>subject: Cuba Press release Sep 22
>HAVANA.- Cuba's President Fidel Castro presided the initiation of
>a university students' brigade that will do voluntary social work in
>this city's communities, local press reported yesterday. "I know you
>are going to make a great sacrifice, but I also know you will like
>it", expressed the head of state in his speech in a Havana's theater.
>Most of these students are in second to fourth year of humanities and
>pedagogic studies and will volunteer after classes, mainly on
>Saturdays. Their mission is to detect the social problems affecting
>the communities.
>HAVANA.- Cuba termed the recent hijacking of a small airplane which
>fell in the sea on its way to the United States transporting 10
>passengers a piracy act and a dramatic and inopportune fact. Granma
>official daily yesterday offered details on the plane hijacking and
>highlighted as the most negative thing is that it took place just 48
>hours before restarting migration talks between Cuba and the U.S.
>"The absence of any kind of sanctions on sea and air piracy
>incidents as well as on planes and ships kidnappings, carried out in
>many occasions using violence and killing people, has become one
>of the strongest encouragements to illegally migrate to the U.S.,"
>it concluded.
>HAVANA.- The United Kingdom and Northern Ireland Vice-Foreign
>Minister Baroness Patricia Scotland began her full work agenda in
>the island meeting Cuban Foreign Affairs Minister Felipe Perez Roque.
>The latter considered Scotland's experience exchange with Cuban
>officials to be very useful "because it will allow her to have an
>idea on the country's situation and plans". The Baroness noted that
>her trip to Havana is due to an invitation of Perez Roque and  its
>country's friendship relations with Cuba. After talking at closed
>door with her host, Scotland held official conversations with her
>Cuban counterpart Angel Dalmau, with whom she will sign today
>a bilateral collaboration letter of intent. "I came to Cuba to visit
>good friends from the Cuban Foreign Affairs Ministry, "stated
>Scotland on her arrival at Jose Marti International Airport coming
>from Jamaica.
>HAVANA.- Cuban and U.S. officials resumed migration talks in  New
>York in the midst of strong accusations against Cuban Adjustment Law
>and the recent hijacking of a small airplane resulting a tragedy. The
>talks, interrupted on December 1999 after Elian Gonzalez case,  the
>boy whose mother died while illegally leaving the island and  whose
>Miami-based relatives tried to turn into a political trophy, will
>only deal with migration issues, reported a Cuban source. As in
>previous meetings, Ricardo Alarcon, Parliament President, is heading
>Cuban delegation while William  Brownfield, State Secretary for
>Hemispheric Issues is in charge of U.S. party.
>HAVANA.- The 4th Meeting of the Latin American Association for
>Integration (ALADI) Tourism Council, sessioning at Hotel Nacional
>closed yesterday after issuing a commemorative post stamp for the
>20th anniversary of the organization. The final minute of the
>meeting, the first one held in Cuba as ALADI General Secretary Juan
>Francisco Rojas said in the opening speech, was also passed. The
>meeting sought to increase cooperation and exchange experiences on
>tourism among its 12 member countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil,
>Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay,
>Venezuela and Cuba.
>HAVANA.- About 1,500 Latin American and Caribbean delegates will
>attend the 2nd World Solidarity with Cuba meeting, November 10-14,
>reported a Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP)
>source. ICAP Latin American and Caribbean Department director Marta
>Lidia Rodriguez asserted there are 465 friendship associations in 36
>countries in the region, which demonstrates the growing moral
>support given to Cuba. According to ICAP's estimates, Mexico will
>bring the largest delegation, 300 members, followed by Brazil,
>Argentina and Chile while other 200 will come from the Caribbean. The
>reason for such a high number of participants is the promotion work
>carried out by organizing committees in these countries.
>JOHANNESBURG.- The 7th Confederation of South African Trade Unions
>(COSATU) Congress unanimously passed a special resolution
>reiterating its denounces to U.S. blockade imposed on Cuba. Trade
>Union  sources reported that the more than 1,500 delegates attending
>the  congress of the most important organization of this type in
>South  Africa ratified their unconditional solidarity with Cuba and
>its  people in its fight for national independence and sovereignty.
>COSATU General Secretary Zwelinzima Vavi, in his central report,
>valued historical relations between his organization and Union
>of Cuban  Workers (CTC), which will be strengthened in the next
>bilateral meeting to be held between both organizations.
>HAVANA.- Cuban company Aeromar S.A. will soon exploit
>passenger transportation service, the first experience of this type
>in Latin America, through airglidders on an air mattress. According
>to  Aeromar commercial manager engineer Reneido Perez Rodriguez, this
>is  the fourth company using these technical means for passengers'
>commercial transportation in the world. There are only two British
>and one Japanese firms, plus the Cuban, which have adopted such a
>safety, stable and ecological transportation means, Perez explained.
>SYDNEY.- The book Haciendo Historia, containing interviews with four
>Cuban Armed Forces generals, was launched in this Australian city.
>The ceremony was attended by one of its protagonists, Cuban Olympic
>Committee president Jose Ramon Fernandez. Pathfinder publishing
>house printed the two volumes in English and Spanish reflecting
>Fernandez, Enrique Carreras, Harry Villegas and late Nestor Lopez
>Cuba's experiences. The launching took place at Cuban  Sports
>Exhibition Center, an exhibition organized by solidarity groups with
>Cuban people during Sydney 2000 Olympic Games.
>            *********
>subject: Cuba Press release Sep 25
>SANTO DOMINGO.-Dominican historian Ramon Font Bernard qualified
>Cuban President Fidel Castro as "an exceptional being, among the most
>outstanding heads of state and revolutionaries in universal history."
>After highlighting that the name Fidel Castro appears every day in
>all mass media in the world, Font Bernard said "he came as a
>peacemaker to demonstrate there is not space for a new version on
>Manifest Destiny, in relation to the U.S. hegemonic policy.  Cuban
>leader's biography "should entered humankind's history an  acronym
>similar to the well-known AC or DC," said the historian in an
>article on "Cuban Revolution Antecedents", published on Sunday by
>the  journal Hoy.
>CARACAS.-Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez announced his country
>will  sign an integral cooperation covenant with Cuba covering
>health,  sports and power fields. In his radio program "Alo,
>Presidente", in  which he talks to the population by phone, Chavez
>pointed out that  the agreement could be signed during next Cuban
>President Fidel Castro's visit to Venezuela. We are planning to send
>doctors to our most  distant places to take care of our population.
>We are calling our  doctors to respond to this necessity, he
>explained. If the number of Venezuelan doctors responding to the
>call is not enough, "we will have to activate an international health
>care  plan and our Cuban friends can help us with that."  Chavez
>referred to the high quality of Cuban sports and  its role in Sydney
>2000 Olympic Games on behalf of Latin  America, the result of a work
>program carried out in  the Island.
>HAVANA.-Cuba revealed new evidences on U.S. government violation
>of migration agreements, signed by both countries, and forces
>U.S. authorities to respond to such testimonies. An editorial
>published in  the front page of Sunday edition of Granma daily, Cuban
>Communist  Party Central Committee official journal, offered details
>on facts   confirming Washington government allies' hostile policy
>and   complicity concerning crimes.
>HAVANA.-Jose Ramon Balaguer, member of Cuban Communist Party
>Political Bureau, awarded Viet Nam Motherland Front (VMF) the
>Council of State Solidarity Order for its unconditional support with
>the island. Such a high distinction was received by the member of
>Viet Nam Communist Party's Politburo Permanent Committee and VMF
>president Phan The Duyet in a ceremony held on Sunday at Jose Marti
>memorial, in Havana. Revolution Defense Committees National
>Coordinator Juan Contino read  the decree by the Cuban Council of
>State highlighting the position of VMF, a front gathering every
>Vietnamese social, political and  mass organizations. We want to
>honor the Vietnamese people for its innumerable friendship
>and solidarity demonstrations with Cubans,  asserted Contino
>referring to  VMF's solidarity campaigns to send food and other
>products to Cuba.
>GUANTANAMO, CUBA.-German Secretary of State for Technical
>Cooperation and Development Erich Stather said his country is
>interested in increasing collaboration with Cuba to protect the
>environment while reading a salutation message at the International
>Conference for the 200th anniversary of German naturalist Alejandro
>de Humboldt's visit to Cuba. The conference was open on Sunday in
>Guantanamo city, located in the easternmost province of Guantanamo.
>Stather also highlighted the necessity of making good use of world
>biodiversity and its preservation through realist combinations for
>both cases.
>HAVANA.-Cuba successfully enlarged the construction of close and
>emergency floodgates for dams to be exported, published on Sunday
>the economic weekly Opciones. According to the report, Villa Clara
>Mecanica Factory, located in the central region, produces steel   12
>m long, 3 mt high, 2mt wide and 55 ton floodgates. At  present, it is
>working on a Venezuelan demand, 10  units: 6 close and  4 emergency
>floodgates. This factory produces  parts and equipments  for Latin
>American and Caribbean sugar industries such as bagasse  transporting
>chains, crowns, blazers for  mills, etc.


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