Uphold the glorious tradition of the Nam Bo resistance

In the history of Vietnam, national defence and construction have always gone
together. After the successful August Revolution in 1945, the Democratic Republic of
Vietnam was established which brought independence and freedom to the people who
became masters of the new system under the leadership of the Communist Party.

The birth of Vietnam as an independent and democratic State of the people under the
leadership of the Communist Party in the strategic region of south-east Asia, has
become a great source of encouragement for oppressed nations worldwide to rise up to
liberate themselves. This has launched a powerful and direct attack on the colonial
camp. Understandably, international imperialists and reactionaries were frantic in
their attempts to oppose the Vietnamese revolution. Under the pretext of allies,
imperialist forces dispatched troops to Vietnam in a bid to smash the young democratic
State. The newly established State was at stake and poised to confront with enemies
from both inside and outside the country.

On September 23, 1945, just 28 days after the people wrested back power, the French
troops opened fire to provoke a war in Saigon, staging a comeback to Vietnam. The
Vietnamese Communists and others, who cherished peace to develop their nation
following the chosen path, were unable to live up to their earnest aspirations. These
peace and amity lovers were compelled to take up arms to fight for their independence,
freedom and safeguard peace. President Ho Chi Minh said, "only with genuine
independence and freedom in place, can we have genuine peace."

In response to the oath taken at the historic Ba Dinh square on September 2, on
September 23, compatriots and fighters of Saigon and South Vietnam (Nam Bo), rose as
one up to bear the brunt of the enemies' atrocities. With the southward movement in
place, the entire nation provided wholehearted support to southern Vietnam, which is
part and parcel of the nation.

The war of resistance of the people of Nam Bo constituted the continuation of the
August General Insurrection, the August Revolution and the national democratic
revolution of the people under the leadership of the Communist Party. This was the
first just and revolutionary struggle of the people in the Ho Chi Minh Era. For
national independence, and reunification, the Party and State gathered the people's
strength to protect the administration and build up a new social system and resorted
to flexible strategies to prevent the war from escalating and to restore peace.
Against the imperialist and colonialist attempts to re-impose their rule on Vietnam,
President Ho Chi Minh appealed to the entire nation to rise up in a war of resistance,
"We would rather sacrifice all than lose our country. Never shall we be enslaved!" The
people from Nam Bo, who were later joined by their compatriots nationwide, launched a
protracted war lasting more than three decades before defeating the two major
imperialists and hostile forces to liberate and protect their beautiful and united
fatherland and march towards socialism.

Twenty five years have elapsed since the end of the war against the US for national
salvation. From a low starting point, with a poor and backward economy and
consequences of the war and a changing world situation, and even with errors and
mistakes in management and administration, the clear-sighted leadership of the Party
has taken the nation through all difficulties to help create present day Vietnam. The
country has risen from the socio-economic crisis, overcome changes in world politics
and economics, broken off blockade and expanded external relations while maintaining
political stability and strengthening national defence and security. Vietnam's
comprehensive strength has improved significantly from the early days of wars or when
peace was restored. This results in Vietnam's growing profile and position in the
international arena. All this motivates us to surge ahead with the process of
renovation by enhancing national industrialisation and modernisation on its course of
building and defending the socialist homeland. The objectives of national
independence, reunification and socialism have gathered people in their struggle for
national defence. The final goal of building a powerful nation and wealthy people in a
fair, democratic and civilised society and towards an industrial nation by 2020 is
gathering the Party and people together. Fifty five years ago, the Vietnamese people
showed their indomitable will and determination in defending national independence and
freedom. Nowadays, such will and determination constitute a comprehensive strength to
eradicate poverty and backwardness and build a powerful and prosperous nation.

Vietnam is proud of the significant date of September 23, which started the
feats-of-arms, and successes throughout different historical stages. Now we are all
the more confident in the future prospects of the nation on its path ahead. Taking all
opportunities and rising from all difficulties and continuing with its successes in
the 20th century, our country, under the leadership of the Party, is bound to march
ahead and equal developed nations in the 21st century.


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