Why Palestinians rage   [Title created by Editor -
also see note after letter]

                           After reading the Oct. 2 editorial "Unholy
Violence" and the Oct. 6 letter "The
                           Latest Violence Puts In Doubt Palestinian
Sincerity For Peace," I feel
                           compelled in the name of truth and fairness to
respond. Both claimed that the
                           Palestinians' reaction to Ariel Sharon's visit to
the most holy Muslim site in
                           Jerusalem was unjustified. The editorial
questions why they are frustrated.
                           Having spent a year among the Palestinians, I
question how they could not be. 

                           How could the Palestinians not be frustrated when
their people are relabeled as
                           terrorists every time a Jew is killed, while
Jewish soldiers and settlers kill
                           Palestinians with impunity in the name of
liberty? When they go thirsty while
                           nearby the Zionists water their lawns and fill
their swimming pools? When their
                           lives, from their travel to the food they eat,
are controlled by the state of Israel
                           in direct violation of U.N. resolutions? Did the
victims of the Holocaust die in
                           vain? Have the Jews forgotten what happens when a
people's humanity is
                           taken from them? 

                           Since the 1948 war, the Palestinians have
displayed remarkable restraint as
                           they suffered at the hands of the Zionists.
However, Sharon's deceivingly
                           innocent visit to Al Sharif caused the last
shreds of this long-taxed restraint to
                           crumble. Sharon is not just another Israeli
leader. He is responsible for one of
                           the most brutal massacres in recent history. In
1982 Israel invaded Lebanon.
                           Israeli troops under Sharon's command butchered
thousands of helpless
                           Palestinian women and children in two refugee
camps in southern Lebanon.

                           The truth will show the real transgressors in
this conflict to be the Israelis
                           responsible for the atrocities committed by
Israel -- for far too long hidden
                           behind memories of the Holocaust and the unfair
demonization of the
                           Palestinian people. 

Youngwood, Pa.
Paragaraph omitted by Editor:
                "Were a nazi general to visit the Jewish Wailing Wall in
Jerusalem perhaps 
                the Jews would experience a sense a sense of horror and
desecration similar 
                to that felt by the Palestinians as a result of Sharon's
unpardonable act."

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