
> ============================================
> The IRA has issued a statement tonight saying it was not
> involved in the murder of a member of the "Real IRA" in West
> Belfast last Friday.
> Father-of-three Joseph O'Connor (26) was shot dead outside
> his mothers home in Ballymurphy on Friday afternoon last.
> His mother Margaret, who accused Sinn Féin president Mr
> Gerry Adams of having her son's "blood on his hands", blamed
> the IRA. But the dead man's widow, Nichola, has insisted it
> was a personal vendetta.
> Tonight, in a statement, the IRA said: "In light of the
> speculation and allegations surrounding the killing of
> Joseph O'Connor the IRA wishes to state that it was not
> involved in his death.  The IRA leadership extends its
> condolences to the O'Connor family. Malicious accusations
> suggesting IRA involvement are designed to heighten tension
> and promote the agenda of those opposed to current IRA
> strategy."
> The IRA statement continued: "Threats directed at the IRA do
> nothing but exacerbate the situation. The IRA leadership
> will not be deflected from our current strategy."
> Meanwhile, Irelandclick.com has reported that RUC officers
> raided the Springhill home of Mr. O'Connor on the evening
> following his murder.
> The RUC's decision to remove domestic items from the
> O'Connor home is believed to relate to the possibility that
> Friday's shooting may in some way be connected to a meeting
> involving the murder victim and two suspected members of the
> "Real" IRA, which is alleged to have taken place in Mr.
> O'Connor's Springhill home on Thursday night.
> The meeting between the father of three and the two "Real"
> IRA men is said to have ended in a heated exchange.
> Irelandclick.com reported that Joseph O'Connor is alleged to
> have told friends on Friday morning that he intended to meet
> senior members of the Real IRA to tell them that he wanted
> to disassociate himself from the group and take no further
> part in the organization's actvities.
> But he was shot up to five times just hours later as he sat
> talking to a close relative in the passenger seat of a white
> Peugeot outside his mother's house.
> The RUC is believed to have taken away a series of items
> from the murder victim's home in a bid to uncover any
> forensic evidence which may be linked with the gun attack.

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