TODAY'S NEWS (September.28.2000 Juche 89)


   * 1st-day meeting of 3rd round of inter-Korean ministerial talks held

   * National public presentation of scientific and technological

   * S. Korean tourists visit Mt. Paektu

   * Leadership of WPK, guarantee for achieving national reunification

   * Symposiums held to mark 55th anniversary of WPK

   * Basic idea of WPK's external policies

   * World Maritime Day observed

   * Working-level delegation for north-south economic cooperation returns

   * S. Korean tourist group leaves

   * Unreasonable resolution of IAEA

   * S. Korean workers under KCTU declare struggle

   * Indonesian nationalist union committee formed

   * Self-reliance youth study society formed in Nepal

   * Taekwon-do tournament held in Madagascar

   * Meeting of friendship and solidarity with Korean people

     For Spanish-speaking people

   * atcc comenta injusto comportamiento de oiea

   * rpdc conmemora dia maritimo mundial

1st-day meeting of 3rd round of inter-Korean ministerial talks held

    Jeju Island, September 28 (KCNA) -- The third round of north-south
ministerial talks was held on
Jeju Island today amid the growing interest and expectation at home and
abroad for the implementation
of the north-south joint declaration.
    Present at the talks from the north side were members of its delegation
led by Jon Kum Jin, senior
councilor of the cabinet of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and
suite members and from the
south side were members of its delegation with Pak Jae Gyu, Minister of
Unification, as chief delegate
and suite members.
    Jon Kum Jin made a keynote speech at the talks.
    Following the historic Pyongyang meeting, the inter-Korean relations
have confidently entered an
important historic turning phase of settling all problems independently by
concerted efforts of the
Korean nation, he said, referring to the stirring events made in over 100
days after the publication of the
north-south joint declaration.
    He noted:
    Talks between the Red Cross organizations of both sides as well as
inter-Korean ministerial talks
have been put on a regular basis and working contact for economic
cooperation started. In particular,
talks between the military authorities of both sides were held. As a
result, inter-Korean relations have
confidently entered a new era of dialogue, an era of cooperation and unity.
    Two more meetings of separated families and relatives are due this year
following their meeting
with August 15 as an occasion, the issue of linking and opening railways
and road between the north
and the south is on the order of the day, those from the south side toured
the Mt. Paektu area and
athletes of the north and the south jointly entered the Sydney Olympic
games, he said, touching upon the
events which took place in over 100 days.
    We, he noted, proudly feel that all this is a brilliant fruition of the
determination and will of the
leaders of the two sides who are of the same patriotic idea.
    He stressed that the respected Kim Jong Il sent as gifts fresh Songi
mushroom that was specially
picked up on Mt. Chilbo, a famous mountain on the east coast, to President
Kim Dae Jung and his wife
and public figures of the south side on the occasion of Chusok, the autumn
festival, to convey the
compatriotic feelings of the people in the north to their fellow countrymen
in the south and have them
feel national flavor.
    He said that the north-south joint declaration has been deeply
implanted in the mind of the fellow
countrymen as the most correct milestone promising the reunification and
prosperity of the nation and
that reconciliation, cooperation and unity are becoming a trend of national
history which no force can
    Laying stress again on the will and readiness of our side to sincerely
promote cooperation in the
settlement of the pending issues between the north and south, he added: We
should discharge our
mission, understanding and cooperating with each other true to the noble
spirit of the north-south joint
declaration on pooling the strength of our nation.
    Chief delegate of the south side Pak Jae Gyu spoke next.
    He, referring to events following the publication of the north-south
joint declaration, expressed his
readiness to push ahead with the settlement of the pending issues.
    At the talks proposals to promote as planned what are now being carried
out or should be done were
presented and both sides' views on them were exchanged.
    Through the three rounds of the north-south ministerial talks both
sides showed the vitality of the
joint declaration in practice, giving people at home and abroad a new hope
and confidence in the bright
prospect of north-south relations and convinced all the fellow countrymen
that only national
independence and unity are the most reasonable way of national reunification.

National public presentation of scientific and technological achievements

    Pyongyang, September 28 (KCNA) -- A national public presentation of
scientific and technological
achievements was held on September 26 and 27 on the occasion of the 55th
anniversary of the Worker's
Party of Korea.
    Presented were about 150 valuable materials on scientific and
technological achievements made by
scientists, technicians and university teachers across the country in their
efforts to bring the nation's
science and technology on to the world level at an early date and to solve
scientific and technical
problems in the building of a powerful nation.
    Among them were achievements made through positive development and
application of ultra
modern science and technology including the method to modernize the
production process of integrated
circuit and boost its productivity, establishment of technique of
sterilizing and refining material by fiber,
technique of manufacturing medicine for curing virus diseases by the
genetic engineering method and
the method of increasing the quality of foodstuff by physical and chemical

S. Korean tourists visit Mt. Paektu

    Pyongyang, September 28 (KCNA) -- A group of South Korean tourists to
Mt. Paektu visited the
areas of Mt. Paektu from September 23 to 26.
    The members of the tourist group looked round the log cabin in which
the headquarters was situated
when the President Kim Il Sung led the anti-Japanese war to victory and
visited the time-honored native
home in the secret camp on Mt. Paektu where the respected leader Kim Jong
Il was born.
    And then they made an excursion to Mt. Paektu.
    On the peak of the mountain they went down to Lake Chon by cable-car to
enjoy a stirring view of
the lake. On the lake they spent a pleasant time, singing the song "Our
Wish Is Reunification."
    They also visited Samjiyon grand monument, the Rimyongsu revolutionary
site, the Sinsadong
revolutionary battle site, the Taehongdan revolutionary battle site and
other areas.
    And they went round the lodging quarters for excursionists to the
Samjiyon revolutionary battle
site, the Taehongdan county integrated farm and other areas and saw art
performances given by the
Ryanggang provincial art troupe and the art circle members of the Samjiyon
Schoolchildren's Palace.
    On the 27th the tourist group inspected the international friendship
exhibition and the historical
relics on Mt. Myohyang and toured the mountain.

Leadership of WPK, guarantee for achieving national reunification

    Pyongyang, September 28 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in a signed
article stresses that the
leadership of the Worker's Party of Korea is a firm guarantee for
accomplishing the cause of national
    Only when the movement of the Korean nation for reunification of the
country is under the
leadership of the great WPK, will it break through difficulties and
obstacles and win a brilliant victory
without turns and twists, the article says, and goes on:
    The WPK put forth just lines and policies, orientation and ways of
national reunification in each
time and stage and aroused the whole nation to their realization. It
clarified the three principles of
independence, peaceful reunification and great national unity, a
reunification program common to the
nation. This is the most brilliant historic feats for national reunification.
    The guidance of the WPK is an ever-victorious one which leads the cause
of reunification to
victory, overcoming hardships and obstacles in the movement for national
reunification with outstanding
strategy and tactics suitable to the developments.
    When the separatist forces at home and abroad resorted to the "two
Koreas" moves, the WPK
wisely led the struggle to implement the five-point policy of national
reunification put forward by the
President Kim Il Sung and thus frustrated their moves for permanent
division of Korea and achieved a
brilliant victory of the reunification line over their division line.
    The WPK took the initiative to put forward various proposals and ways
to create a precondition for
independent and peaceful reunification in view of the prevailing situation.
    Its leadership is an outstanding guidance to strengthen the driving
force of reunification and open a
turning phase of national reunification with its policy of national unity
and all-embracing politics.
    A bright vista for national reunification is opening following the
historic Pyongyang meeting and
the adoption of the north-south joint declaration, which is a brilliant
fruition of the WPK's great
magnanimity and all-embracing patriotic politics for reunification.

Symposiums held to mark 55th anniversary of WPK

    Pyongyang, September 28 (KCNA) -- Symposiums of youth league officials,
trade union officials
and social scientists were held in Pyongyang on September 27 to commemorate
the 55th anniversary of
the Worker's Party of Korea.
    It was stressed at the symposiums that the history of 55 years covered
by the WPK under the wise
leadership of the President Kim Il Sung and General Secretary Kim Jong Il
is a history in which the
WPK has led the most difficult and complicated Korean revolution always to
victory without any
slightest vacillation.
    The symposium of youth league officials referred to the immortal feats
made by the WPK in solving
the youth problem over the past years after setting forth the idea of
attaching great importance to the
young people. And it was stressed there that all the young people should
demonstrate their honor of
being the shock brigade in building a powerful nation and accomplish the
revolutionary cause of Juche
generation after generation.
    The symposium of trade union officials stressed that the WPK has
strengthened and developed the
trade unions into a reliable holder and defender of the party. It is the
brilliant feats which will remain
long in the history of building the mass political organization of the
working class, it said.
    The symposium of social scientists said that the greatness of Kim Il
Sung's feats in building the
Juche-oriented revolutionary party lies in the fact that he built the WPK
into an invincible revolutionary
party in which the monolithic unity of the idea and the leadership is
completely realised, an independent
party which, is building itself and acting with its own idea and faith, and
a mother party, the popular
party which takes its roots among the working masses and takes care of
their destinies to the last with

Basic idea of WPK's external policies

   Pyongyang, September 28 (KCNA) -- Independence, peace and friendship are
a basic idea of
external policies of the Worker's Party of Korea (WPK). To put this idea
into practice, the WPK held
fast to the independent stand in its external relations.
    The DPRK government established diplomatic relations with 143 countries
on the principle of
complete equality and mutual respect and is developing friendly and
cooperative relations with them.
    The WPK has consistently held fast to the revolutionary principle of
not allowing encroachment
upon the sovereignty of the DPRK and any interference in its internal affairs.
    At a time when the U.S. infiltrated an armed spy ship "Pueblo" and a
spy plane "EC-121" into
territorial waters and air of the DPRK, provoked the "Panmunjom incident"
and demanded compulsory
"nuclear inspection" talking about the DPRK's non-existent "nuclear
development," the WPK and the
DPRK government defended the sovereignty of the country and the nation by
maintaining the
uncompromising revolutionary principle.
    The WPK has waged an active struggle to defend global peace against the
imperialists' aggression
and war policies.
    When the U.S. tried hard to hold an upper hand in strength, stepping up
arms buildup behind the
curtain of "disarmament" and "detente," the WPK and the DPRK government
laid bare their deceptive
and dangerous nature and fought against their armed infiltration and war
provocative moves.
    They also took an initiative in making a proposal for turning northeast
Asia including the Korean
peninsula into a denuclearized and peace zone and organized the Pyongyang
international conference for
denuclearization and peace on the Korean peninsula in September Juche 75
    They have strengthened solidarity with the anti-war, anti-nuke peace
movement and vigorously
struggled against the setting up of foreign military bases and presence of
foreign forces in different
countries including non-aligned countries and to make military pressure
upon them lifted.
    The WPK has pursued the policy of strengthening friendship and
solidarity with world people.
    The DPRK government has extended an active political encouragement and
sincere material aid to
the peoples of non-aligned and other developing countries in their efforts
to build new societies on the
revolutionary principle and in the spirit of comradely cooperation.
    It also established good-neighborly relations with capitalist countries
which respect its sovereignty
and developed economic and cultural exchanges with them on the principle of
equality and mutual
    So, the DPRK is now enjoying a very high external dignity, and
international solidarity with the
Korean revolution has been strengthened.

World Maritime Day observed

    Pyongyang, September 28 (KCNA) -- Papers here today commemorate the
World Maritime Day.
    Minju Joson says that the DPRK government is paying deep attention to
protect sea environment to
suit the geographical features of the country which is bounded on three
sides by the sea.
    It goes on:
    Maritime security and the protection of sea environment are legally
guaranteed by the
people-oriented policies pursued by the Worker's Party of Korea which
values man most and the work
is being carried out as a massive movement.
    Devices to prevent pollution are being installed in those ships on an
ocean voyage and national
measures taken to prevent pollution in different maritime establishments
including ports.
    Rodong Sinmun says that the DPRK will make efforts as ever to sincerely
discharge its duty as a
member state of the International Maritime Organization.

Working-level delegation for north-south economic cooperation returns

    Pyongyang, September 28 (KCNA) -- The north side's delegation came back
to Pyongyang by air
after participating in the working-level contact for north-south economic
cooperation which was held in
South Korea.

S. Korean tourist group leaves

    Pyongyang, September 28 (KCNA) -- The south side's group of tourists to
Mt. Paektu left
Pyongyang today.
    It was seen off at the airport by officials of the National
Reconciliation Council.
    It visited Mangyongdae, the Tower of the Juche Idea, the Arch of
Triumph, king Tangun's
mausoleum and the Mangyongdae Schoolchildren's Palace today.

Unreasonable resolution of IAEA

    Pyongyang, September 28 (KCNA) -- The International Atomic Energy
Agency (IAEA) reportedly
passed a "resolution on North Korea" calling for permission of nuclear
inspection at a regular session
recently held in Vienna.
    It is a grave challenge to the sovereignty of the DPRK and a very
unreasonable action which
endangers the DPRK-U.S. agreed framework itself.
    We declared more than once that we have neither will nor ability to
develop nuclear weapons and,
therefore, there can be no "nuclear suspicion" in our country.
    This was clearly proved by the U.S. experts' inspection of Kumchang-ri
underground facility last
year and this year.
    Nevertheless, the IAEA is now insisting on "inspection" as it did in
the past. It cannot be judged as
anything a premeditated and intentional criminal move to lead the situation
on the Korean peninsula
again from detente to the escalation of tensions.
    Lurking behind IAEA's move is a foolish attempt to shift the
responsibility for the delay of the light
water reactors project on to us.
    As known to all, the lwr project according to the DPRK-U.S. agreed
framework is not being
smoothly stepped up and its prospect is gloomy.
    This is entirely attributable to the obstructive maneuvers of the U.S.
administration, conservative
hard-liners in particular.
    The United States intends to egg the IAEA on to brand the DPRK as a
"criminal" in a bid to evade
its responsibility for the delay in the project.
    The project is a key to the implementation of the DPRK-U.S. agreed
framework. The delay in the
project means that the fate of the agreed framework is now at stake.
    It does not matter to us whether the agreement with continue to exist
or not. This is our stand.
    The U.S. should clearly know our position and discharge its obligation
to the agreement. And the
IAEA should not be used for the sinister political purpose of the U.S. any

S. Korean workers under KCTU declare struggle

    Pyongyang, September 28 (KCNA) -- Over 300 workers under the South
Korean Confederation of
Trade Unions on September 23 held a ceremony of declaring the
second-half-of-the-year struggle in
front of the "national assembly hall," according to the Munhwa Broadcasting
    They said that the workers' vital rights are being threatened by the
economic policies of the South
Korean authorities including unilateral "restructuring" and declared that
they would strongly counter it.

Indonesian nationalist union committee formed

    Pyongyang, September 28 (KCNA) -- The Indonesian nationalist union
committee for celebrating
the 55th anniversary of the Worker's Party of Korea was formed on September 22.
    Present at the inaugural meeting were the general secretary of the
Indonesian Nationalist Union and
the leaders of 11 political parties affiliated with the union.
    The committee decided to hold a friendly meeting, film show, photo
exhibition and other functions
on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the WPK.

Self-reliance youth study society formed in Nepal

    Pyongyang, September 28 (KCNA) -- An inaugural meeting of the Nepalese
Youth Society for the
Study of Self-reliance was held on September 20 in Kathmandu.
    The chairman of the district no. 15 council of Kathmandu City was
elected chairman of the society
at the meeting.
    The speakers noted that this youth organization for the study of the
Juche idea inaugurated for the
first time in Nepal on the occasion of the 55th birthday of the Worker's
Party of Korea shows the
aspirations and will of the Nepalese youth to learn after the immortal
Juche idea created by the President
Kim Il Sung and developed and enriched by the great leader Kim Jong Il.
They expressed the
determination to actively contribute to the independent development and
prosperity of Nepal by widely
disseminating the truth of the Juche idea among the broad young people.
    A letter to Kim Jong Il was adopted at the meeting.

Taekwon-do tournament held in Madagascar

    Pyongyang, September 28 (KCNA) -- A Madagascan Taekwon-do tournament
was held in
Antananarivo province on September 17 to mark the 55th anniversary of the
Worker's Party of Korea.
    The vice-chairman of the National Assembly addressed the tournament.
    He noted that the WPK founded by the President Kim Il Sung and guided
by the great leader Kim
Jong Il is an invincible revolutionary party.
    The WPK headed by Kim Jong Il has strengthened and developed into a
party with bright future
under his wise leadership, he said.
    Then followed the Taekwon-do competitions.

Meeting of friendship and solidarity with Korean people

    Pyongyang, September 28 (KCNA) -- A meeting of the Nordic cooperation
committee for
friendship and solidarity with the Korean people was held in Stockholm on
September 23.
    Chairman Anders Kristensen of the Denmark-the DPRK Friendship
Association, who is secretary
of the Nordic cooperation committee for friendship and solidarity with the
Korean people, made a report
at the meeting.
    The meeting reviewed the last year's activities of the committee and
adopted a 2000-2001 action
programme and an appeal to political parties and organizations and
organizations for friendship and
solidarity with the Korean people in different countries.
    Stressing that Korea's reunification is an important issue related to
peace in Asia and the rest of the
world as well as the Korean peninsula, the appeal said:
    The Nordic cooperation committee for friendship and solidarity with the
Korean people recognizes
the three-point charter of Korea's reunification as the great banner and
the only reasonable way of
Korea's reunification most correctly reflecting the realities of the Korean
peninsula and the unanimous
desire of all the Korean people for reunification and extends full support
and encouragement to them in
their efforts to reunify the country in an independent and peaceful way by
the united efforts of the entire
    Calling attention to the fact that the international signature campaign
for support to the three-point
charter is now being conducted on a world-wide scale in response to the
call of the international liaison
committee for reunification and peace in Korea, we call upon political
parties, organizations and
friendship and solidarity organizations in all countries to more actively
participate in this campaign
supporting the Korean people's cause of reunification.
    The meeting elected the co-chairmen and secretary of the Nordic
cooperation committee for
friendship and solidarity with the Korean people.

For Spanish-speaking people

atcc comenta injusto comportamiento de oiea

    pyongyang, 28 de septiembre (atcc) -- segun una informacion, el
organismo internacional de
energia atomica (oiea) aprobo en su asamblea general regular efectuada
recientemente en viena el
"proyecto de resolucion sobre norcorea" que demanda el permiso de la
inspeccion nuclear y otras cosas.
    esto es un grave desafio a nuestra soberania y es un muy injusto
comportamiento que hace peligrar
el destino del acuerdo basico rpdc - ee.uu.
    declaramos mas de una vez que no tenemos la voluntad ni capacidad de
desarrollar armas nucleares.
por eso no se puede hablar de la "sospecha nuclear" de la rpdc.
    fue comprobada claramente la limpieza de la rpdc en cuanto a las
actividades nucleares a traves de
las visitas a la estructura subterranea de la comuna de kumchang de los
grupos de especialistas
norteamericanos realizadas el ano pasado y el ano en curso.
    sin embargo en estos dias la oiea vuelve a hablar de la "inspeccion" y
otras cosas similares a fin de
exacerbar de nuevo la situacion en atenuacion de la peninsula coreana.
    con tales maquinaciones el oiea persigue absurda intencion de impuntar
a la rpdc la responsabilidad
de la demora de la construccion de reactores de agua ligera.
    como es sabido por todo el mundo, esta construccion que se cumple segun
el acuerdo basico
rpdc-ee.uu. no avanza debidamente y su perspectiva es oscura.
    esto se debe enteramente a la administracion norteamericana,
particularmente a las maquinaciones
obstructoras de las fuerzas ultraconservadoras de ee.uu.
    el oiea no hace caso de esta culpa de ee.uu. sino que acusando a la
rpdc que cumple con sinceridad
dicho acuerdo vocifera: "la rpdc no permite el acercamiento del grupo de
inspeccion", "eso ocasiona la
contrariedad en la labor de construccion de reactores de agua ligera" y
otras cosas similares. eso no pasa
de ser un sofisma del bandido que da lo negro por lo blanco.
    el oiea sirve de marioneta a ee.uu. esto es problema.
    a fin de eludir su culpa de haber dilatado esta construccion ee.uu.
instiga al oiea a inculparnos.
    la construccion de reactores de agua ligera es el asunto clave de la
ejecucion del acuerdo basico
rpdc-ee.uu. el estancamiento de esta obra significa que corre peligro el
destino del acuerdo.
    no nos preocupamos del destino del acuerdo. no nos importa que este se
convierta en un papel
    ee.uu. debe saber claramente esta posicion nuestra y cumplir con todo
su deber asumido segun el
acuerdo y el oiea no se debe dejar utilizar en la realizacion del malsano
objetivo politico de aquel pais.

rpdc conmemora dia maritimo mundial

    pyongyang, 28 de septiembre (atcc) -- hoy los periodicos de esta
capital consagran articulos al dia
maritimo mundial.
    el del periodico "minju joson" senala que el gobierno de la republica
popular democratica de corea
presta gran interes en la proteccion del medio ambiente maritimo conforme a
la peculiaridad geografica
del pais rodeado por tres mares y continua:
    segun la politica popular del partido del trabajo de corea que aprecia
mas que nada a la gente la
seguridad maritima y la proteccion del medio ambiente del mar estan
garantizadas por ley y se
desarrollan con vigor en un movimiento de todas las masas.
    los barcos que navegan por meres estan dotados de aparatos de
prevencion de polucion y se toman
medidas estatales para evitar la contaminacion en los puertos y otros
sectores maritimos.
    el del diario "rodong sinmun" senala que tambien en el futuro la rpdc
hara esfuerzos por cumplir
con lealtad su deber de pais miembro de la organizacion maritima internacional.


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