New Course of Asia-European Cooperation

As we bid farewell to the 20th century, an age of multi-polarity is coming toward us.
The Third Asia-European Conference, which is the focus of world attention, will be
opened in Seoul, the ROK, between October 20 and 21.

This summit meeting, to be held following the previous two Asia-European Conferences
convened in Bangkok and London, is of extremely important significance to the
establishment of the Asia-European cooperative partnership in the new century, to
vigorously propelling the dialog and cooperation between Asia and Europe and to
promoting the development of world multi-polarity and world stability and balance.

At the First Asia-European Conference held in Bangkok in 1996, a framework was
established for conducting dialog, cooperation and development between the Asian and
European continents on an equal footing.

At a time when various member states were actively implementing the common view
reached at the Bangkok Conference and had done a great deal of useful work, and when
positive changes of strategic significance had appeared in the relations featuring
mutual benefit and cooperation between the Asian and European continents, the eruption
of an unexpected financial crisis not only greatly harmed Asian countries, but also
constituted a challenge to the just established new-type Asia-European partnership.

In the face of the severe test of whether sharing hardships together or sitting by and
doing nothing, and at the Second Asia-European Conference held in London in 1998, the
European Union chose the former. Under the circumstance featuring a fairly great
disparity between the Asian and European situations prevailing at that time, although
the EU had not provided Asia with large-scale assistance, it still adopted a positive
attitude toward Asia and reaffirmed that it was full of confidence in Asia's economic
recovery. More importantly, the EU has come to realize that Asia and Europe represent
two growing "poles" in the multi-polar world, and that it is extremely shortsighted to
forsake Asia at the critical moment. Practice over the past two years has proved that
the Asian financial crisis has drawn Asia and Europe closer together.

There is a notable change in the background of the upcoming Seoul Asia-European
Conference this year and that of the previous two conferences, that is, the favorable
conditions for the establishment of an Asia-European partnership in the 21st century
have become more mature.

Along with the increasingly clear development trend of world polarization, the
changeable science and technology, the further acceleration of the process of economic
globalization and integration, especially under the circumstance wherein the Asian
economies, after experiencing the test of a financial crisis and witnessing an
all-round recovery and once again gradually demonstrating their vigor, the strategic
significance of the cooperation between European and Asian countries has become more

Judging from the situation facing European countries themselves, affected by the
swelling oil price and the devaluation of the Euro dollar, the European countries
deeply realize that in their cooperation with Asian countries it is not enough merely
to pay attention to increasing market shares, the more important thing is to create an
atmosphere which is conducive to the common interests of both sides and weave a tie
that links up Asia and Europe, "Europe should firmly seize this opportunity, so as to
establish a more solid foundation."

Under the new situation, both Asia and Europe have paid high attention to the Seoul
Conference. One, both sides hope that they could, on the basis of the previous two
conferences, explore the direction and basic framework for the development of the
Asia-European Conference in the new century and seek common prosperity and stability,
this will generate profound influence on the formation of a new world pattern in the
21st century.

Two, both sides will conduct in-depth discussion in the three fields of political
dialogs, economic and trade cooperation and cultural exchange, formulate the Framework
of Asia-European Cooperation 2000" and strive for concrete actual results in the key
cooperative projects.

Three, along with the successful holding of the DPRK-ROK summit meeting concerning the
Korean Peninsula in June this year, an unprecedented trend of relaxation has emerged
in the Peninsular situation. During the Seoul Asia-European Conference, both sides
will conduct an extensive exchange of opinions on how to promote the trend of
relaxation in the Peninsula, so that it will facilitate the development of
Asian-European cooperation.

China has always actively devoted its efforts to and played an important role in
promoting the process of Asian-European cooperation. China has witnessed rapid
economic growth, domestic political stability and incessant enhancement of its
comprehensive national strength.

In the international arena, China, as a responsible big country, has enjoyed a notable
elevation of its position. In the Asian financial crisis, China withstood the impact,
declared that the Renminbi (the people's currency) would not devalued and has thus
made positive contribution to stabilizing the economies of East Asia and of the world
as a whole. The blueprint mapped out at the just closed Fifth Plenum of the 15th
Central Committee of the Communist Party of China for the Chinese economy to start its
great march toward the 21st century presents a bright prospect for China's

China will continue to show to the world's people with its actual deeds that it is a
trustworthy cooperative partner. At the forthcoming Seoul Asia-European Conference,
Premier Zhu Rongji will expound China's views and propositions in regard to
Asia-European cooperation in the new century. Under the guiding principle on expanding
common views, strengthening exchange, forging closer relations and deepening
cooperation, China will continue to make unremitting efforts for promoting
Asia-European cooperation in the fields of economy and trade, science and technology,
education, culture and training of personnel.

The Asia-European Conference, as a new international forum, has shown its tremendous
vitality since its emergence. With the gradual rationalization in terms of the
equality, coordination and interdependent relations of Asia-European cooperation, the
weaknesses featuring the lack of dynamics and low visibility as shown in the relations
between the two continents of Asia and Europe will be further overcome at the coming
conference. People have every reason to believe that the Seoul Asia-European
Conference will bring hope for world peace and development in the new millenium.

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