----- Original Message -----
From: Rick Rozoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 20, 2000 10:30 AM
Subject: [STOPNATO.ORG.UK] Plan Colombia: Neighbors Bulk As U.S. Threatens Them


Times of India
October 20, 2000

Colombia's neighbours complain of drug war spillover
MANAUS, Brazil (AP):The United States rebuked
Colombia's neighbours for complaining about a massive
drug crackdown there instead of joining it, military
and diplomatic officials said.

In a private meeting Wednesday with defence ministers
from the region, US Deputy Undersecretary of Defence
James Bodner said the US-backed Plan Colombia would go
ahead with or without their support, said the
officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

"Our position is: we're going to take a stand. If
you're with us, fine," said a Pentagon official
present at the meeting who asked not to be identified.
Bodner declined to comment about what he said in the

"He complained about the lack of solidarity by South
America, and he laid it on heavy," said Rep. Joao
Herrmann Neto, a member of the Brazilian House Foreign
Relations Committee who also attended the meeting.

Herrmann said some delegates - who included defense
ministers from Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru, Panama,
Venezuela and Brazil - bridled at the US position and
tone, which he described as "typical American

The blunt talk was a response to a rising chorus of
complaints about "spillover" effects from the $7.5 bn
plan. Earlier, Ecuadorean Defense Minister Adm. Hugo
Unda Aguirre said Colombian refugees already are
moving into Ecuador. He estimated that at least 1,000
Colombians have crossed the border, and thousands more
are expected.

Ecuador's is worried that guerrillas and drug
traffickers might follow, especially in the wild
border region of Sucumbios. "There's no government
presence on the Colombian side - just guerrillas,"
Aguirre said.

Ecuador was surprised last week by the kidnapping of
10 people, including five Americans, from its jungle
oil fields, presumably by a Colombian group.

"The situation is not good," Aguirre said during a
break in the hemispheric meeting of defense ministers
in this Amazon jungle city. "The internal problem is
growing in Colombia, and it extends to other

Venezuela, another of Colombia's neighbors, was even
more outspoken.

"We're worried about the military plan. The way that
it's done could generate more violence," said
Venezuelan Defense Minister Gen. Ismael Hurtado

Plan Colombia includes $1.3 bn in anti-drug aid from
the United States, and leaders of some neighboring
countries are concerned about an increased military
presence in the region.

"It is precisely one of our biggest worries," Hurtado

"We don't know what the reaction will be. The
guerrillas will not just stand by."

Colombian Defense Minister Luis Fernando Ramirez Acuna
said the argument that the plan could spawn more
violence misses the point.

"The violence already exists and will always exist
where there is drug trafficking," he said at a news
conference. "The easiest thing for Colombia is to do
nothing, but doing nothing is the greatest guarantee
that outlaw groups will grow and will cross borders.
They already are."(AP)

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