congratulations to the President and through
him to the friendly Malian
government and people on the occasion.
    It expressed the conviction that the good friendly and cooperative
relations between the two
countries would further strengthen and develop and sincerely wished the
President bigger success in his
responsible work for peace, stability and socio-economic development of the

Maltese ambassador presents credentials

    Pyongyang, September 21 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the
presidium of the Supreme
People's Assembly of the DPRK, on Sept. 18 sent a message of greetings to
Alpha Oumar Konare,
President and head of the State of the Republic of Mali, on the occasion of
the 40th anniversary of the
promulgation of the republic.
    The message extended warm congratulations to the President and through
him to the friendly Malian
government and people on the occasion.
    It expressed the conviction that the good friendly and cooperative
relations between the two
countries would further strengthen and develop and sincerely wished the
President bigger success in his
responsible work for peace, stability and socio-economic development of the

Talks held between Korean, Canadian party delegations

    Pyongyang, September 21 (KCNA) -- Talks were held here today between
the delegations of the
Worker's Party of Korea and the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist).
    Present there were department director of the WPK Central Committee Kim
Yang Gon and officials
concerned and a delegation of the CPC (Marxist-Leninist) led by its
national leader Sandra Bains.
    At the talks both sides informed each other of party activities and
discussed the issue of further
developing the friendly relations between the two parties. They also
exchanged views on a series of
matters of mutual concern.
    The talks proceeded in a friendly atmosphere.

Chairman of Hyundai Asan board of directors here

    Kosong, September 21 (KCNA) -- Jong Mong Hon, chairman of the Hyundai
Asan board of
directors and his party arrived here today by ship.
    They were met at the Jangjon port by Kang Jong Hun, secretary general
of the Korean Asia-Pacific
Peace Committee, and officials concerned.

7th Pyongyang Film Festival closes

    Pyongyang, September 21 (KCNA) -- The 7th Pyongyang Film Festival of
non-aligned and other
developing countries which opened on Sept. 13 closed today.
    Present at the closing ceremony were Yang Hyong Sop, vice-president of
the presidium of the
DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, Jo Chang Dok, vice-premier, Kang Nung Su,
Minister of Culture
who is the chairman of the festival organizing committee and others.
    Also present were delegations and delegates from different countries,
guests of honor and the
delegation of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan.
    Invited were foreign diplomatic envoys and embassy officials in charge
of cultural relations and
foreign guests.
    A letter of thanks to General Secretary Kim Jong Il was adopted at the
closing ceremony.
    Kang Nung Su said in his closing address that the films presented at
the festival reflected the
demand and aspirations of progressive humankind of the world to live in
happiness in a free and
peaceful world free from aggression and war, domination and subjugation,
leaving deep impressions
upon the participants in the festival and the Korean people.
    He expressed the firm belief that moviemen of all countries would in
the future, too, value
friendship and amity and sincerely participate in the Pyongyang film
festival so as to contribute to the
development of true human culture.
    An awarding ceremony was held and results of the jury were announced.
    The results are as follows:
    Feature films
       Festival prizes
          Gold torch prize: Iranian feature film "Lost Love"
          Silver torch prize: Egyptian feature film "After Shock"
          Bronze torch prize: Chinese feature film "the National Anthem"
       Individual prizes
          Scenario prize: Polish feature film "In Heaven As It Is On Earth"
          Production prize: Malaysian feature film "the Last Malay Woman"
          Acting prize:
             Male: Pasam Jusa, Syrian feature film "Extras"
             Female: Jang Son Hui, Korean feature film "Land of Love"
          Photographing prize: Chinese feature film "Crash Landing"
          Fine arts prize: Egyptian feature film "After Shock"
          Music prize: Iranian feature film "the Lost Love"
    Documentary and short films
       Scenario prize: Korean documentary film "Excellent Daughter of Korea"
       Production prize: Indian short feature film "Life"
       Photographing prize: Estonian documentary film "Palangi"
       Fine arts prize: Spanish short feature film "the Mole and the Fairy"
       Music prize: Ukrainian cartoon film "Blue Hat"
       Special prize of international jury of the festival:
          Korean feature film "Land of Love"
       Special prize of the organizing committee of the festival:
          Russian feature film "Love In Russian Way" part three
          Sri lankan feature film "Saroja"

Int'l symposium held

    Pyongyang, September 21 (KCNA) -- An international symposium on
compound micro-organism
technology and natural farming method was held in Pyongyang on Sept. 20 and 21.
    It drew representatives from the DPRK, South Africa, New Zealand,
Netherlands, Nepal,
Germany, the United States, Belarus, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, China, Canada,
Thailand, Pakistan,
France, Austria, Indonesia, India, Japan, Vietnam and the General
Association of Korean Residents in
    Invitational lectures, lecture meetings and speeches were made by
scientists of compound
micro-organism of the DPRK and other countries.
    The symposium briefed the participants on successes and experience
gained in the research and
introduction of compound micro-organism technology and production by
natural farming method and
touched upon the prospect of its development and tasks.
    A letter of thanks to the great leader Kim Jong Il was adopted at the

DPRK FM suggests establishment of diplomatic relations with European

    Pyongyang, September 21 (KCNA) -- The Foreign Minister of the
Democratic People's Republic
of Korea recently sent a letter officially proposing the establishment of
diplomatic relations to the foreign
ministers of Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Luxemburg,
Netherlands, Spain, Britain and
the external relations commissioner of the European commission.
    Guided by the idea of its external policy--independence, peace and
friendship--the DPRK
government always pursues the policy of opening and developing friendly and
cooperative relations
with all countries and international organizations including the United
Nations on the principles of
mutual respect for independence, non-interference in other's internal
affairs, equality and mutual benefit.

    The DPRK Foreign Minister in the letter expressed the conviction that
it would conform with the
mutual interests to establish diplomatic relations between the DPRK and the
European Union and its
member states and expand and develop these relations in political,
economic, cultural and all other fields
in keeping with new changes taking place in their relationship at the
historic turn of the century.
    The establishment and development of the relations between the DPRK and
those countries will
give an affirmative effect on finally liquidating the leftover of the cold
war and ensuring peace and
security in northeast Asia and the rest of the world.

Executive plan signed between ministries of public health of DPRK and

    Beijing, September 19 (KCNA) -- A 2000-2001 executive plan on
cooperation in public health and
medical science between the DPRK Ministry of Public Health and its Chinese
counterpart was signed in
Beijing on September 19.
    It was signed by Korean vice-Minister Choe Chang Sik of Korean Public
Health and Chinese
vice-Minister Peng Yu of Public Health.

Japan's moves to tamper with history under fire

    Pyongyang, September 21 (KCNA) -- It was disclosed that the content of
Japan's aggression was
drastically erased from history textbooks of middle schools to be used from
the year 2002, which were
applied for approval to the Education Ministry.
    Rodong Sinmun today carries a signed commentary in this connection.
    Calling attention to the fact that the description of the issue of
"comfort women for the army" was
erased and in some cases they were termed "persons sent to comfort
facilities," the commentary says
that it was not merely a mistake of some managers of textbooks printing
corporations but also an
organized, premeditated and intentional scheme of the Japanese authorities.
    The commentary continues:
    Japan's move to negate its past sanguinary crimes and distort and erase
them is another crime to be
censured by humankind.
    The Japanese reactionaries' moves to delete their crimes against the
"comfort women for the army"
from the history textbooks indicate that they will neither admit nor
apologize and compensate for them.
    By giving false history education to younger generations they seek to
keep them ignorant of the past
crimes, let them have no sense of guilt and embark upon the road of militarism.
    Now that Japan's past crimes have been erased from history textbooks
under the care of the
Japanese authorities, we cannot but have doubts about the promise made by
the Japanese side at the
recent DPRK-Japan inter-governmental talks to make an apology and
compensation to the DPRK.
    The Japanese authorities are well advised to bear in mind that false
history education will lead Japan
to ruin.

U.S. troop pullout called for

    Pyongyang, September 21 (KCNA) -- The Amerindian Action Movement of
Guyana issued a
statement on September 14 55 years after the U.S troops' occupation of
South Korea.
    The statement said:
    The U.S has kept its troops in South Korea under the pretext of
checking "intrusion" from North
Korea and conducted frantic war exercises to invade the north.
    It is the U.S. troops present in South Korea that jeopardize peace in
the Korean peninsula and as
long as they remain in South Korea, genuine peace and security on the
Korean peninsula can not be
achieved but a new war may break out in the region any time.
    If the U.S. is really interested in peace and security on the Korean
peninsula and Korean
reunification on the threshold of the 21st century, it should take such a
practical measure as withdrawal
of its troops from South Korea, the statement said, and expressed full
support for the Korean people's
just struggle to reunify the country independently and peacefully.

Excesses of Japanese imperial army denounced

    Pyongyang, September 21 (KCNA) -- Old woman Kim Sang Hui of South
Korean origin who was
forced to be a sex slave for the Japanese imperial army, addressing a
seminar in Washington on
September 17, exposed the unethical crimes committed by Japanese
imperialist aggression forces during
world war ii, Seoul-based "Yonhap News" said.
    She testified that she was taken to the Japanese army at the age of 17
and underwent unspeakable
sufferings in China and Singapore. She said she takes the floor with a
single heart to keep history alive
and urged the Japanese "Emperor" to make a written apology.
    Those related to the issue of "comfort women for the army" who
accompanied her stressed that they
would never accept Asian Women's Fund advertised by Japan as a solution to
the comfort women issue
because it is not reparation but "charity fund."

Film art of Korea

    Pyongyang, September 21 (KCNA) -- Signal achievements have been made in
the film art of the
    The DPRK's film art is characterized by high ideological and artistic
value, strong influence and
    Film serves as powerful means of giving sound and noble mental pabulum
to the people and
encouraging them to the revolution and construction.
    What is conspicuous of the DPRK's achievements in film art is the
perfect solution of the issue of
portraying the leader.
    A large number of films vividly representing the glorious revolutionary
activities of the President
Kim Il Sung were produced, among them multi-part feature films "Star of
Korea", "the Sun of the
Nation" and "Forest Sways".
    Those films, widely known as revolutionary ones, give the high honor
and pride of the nation to the
Korean people who are exceptionally strong in the spirit of worshipping the
    Seeing the films, the people cherish the conviction that they will
overcome any ordeal and hardships
and surely see the bright future as they are guided by the great leaders.
    Another great achievement is the production of the multi-part feature
film "the Nation and Destiny,"
which can be said to be the face of the Korean film.
    The basic idea of this film is that the destiny of the nation is
immediately the destiny of individual. It
emotionally shows how persons with different careers of life could jump
into a large river called nation.
    This film, made up with scores of parts, has been appreciated as a
masterpiece of the times because
it is flawless in all aspects such as covering areas, content, composition,
direction, acting and shooting.
    Also released were many films reflecting the requirement of the
Worker's Party of Korea's policies
and the spirit of the times and encouraging the popular masses to the
revolution and construction.
    Among them are feature films "My Image In Distant future" and "Trunk
Springs from Root" based
on the practical themes, which were produced in recent years when the
nation's economic situation was
bad. The films well shows what is the genuine life for the country and the
    Besides, there produced a large number of films dealing with optimistic
life, struggle for national
reunification, war battles, historical facts and other various themes to
enrich the treasure-store of film
    The credit for all these achievements goes to the wise guidance of the
respected Kim Jong Il, who is
a great master of the film art.

Guidance of great leader, basic guarantee for accomplishing cause of
national independence

    Pyongyang, September 21 (KCNA) -- The Korean people did not demonstrate
their national
wisdom and courage as masters of their destiny till they had the great Kim
Il Sung at the head of
revolution, says Rodong Sinmun today in an article.
    The author of the article goes on:
    What is most important in successfully hewing out national destiny is
to be under the leadership of
an outstanding leader.
    Kim Il Sung is the great leader whom the Korean people acclaimed and
held in high esteem for the
first time in the history of thousands of years.
    He turned Korea into a powerful socialist country of independence,
self-support and self-reliance in
national defence under the banner of the Juche idea. And he put forward the
Juche-oriented lines and
policies of national reunification and wisely led the whole nation to the
struggle to implement them,
developing the movement for great national unity and national reunification
on to a new higher stage.
    The Korean nation has now held in high esteem the great leader Kim Jong
Il who is identical with
him in idea, leadership and virtues.
    Kim Jong Il is wisely leading the struggle to accomplish the
revolutionary cause of Juche and the
cause of national reunification started by Kim Il Sung.
    Kim Jong Il's idea and theory on the essence, character and
invincibility of the driving force of the
nation who will defend and carry out the cause of national independence are
the basic guidelines in the
settlement of the issue of the nation which help smash all sorts of
imperialism and dominationism,
realize national independence and successfully hew out the destiny of nation.
    Thanks to his outstanding idea and leadership Korea has become a
powerful country of transparent
national independence politics which nobody dares to invade.
    It is under the guidance of the great leaders that the dignity of the
Korean nation is shining, the
DPRK is demonstrating its might and the cause of national reunification
related to the vital destiny of the
nation is firmly guaranteed.
    It is a shortcut to accomplishing the cause of national independence
and building a powerful unified
state of Juche in the east to hold Kim Il Sung in high esteem forever as
the eternal sun of Juche and
uphold the leadership of Kim Jong Il with single-hearted unity.

Kim Jong Il's work published in Peru

   Pyongyang, September 21 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il's famous
work "On the
Fundamentals of Revolutionary Party Building" was published in booklet by
the D.E.S.A. Publishing
House of Peru on Sept. 12.
    The work was released on Oct. 10, Juche 81 (1992).

Korea's reunification supported

    Pyongyang, September 21 (KCNA) -- The declaration of a meeting of
foreign ministers from
non-aligned countries held in New York on Sept. 14 expressed support for
the Korean people's efforts
for national reunification.
    The foreign ministers and heads of delegations reaffirmed support for
the Korean people's efforts to
reunify the country on the basis of the three principles of national
reunification clarified in the July 4
north-south joint statement and the agreement on reconciliation,
non-aggression, cooperation and
exchange reached between the north and south, it said.
    It hailed the north-south summit talks held in Pyongyang in June, 2000
and expressed hope that the
implementation of the north-south joint declaration would ensure peace and
security on the Korean
peninsula and in its surrounding areas and lead to reunification.

For Spanish-speaking people

kim jong il orienta piscicultura

    pyongyang, 21 de septiembre (atcc) -- el gran dirigente kim jong il,
secretario general del partido del
trabajo de corea y presidente del comite de defensa nacional de la
republica popular democratica de corea
fue ayer a la fabrica de siluro nuevamente construida donde oriento la
labor de hacer cientifica e intensiva
la piscicultura.
    esta moderna fabrica construida a base de los ultimos logros
cientifico-tecnicos dispone a suficiencia
del centro de elaboracion de cebo, el lugar de incubacion de desove, el
estanque redondo para engorde,
el estanque de cria de peces, el criadero de pienso animal y todas las
demas condiciones necesarias.
    en esta fabrica cuyos procesos se han hecho altamente cientificos e
intensivos se crian con el metodo
industrial grandes cantidades de siluro, anguila, carasio y otros peces.
    el dirigente kim jong il escucho la explicacion sobre la construccion
de la fabrica y el estado de
produccion y luego recorrio el centro de elaboracion de cebo, el lugar de
incubacion de desove y los
criaderos de peces bajo techo y al aire libre.
    se debe suministrar regularmente siluros frescos a los ciudadanos de
pyongyang ya que se ha
echado la firme base para normalizar en un alto nivel la produccion en esta
fabrica que dispone de gran
numero de los ya crecidos, senalo el.
    el dirigente kim jong il luego de recorrer la fabrica presento sobre el
terreno las tareas programaticas
que sirven de guia para la labor de hacer cientifica e intensiva la
    la via mas recta para suministrar mayor cantidad de pescado a nuestro
ejercito y pueblo es criar
peces con el metodo industrial haciendo cientifica e intensiva la labor del
ramo, dijo el.
    senalo que en nuestro pais que cuenta con abundantes fuentes termales
se puede criar en gran
envergadura siluro y otros peces de agua dulce, y anadio que se debe hallar
todas fuentes de aguas
calientes en todo el pais para impulsar vigorosamente con un movimiento de
todas las masas la cria de
    el dirigente kim jong il presento la tarea de criar mayor cantidad de
siluro, anguila, carasio, tortuga y
otros peces de agua dulce de alto valor nutritivo y de alta productividad.
    presento la tarea de hacer innovacion en la mejora de variedades de
peces, y de resolver a la nuestra
el problema de pienso.
    dijo que en todos dominios y unidades se debe desplegar de modo
revolucionario la labor de hacer
cientifica e intensiva la piscicultura, operar un viraje trascendental en
la cria de peces de agua dulce y asi
preparar cuanto antes la abundante vida alimentaria a nuestro pueblo.
    le acompanaron jo myong rok y kim yong chun, jefe de la direccion
politica general y jefe del estado
mayor general del ejercito popular de corea, ri ul sol, miembro del comite
de defensa nacional de la rpdc,
los comandantes de ejercitos y armas y otros miembros de mando del ejercito
popular de corea, jon
pyong ho, secretario del cc del partido del trabajo de corea, yon hyong
muk, secretario responsable del
comite del ptc en la provincia de jagang, choe thae bok y kim yong sun,
secretarios del cc del ptc, los
jefes y primeros subjefes de departamento del cc del ptc y otros
funcionarios dirigentes del cc del ptc asi
como los secretarios responsables de los comites del ptc en las provincias
de phyong-an del sur y el
norte y hwanghae del sur.

canciller de rpdc envia carta a sus homologos de paises europeos

    pyongyang, 21 de septiembre (atcc) -- recientemente el ministro de
relaciones exteriores de la
republica popular democratica de corea envio carta proponiendo oficialmente
el establecimiento de
relaciones diplomaticas a sus homologos de belgica, francia, alemania,
grecia, irlanda, luxemburgo,
holanda, espana, gran bretana y al miembro encargado de relaciones
exteriores del comite de la union
    la carta senala:
    el gobierno de la republica popular democratica de corea sostiene
invariablemente la politica de
establecer y desarrollar relaciones de amistad y colaboracion con todos los
paises del mundo, la onu y
otras organizaciones internacionales segun el ideal de politica exterior de
la independencia, la paz y la
amistad y en los principios del respeto mutuo a la independencia, de la no
intervencion en los asuntos
internos y de la igualdad y el beneficio mutuo.
    conviene a los intereses mutuos establecer las relaciones diplomaticas
y ampliar y desarrollar las
relaciones en todos los sectores de la politica, la economia y la cultura
conforme al nuevo cambio que
opera en las relaciones entre la republica popular democratica de corea y
la union europea y los paises
miembros de esta en este tiempo historico en que se sustituyen los siglos.
    la normalizacion y el desarrollo de las relaciones entre la republica
popular democratica de corea y
los paises arriba mencionados ejerceran influencia positiva a liquidar
definitivamente los residuos de la
guerra fria y preservar la paz y la seguridad en el noreste asiatico y el
resto del mundo.

segunda ronda de conversaciones de cruz roja norte - sur de corea

    kosong, 20 de septiembre (atcc) -- tuvo lugar hoy en el monte kumgang
la primera jornada de la
segunda ronda de conversaciones de cruz roja norte-sur de corea, segun el
acuerdo de ambas partes,
para discutir los asuntos humanitarios entre otros el intercambio de los
grupos de visita de familiares y
parientes separados, confirmacion de sus paraderos, intercambio de
correspondencia y la instalacion y
gestion del centro de entrevista.
    el jefe de la delegacion de nuestra parte al subrayar que por nuestra
iniciativa se realizara dos veces
mas este ano el intercambio de grupos de visita de familiares y parientes
separados, presento proyecto
racional de nuestra parte en cuanto al periodo y fecha del intercambio del
grupo y el tamano de este.
    al proponer el proyecto de nuestra parte en cuanto a la confirmacion de
los paraderos de los
familiares y parientes separados, el intercambio de correspondencia y la
instalacion y la gestion del
centro de entrevista expuso la posicion de nuestra parte sobre los asuntos
humanitarios que se presentan
hoy entre ambas partes como el de rectificar las desviaciones manifestadas
en el pasado en la labor de
    tambien la parte sur presento su proyecto.
    ambas partes acordaron reunirse luego de estudiar la posicion de la


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