>From: "Miroslav Antic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Yugoslav election: Report from Belgrade
>GREETINGS ALL, on my return from Belgrade where I was one of the about
>200 invited, non-NATO-approved observers of the Yugoslavian presidential
>and parliamentary elections. Enclosed is a the initial press release
>sent out from Belgrade to Canada on September 22, reflecting the
>experiences and concerns of the two Canadian delegates, professor
>Dimitri Kitsikis from the University of Ottawa and myself, prior to the
>actual voting. The second document is a "consensus report" sent out by
>election observers after the election, on September 26. More detailed
>report to follw on the atmosphere of the election, the role of the
>international (i.e. western) media, the actual voting process and the
>claims (trumpeted for a month before the election actual election), once
>I have recovered from my jetlag and cigarette smoke inhalation — both
>the observers and their hosts smoked incessantly. I will also be sending
>out other illuminating reports.
>As always, your comments are welcome.
>(Note: if you don't want to be on this mailing list, please let me know
>and I will remove your name.) .
>Marjaleena Repo
>Press release 22/09/2000
>BELGRADE. The international observers of the Yugoslavian presidential
>and parliamentary elections have arrived in Belgrade - some 200 of them
>from (so far) 54 countries. Contrary to the reports that "they have not
>been allowed in,"  there are registered observers from the following
>Western European countries. Belgium, Denmark, France, Greece, Ireland,
>Italy, Germany, Portugal, Sweden and UK. (The so far single American
>observer is an active senior participant in the Gore presidential
>campaign.) Among the observers are parlamentarians, delegates from
>political parties and organizations, as well as independents like the
>two participants from Canada.
>The Canadian delegates have attended political rallies of the three
>major presidential candidates, in Belgrade and Novi Sad. These events
>were noisy and lively affairs, without any observable disturbances and
>any noticeable police presence. Literature was freely distributed and
>received at these events, in a way no different from political rallies
>in Canada.
>One of us (Marjaleena Repo) has paid particular attention to election
>posters as she has been involved in the long-standing and
>not-yet-finished fight for the right to poster in Canada - and she can
>report that posters are everywhere in the street scene, accompanied by
>graffiti and the defacing of each others posters even-steven fashion, it
>seems. She has seen posterers at work in downtown Belgrade with posters
>urging women to vote, while postering on top of other election messages!
>She had a chance to discuss this contradiction with five
>English-speaking Yugoslavian youth with their buckets and sponges.
>Unlike in Canadian cities, the posters appear not to be scraped down by
>city workers but live to suffer the indignities from competeing
>political parties. In addition, there are huge billboards advertising
>the three major presidential candidates all around the cityscape. All in
>all, the appearance of democracy in action.
>The other Canadian delegate, Professor Dimitri Kitsikis, has a long-time
>experience of national elections, having systematically studied and
>observed them in many countries, notably in France, Greece and Turkey.
>His observations are therefore particularly valid and he has been
>unshaken by Western insistence that Yugoslav elections could be rigged.
>On the contrary, he is observing that these elections do not differ from
>those in any other democratic countries, particularly from France, of
>which Dr. Kitsikis is an expert.
>The delegates have attended an information session on the electoral
>process in Yugoslavia and have been provided with background information
>and documentation on how the system works and how it makes an effort to
>guarantee  an equal, free and transparent voting method leading to
>reliable results. Questions were invited and responded to. We were
>informed that the delegates will be able to attend any and all polling
>stations on voting day, Sept. 24, and officials at the polls have been
>instructed to welcome foreign observers with full access to the actual
>voting situation, while respecting the citizens' right to privacy.
>While in Belgrade, disturbing news reached the observers. The
>International Herald Tribune of Sept. 20 has a front page story, titled
>"U.S. aids Milosevic foes: Millions allocated to a democracy program."
>The article states that U.S. officials have acknowledged $77 million
>financial "contribution" to opposition groups in Yugoslavia, from
>students to labour, from so-called independent media to political rock
>bands, and the newspaper states that "There is nothing secret or even
>particularly unusual about the U.S. democracy-building program in
>Serbia, which is closely co-ordinated with European allies and is
>similar to previous campaigns in pre-democratic Chile, South Africa and
>Eastern Europe, among other places."
>Washington Post (Sept. 21) further reveals that U.S. officials and
>corporations are also "providing a sophisticated opinion survey system,
>engaging for the purpose the New York firm that has done the job for
>Bill Clinton [Penn, Schoen and Berland Associates]" which explains the
>many polls that "prove" that an opposition candidate is ahead of
>President Milosevic and suggest vigorously that Mr. Milosevic will only
>win by fraud.
>While the Canadian and other Western media have alredy declared the
>election to be "rigged" (without any evidence, of course), we believe
>that the actual evidence for rigging and distorting the Yugoslavian
>election results has been found in the pre-democratic countries of U.S.
>and the European Union who in an wholly illegal and undemocratic fashion
>are interfering in the domestic affairs of a sovereign country. This, of
>course, must be condemned by all true democrats, be they individuals,
>organizations or nations. - 30-
>MARJALEENA REPO is a social justice activist and a long-standing member
>of Canada's "democracy movement," with hands-on experience on how
>Canada's democracy does and does not work. In April '99, she was a
>founding member of The Ad Hoc Committee to Stop Canada's Participation
>in the War Against Yugoslavia.  She lives in Saskatoon, Sask.
>DR. DIMITRI KITSIKIS is a professor of International Relations at the
>University of Ottawa since 1970 and a fellow of the Royal Society of
>Canada. He is a specialist of the Balkans and Turkey and has written
>many books on the area.
>Professor Kitsikis is multi-lingual and can give interviews in French
>and Greek as well as in English.
>Back in Canada on September 29, Ms. Repo can be reached at (416)466-6533
>or (306)244-9724.
>Professor Kitsikis will be back in Ottawa on October 2, and can be
>reached at University of Ottawa, tel: (613)562-5735 or at his home tel:
>P.O.Box 1983, Saskatoon, Sask., S7K 3S5
>Saskatoon: (306)244-5757 Fax: (306)244-3790
>Toronto: (416)922-7867  Fax: (416)922-7883
>Vancouver: (604)683-3733 Fax: (604)683-3749
>website: http://www.davidorchard.com
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