>The fact is that the imperialist "New World Order", "Globalisation", the >"end of history and ideology", the "end of communism" and revolution, "the >third way", "modernisation", "global civil society" are only myths and are >products of the low intensity warfare conducted by the imperialist >propaganda machine in the face of the rising tide of struggle of the workers >and the oppressed people throughout the world. >On the one hand, in order to maximise their profits, and overcome the >intense imperialist rivalries for new markets, sources of raw material and >world hegemony, and at the same time in order to shift the burden of the >crisis of the capitalist system to the oppressed countries, the imperialist >powers have been advancing a policy of economic and financial restructuring >and control. >Organisations and institutions created by the imperialist powers such as >IMF, World Bank and WTO, under the banner of structural adjustment, >sustainable development and liberalisation of trade, are forcibly removing >any barriers and facilitating the further domination and control of the >national economies by the imperialist transnational companies. The >imposition of the dictates of these institutions in general has resulted in >the rapid world-wide destruction of the productive forces and the virtual >surrender of the natural resources and the whole of the national economy to >the imperialist powers. The main burden of the crisis of capitalism and the >main consequence of these devastating policies is shifted onto the shoulders >of the oppressed peoples. This has resulted in deeper and deeper poverty and >destitution of the majority of the people of the world. >On the other hand they are advancing a policy of pacification throughout the >whole world but particularly in the Asian, African and Latin American >countries. This mission is conducted by the UN, and the many other >imperialist-funded NGOs, the human rights organisations. At the same time >the intelligence and the counter-insurgency agencies are directly guiding >clearing-up or pacification campaigns by violent means. >While the UN and the international human rights organisations and the >imperialist-funded NGOs do raise and adopt individual cases of brutality and >show some concern over some injustices such as victims of torture and the >fate of prisoners, workers' rights, situation of women, child labour and >environmental issues, they promote the idea that it is possible through >dialogue and persuasion and upholding the norms of civil society, to improve >the human rights records of the states where the worst atrocities take >place. They promote the idea of non-violent and non-revolutionary ways of >change and the seeking of support of the international networks of the >charities and NGOs and imperialist funded bodies to improve the conditions >for the people. They want to paint a picture that this new world order has a >humanitarian aspect and that imperialism itself will get rid of the >dictators and those who have committed crimes against humanity. Their agenda >is to paralyse the popular opposition movements and depoliticise the masses >by creating the illusion that these barbaric regimes that are merely >implementing the policies dictated to them by their imperialist masters can >reform and improve and uphold human rights and social welfare, justice, the >civil rights, rights of refugees etc. >Today in the world, ten years after the collapse of the Warsaw Pact, >military spending and arms sales by the imperialist powers are as high as >ever was during the so-called Cold War. A very large proportion of the >annual budgets of the regimes is allocated to arms and counter-insurgency >institutions. Almost all are equipped and trained by the imperialist >agencies. >This constitutes the most intensive offensive of the imperialist system >against the workers and the oppressed peoples of the world. It is >perpetrated through all ideological, political, diplomatic, economic, >cultural and military fields and institutions specially created by the >imperialist powers. It is a war conducted in order to widen the imperialist >front and undermine the proletarian front by confusing the weakest and the >most backward sections of society. It is a war conducted to depoliticise and >to disarm the workers and the oppressed peoples to build a wall between the >most advanced revolutionary detachments and the masses and thus isolate and >reduce the revolutionary camp of the proletariat. >It is not necessary to have an in-depth analysis to see the consequences of >the crisis of the imperialist system and their agenda of recolonisation and >pacification. However, the present-day reality of the world demonstrates so >well that imperialism is nothing but a paper tiger. It is a well-known fact >that with every action, the reactionaries further dig their own graves. The >decadence, the moribund nature and the bankruptcy of the imperialist system >are as clear as daylight. >Despite all the harping about globalisation and economic adjustment and the >victory of capitalism over communism, the world economy is in the worst >state of affairs that it has ever been. The financial institutions >themselves admit that they have no control of the economy. >Despite the increase in number of NGOs and the funds allocated to them, the >crisis has led to deprivation, unemployment and destitution of millions of >people throughout the world. Conventions on democratic rights and the >charters of human rights, refugee rights and labour rights, women's rights, >etc., considered as fiction by the masses, are nothing but eloquent words on >expensive sheets of paper, and ignored by the reactionary and fascist >regimes and their imperialist masters. >History shows that where there is oppression and injustice there will be >struggle and rebellion. Today everywhere in the world, there are intense >struggles being waged by the workers and the oppressed people against their >own rulers. The spirit of rebellion and demand for change in the situation >has taken the world over. From Seattle and Washington to London and from >Europe to Asia, Africa and Latin America people are expressing their >opposition to imperialism, fascism and reaction. There are revolutionary >wars being waged in several countries of the world, including Guatemala, >Colombia, India, Nepal, Peru and the Philippines, challenging the whole of >the imperialist system and its reactionary lapdogs. >It is a fact that the imperialist powers and the reactionary and dependent >regimes will never succeed in extinguishing the flames of the just struggle >of the workers and other toiling masses. The final victory belongs to the >revolutionary and progressive forces all over the world, who faced with >tyranny and oppression by imperialism, world capitalism and reaction are >resorting to resistance and revolutionary violence. >By holding tonight's event in defence of political prisoners in Iran and >Turkey we express our solidarity with the thousands of brave sons and >daughters of the people, who under the most barbaric tortures and >intimidation, are defending the rights of the workers and other toiling >masses and defying the might of the imperialist powers and the reactionary >regimes. >This solidarity with political prisoners, while contributing to the >revolutionary solidarity between the Iranian and Turkish revolutionary >forces, is at the same time an endeavour to expose the crimes and atrocities >of imperialism and reaction committed against the oppressed people of the >world. >Glory to the heroic resistance of political prisoners! >Down with imperialism, fascism and world reaction! >Victory to the just struggle of the workers and oppressed masses in Turkey >and in Iran! >Long Live International Solidarity! > > _______________________________________________________ KOMINFORM P.O. 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