>X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Light Version 3.0.6 (32)
>Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2000 16:22:00 -0400

>Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2000 16:23:49 +0000 (GMT)
>From: Brian Sharpe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Prague Prisoners need your help
>Prague Prisoners need your help!
>As many of you might know by now, things in Prague are pretty chaotic.
>People have been here protesting the IMF/WorldBank for the past week.
>Yesterday was the big day and we have reports of well over 500 people
>arrested. People are being pulled off the streets continuously. While
>there are some legal observers the authorities are refusing to give out
>any information and are not even close to acting like they are part of a
>Anyway..we need some help here. This isn't an 'official' request from the
>legal team but is one that would help. We need people to email or phone
>officials in Prague and demand the following:
>1} that information be released to embassies and the legal observers
>as to who was arrested, when, for what reasons, and where they are being
>held. ( this is very important as it is becoming very difficult to launch
>a legal strategy without this info)
>2} that the physical and sexual abuse happening to protestors in police
>custody end immediately and appropriate action taken on the offending
>3} that protestors held in jail be informed in their own laguage what they
>are being held for.
>4} and of course, the immediate release of all protestors arresested in
>the past week.
>These demands can be sent to the Miniostry of the Interior, Mgr. Stanislaw
>GROSS. tel. 02/6143 2971-4, fax 02/6143 3552-3. or email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>For updates on what is happening check the praha.indymedia.org page for
>updates. Once again things are very chaotic here and it seems everyone has
>a different report. Contact the minister at once and other officials you
>may be able to find contact info for.
>To contact the legal observers email [EMAIL PROTECTED] or call 042-0608-721617
>or contact inpeg at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>keep resisting
>still on the streets
>Brian Sharpe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   .............................................
>   Bob Olsen, Toronto      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   .............................................


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