>subject: Libya: US witness evidence "torn to pieces"
>    (Lockerbie US plane crash)
>The New York Times & The Guardian
>          Sydney Morning Herald 28 Sept 2000
>Lawyers tear Spy's Evidence To Pieces
>        Lockerbie Trial
>Camp Zeist, Netherlands: The evidence of the most important witness
>in the Lockerbie trial has been systematically torn to pieces by
>defence lawyers.
>Two of them spent Wednesday battering every important point made on
>Tuesday by Mr. Abdul Majid Giaka, a Libyan double agent who has been
>in the United States witness protection program for 10 years.
>Mr. Giaka's tentative performance, coupled with his failure on
>Tuesday to link the two defendants firmly to the bomb, seemed to
>undermine his usefulness to the prosecution and its efforts to prove
>that the two Libyans, Abdel Baset Ali al-Megrahi and Lamen Khalifa
>Fhimah, blew up Pan Am 103 in 1988, killing 270 people.
>The defence lawyers called Mr. Giaka a liar at least 30 times, and
>only once did a prosecutor rise to object.
>One defence lawyer, Mr. Richard Keen, sought to portray Mr. Giaka as
>little more than a mechanic who had over-played his position within
>the Libyan intelligence organisation and had lied about his contacts.
>To question after question, Mr. Giaka flailed for a response. He was
>reduced to answering: "I do not remember", "I am not lying", "These
>things were many years ago", I did not see what the CIA wrote", or
>"Maybe I said it, or maybe I forgot".
>Another defence lawyer, Mr. William Taylor, raised serious doubts
>about Mr. Giaka's claim that the defendants stored 11 kilograms of
>TNT in a desk.
>Each time the CIA, which was paying Mr. Giaka $US 1000 ($1850) a
>month, threatened to cut him off as a worthless informant, Mr. Giaka
>would come up with a new bit of information, he said.
>The FBI has protected Mr. Giaka, now a US citizen, for a decade,
>despite his CIA record and extravagant claims he made before a grand
>jury in Washington in October 1991 that he was a relative of former
>King Idris of Libya, and that the presidents of Malta and Libya were
>secretly part of a Masonic plot." JC .....
>(JC ....and the FBI and CIA needed a 'credible' witness who could be
>corrupted easily and cheaply -and now deported?) " JC


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