TODAY'S NEWS (October.22.2000 Juche 89)


   * Chinese high-ranking military delegation arrives

   * Minister of People's Armed Forces meets Chinese high-ranking military

   * Talks held between Korean Minister of People's Armed Forces and Chinese
     National Defence Minister

   * Respects paid to President Kim Il Sung

   * Wreath laid before Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery on Mt. Taesong

   * Deserved result

   * Expansion projects of Songwon and Thaechon dams and building of
     Thaechon power station no. 5 completed

   * WPK, beacon of world progressive political parties

   * WPK praised

   * Proposal for founding DFRK supported

   * Advocates of confrontation should be removed

     For Spanish-speaking people

   * kim jong il recibe en audiencia a presidente de fit

   * rpdc: cuarto "dia nacional de inmunidad"

   * acto inaugural de obra de segunda etapa de central hidroelectrica
     "juventud" de anbyon

Chinese high-ranking military delegation arrives

   Pyongyang, October 22 (KCNA) -- A high-ranking military delegation of
the People's Republic of China
headed by Colonel General Chi Haotian, vice-chairman of the Central
Military Commission of the PRC who
is State Councilor and Minister of National Defence, arrived here today.
    It was greeted at the airport by vice marshal Kim Il Chol,
vice-chairman of the National Defence
Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and Minister of the
People's Armed Forces,
generals and officers of the Korean People's Army.
    Also present were Wang Guozhang, Chinese ambassador to the DPRK, and
Yan Jiangfeng, military
attache of the Chinese embassy.
    A ceremony to welcome the delegation was held at the airport.

Minister of People's Armed Forces meets Chinese high-ranking military

    Pyongyang, October 22 (KCNA) -- Vice marshal of the Korean People's
Army Kim Il Chol,
vice-chairman of the National Defence Commission of the Democratic People's
Republic of Korea and
Minister of the People's Armed Forces, today met and had a friendly
conversation with a high-ranking
military delegation of the People's Republic of China headed by Colonel
General Chi Haotian, vice-chairman
of the Central Military Commission of the PRC who is State Councilor and
Minister of National Defence,
when it paid a courtesy call on him.
    Present were Colonel General Ri Pyong Sam, Lieut. General Pak Sung Won,
generals and officers of
the KPA, Chinese ambassador to the DPRK Wang Guozhang and military attache
of the Chinese embassy
Yan Jiangfeng.

Talks held between Korean Minister of People's Armed Forces and Chinese
National Defence Minister

    Pyongyang, October 22 (KCNA) -- Talks were held here today between vice
marshal of the Korean
People's Army Kim Il Chol, vice-chairman of the National Defence Commission
of the Democratic People's
Republic of Korea and Minister of the People's Armed Forces, and Colonel
General Chi Haotian,
vice-chairman of the Central Military Commission of the People's Republic
of China who is State Councilor
and Minister of National Defence.
    At the talks both sides exchanged views on the need to develop friendly
relations between the armies of
the two countries and issues of mutual concern.
    Present at the talks on the Korean side were Colonel General Ri Pyong
Sam, Lieut. General Pak Sung
Won, generals and officers of the KPA and on the Chinese side were Colonel
General Xiong Guangkai,
deputy chief of the general staff of the Chinese People's Liberation Army=
Colonel General Zhang Shutian,
deputy director of the general political department of the CPLA= Lieut.
General Qian Guoliang, commander
of the Shenyang military command area of the CPLA= Lieut. General Zhen
Bingde, commander of the Jinan
military command area of the CPLA= and other members of the Chinese
high-ranking military delegation,
Wang Guozhang, Chinese ambassador to the DPRK, and Yan Jiangfeng, military
attache of the Chinese
    The talks took place in a friendly atmosphere.

Respects paid to President Kim Il Sung

    Pyongyang, October 22 (KCNA) -- The high-ranking military delegation of
the people's republic of
China today visited the Kumsusan Memorial Palace where the President Kim Il
Sung lies in state and paid
respects to him.
    Present there were the members of the delegation led by Colonel General
Chi Haotian, vice-chairman of
the Central Military Commission of the PRC who is State Councilor and
Minister of National Defence, Wang
Guozhang, Chinese ambassador to the DPRK, and Yan Jiangfeng, military
attache of the Chinese embassy
    Also present there were vice marshal of the Korean People's Army Kim Il
Chol, vice-chairman of the
National Defence Commission of the DPRK and Minister of the People's Armed
Forces, Lieutenant General
Pak Sung Won, generals and officers of the KPA.
    Placed on both sides of Kim Il Sung's statue were flags of the Worker's
Party of Korea and the DPRK
and colors of the KPA. A guard of honor of the three services of the KPA
lined up before the statue.
    Laid before the statue was a floral basket in the name of the delegation.
    The participants paid homage to the statue and made a bow to the
President in humble reverence.
    Then they looked round orders and medals awarded to him from foreign
countries in his lifetime, the
mourning hall, a train and a car used by him during his on-the-spot
guidance and foreign tour and in the last
period of his life.
    The head of the delegation in the visitor's book wrote that Kim Il Sung
always lives in the hearts of the
peoples of China and Korea.

Wreath laid before Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery on Mt. Taesong

    Pyongyang, October 22 (KCNA) -- The high-ranking military delegation of
the People's Republic of
China led by Colonel General Chi Haotian, vice-chairman of the Central
Military Commission of the PRC
who is State Councilor and Minister of National Defence, laid a wreath
before the Revolutionary Martyrs
Cemetery on Mt. Taesong today.
    Present there were vice marshal of the Korean People's Army Kim Il
Chol, vice-chairman of the National
Defence Commission of the DPRK and Minister of the People's Armed Forces,
KPA generals and officers,
Wang Guozhang, Chinese ambassador to the DPRK, and Yan Jiangfeng, military
attache of the Chinese
embassy here.
    A guard of honor of the three services of the KPA lined up at the cemetery.
    The guests laid a wreath at the cemetery in the name of the delegation
and observed a moment's silence in
memory of the revolutionary martyrs.

Deserved result

    Pyongyang, October 22 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in a signed
commentary says that it is a good
and praiseworthy thing that the DPRK's relations with other countries are
favorably developing and an
atmosphere of peace and reconciliation is being created on the Korean
    The news analyst says:
    It is quite natural that the Korean people and the world people welcome
and rejoice at the rapid positive
development of the situation taking place on the Korean peninsula at the
turn of the century. The DPRK has
neither opposed nor turned its back on developing good neighborly
friendship relations with other countries.
    The stand of the DPRK is to establish diplomatic relations with all
other countries and develop them as a
member of the international community.
    The DPRK will establish good neighborly friendship relations with the
countries that respect its dignity
and sovereignty and are friendly to it though there were unhappy things in
its relations with them in the past.
    To clear away distrust and achieve mutual confidence is possible only
when the sides make disinterested
and sincere efforts.
    It is the principled stand and demand of the DPRK that relations
between the DPRK and other countries
should be improved on the principle of mutual respect for independence,
equality and mutual benefits.
    Only then will it make a substantial contribution to peace and security
in the Korean peninsula, Asia and
the rest of the world. The DPRK will make sincere effort to this end.
    Any country that wants to improve relations with the DPRK should
correctly understand the stand and
demand of the DPRK and do its bit properly.

Expansion projects of Songwon and Thaechon dams and building of Thaechon
power station no. 5 completed

    Pyongyang, October 22 (KCNA) -- Songwon and Thaechon dams and Thaechon
power station no. 5
were commissioned into operation with due ceremony on the spot on October 21.
    They were built by soldiers of the Korean people's security forces and
builders in the revolutionary spirit
of soldiers and the revolutionary spirit of self-reliance and fortitude in
face of unprecedented difficulties.
    Their completion will help solve a serious problem of electricity of
the country and supply more
sufficient irrigation water to North Phyongan Province.
    The projects were conducted when builders were hard pressed for everything.
    The builders produced iron and steel, welding electrodes, spare parts
of all kinds and other materials by
themselves and pushed ahead with the projects by carrying cements with
sledges and on their backs.
    The respected Supreme Commander Kim Jong Il sent thanks to the
soldier-builders of the Korean
People's Security Forces, civilian builders, scientists, technicians,
helpers and their families for completing
the expansion projects of Songwon and Thaechon dams and the building of
Thaechon power station no. 5,
gifts to the 55th anniversary of the Worker's Party of Korea.
    Present at the ceremonies were Hong Song Nam, premier of the DPRK
cabinet, Han Song Ryong,
secretary of the WPK Central Committee, the Minister of Construction and
Building-materials Industries and
the chief secretaries of Jagang and north Phyongan provincial party committees.

WPK, beacon of world progressive political parties

    Pyongyang, October 22 (KCNA) -- A joint seminar of Madagascan political
parties on the exploits of the
Worker's Party of Korea was held in Antananarivo on October 14 on the
occasion of the 55th anniversary of
the Worker's Party of Korea.
    Speakers said that the WPK is the most revolutionary and militant party
in the world, the party of the
great Kim Il Sung leading the era of independence and the beacon of the
world progressive political parties all
over the world.
    The WPK is leading the struggle of the Korean people for the building
of a powerful nation to a brilliant
victory and it is the great party to lead the cause of global independence
and the drive to rebuild socialism in
the 21st century, they said.
    A letter to the great leader Kim Jong Il was adopted at the seminar.
    Attending the seminar were leaders and officials of the Party of the
Congress for the Independence of
Madagascar, the Monima Socialist Organization, the Socialist Progressive
Party, the Militant Action Party for
Sovereignty and the United Party of Struggle.

WPK praised

   Pyongyang, October 22 (KCNA) -- Head of a party and state delegation of
the Lao People's Democratic
Republic on an official good-will visit to the DPRK Samane Vignaket, member
of the political bureau of the
central committee of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party and president of
the National Assembly of Laos,
had a press conference after looking round the monument to the Worker's
Party of Korea founding.
    Saying that the monument is a wonderful education place to convey long
the history of the WPK and the
leadership exploits of the President Kim Il Sung who founded the WPK, he
praised the great exploits of the
    The great exploits and precious experience of the WPK are the model for
all the revolutionary parties
around the world, he said, and continued:
    Today the Korean people are fully demonstrating their dignity and might
with faith in certain victory and
the confidence in the future as the leadership of the WPK is wise.
    He reaffirmed that he would make every possible effort to boost the
traditional friendly and cooperative
relations between the two countries, two parties and two peoples, which
were provided by the respected
President of the Lao people Kaysone Phomvihane and the great leader of the
Korean people President Kim Il

Proposal for founding DFRK supported

   Pyongyang, October 22 (KCNA) -- The Bangladesh-DPRK Friendship
Association issued a statement on
October 10 to support the proposal for founding the Democratic Federal
Republic of Koryo(DFRK).
    The statement said that in the proposal the great leader President Kim
Il Sung illuminated the way of
reunifying the country by founding a federal republic through the
establishment of a unified national
government on condition that the north and the south of Korea recognize and
tolerate each other's ideas and
social systems, a government in which the two sides are represented on an
equal footing and under which
they exercise regional autonomy respectively with equal rights and duties.
    It continued:
    The proposal is an unique, reasonable and national reunification
proposal that reflects the specific
conditions of the Korean peninsula and the will and desire of all the
Korean people in the north, south and
overseas for national reunification.
    General Secretary Kim Jong Il recently provided the historic Pyongyang
meeting and the north-south
joint declaration which mirrored the desire of all the Korean nation to
open an epochal phase of national
    The association with the world progressive peace-loving people fully
supports the struggle of the Korean
people for realizing the proposal.

Advocates of confrontation should be removed

   Pyongyang, October 22 (KCNA) -- Defence Minister Jo Song Thae of South
Korea, in "inspection of
administration of the National Assembly" on October 20, claimed that the
army of the north keeps the
capability to make a provocation any time and there is a permanent military
threat. Earlier, on October 19 he
cried for arms buildup under the pretext of "security", taking issue with
the north.
    His call for confrontation with the north is a total challenge to the
June 15 north-south joint declaration
and an unpardonable insult to the DPRK.
    The DPRK has made all sincerity and efforts to implement the
declaration to meet the great expectation
and desire of the nation. Its active efforts have led to unprecedented
successes in inter-Korean relations,
which is well known to the South Korean military authority.
    If he had an iota of national conscience, he should refrain from
turning back the trend of the times
oriented towards reconciliation, cooperation, peace and reunification.
    The stance of confrontation makes it impossible to achieve
reconciliation, cooperation, peace and
    His recent argument about "provocation" by the north and "military
threat" betrayed the position of
confrontation with the DPRK.
    His anti-DPRK diatribe proves that the South Korean authorities still
regard the north as their "arch
enemy." It is a deliberate and premeditated provocation to reverse the
declaration and bring inter-Korean
relations back to the relations of confrontation.
    The South Korean authorities should have a correct understanding of the
trend of the times and act with
    If they truly want to implement the declaration, they should do away
with such advocates of inter-Korean
confrontation as jo song Thae and immediately give up war exercises and
arms buildup that pose threat to the
    There is limit to the patience of the DPRK.
    The DPRK will watch the future action of the South Korean authorities.

For Spanish-speaking people

kim jong il recibe en audiencia a presidente de fit

   pyongyang, 21 de octubre (atcc) -- el gran dirigente kim jong il recibio
ayer en audiencia al presidente
choe hong hui de la federacion internacional de taekwon-do quien permanece
en la patria socialista.
    estuvieron presentes kim jung rin y kim yong sun, secretarios del cc
del partido del trabajo de corea.
    el dirigente kim jong il sostuvo una charla cordial con el presidente,
le ofrecio un almuerzo y se
fotografio como recuerdo junto al visitante.

rpdc: cuarto "dia nacional de inmunidad"

   pyongyang, 21 de octubre (atcc) -- en la republica popular democratica
de corea el 20 de octubre es el "dia
nacional de inmunidad".
    tuvo lugar ayer en esta capital el acto inaugural del cuarto "dia
nacional de inmunidad".
    participaron los cientificos y tecnicos del sector de salud publica y
personales medicos, david morton,
coordinador de la onu y representante del programa de naciones unidas para
el desarrollo, dilawar ali khan,
representante de la oficina del fondo de las naciones unidas para la
infancia (unicef) en la rpdc, thomas riew,
jefe de la delegacion de cooperacion de la liga internacional de sociedades
de la cruz roja y medialuna roja y
sus miembros, du yuping, consejero del programa de ampliacion de inmunidad
de la organizacion mundial de
la salud (oms), david bulman, vicerepresentante del programa mundial de
alimentos y un funcionario de la
representacion de este programa y los funcionarios de la oficina del unicef.
    el ministro de salud publica kim su hak en su discurso inaugural senalo:
    para funcionamiento exitoso del "dia nacional de inmunidad" la oms, el
unicef y otras organizaciones y
entidades internacionales despacharon a la rpdc los competentes
especialistas para dar ayuda tecnica y
ofrecieron suficente cantidad de medicinas preventivas y muchos equipos de
refrigeracion en serie y de
transporte para asegurar la vacunacion preventiva cientifica y tecnica.
    expresamos sincero agradecimiento a las organizaciones internacionales
y varias organizaciones
gubernamentales y no gubernamentales por su ayuda desinteresada a la rpdc y
manifestamos la expectativa de
que tambien en el futuro contribuiran activamente a la labor para el
fomento de salud de los ninos de corea.
    pronunciaron discursos de felicitacion el representante de la oficina
del unicef en la rpdc y el consejero
del programa de la ampliacion de inmunidad de la oms.
    los oradores precisaron que las organizaciones internacionales no
cesaran su ayuda tecnica y material a la
eliminacion de paralisis infantil y el plan de ampliacion de inmunidad en
la rpdc.
    terminado el acto los participantes recorrieron las fotos alusivas a
los exitos logrados en la labor de salud
publica de la rpdc.
    ese dia se realizo la inoculacion preventiva de la paralisis espinal
para todos los ninos menores de 5 anos
de la capital y otras localidades.

acto inaugural de obra de segunda etapa de central hidroelectrica "juventud"
de anbyon

    pyongyang, 21 de octubre (atcc) -- tuvo lugar ayer sobre el terreno la
ceremonia inaugural de la obra de la
segunda etapa de la central hidroelectrica "juventud" de anbyon de talla
    esta central hidroelectrica en la provincia de kangwon es un mayor
obsequio laboral que prepararon el
ejercito popular y el pueblo para el partido y la patria con motivo del 55
aniversario de la fundacion del partido
del trabajo de corea.
    el dia en que se termino la obra de la primera etapa de esta central
por la ardua lucha de los militares de
nuestro ejercito popular el gran dirigente kim jong il enseno sobre el
terreno el gran proyecto de la
construccion de la segunda etapa y condujo sabiamente la lucha por su efecto.
    el dio instrucciones programaticas en mas de 50 ocasiones e hizo tomar
todas las medidas para promover
la obra.
    durante el periodo de la obra de la segunda etapa los militares
construyeron varios diques de gran
envergadura y abrieron la obra de ensanchamiento de tunel de la parte
inferior de miles de metros.
    otros constructores al luchar como los militares, terminaron
exitosamente la construccion de las centrales
hidroelectricas en diversos lugares y el montaje de generador electrico y
    el comandante supremo kim jong il dicto el pasado dia 4 la orden del
comandante supremo para declarar a
todo el mundo el termino de la construccion de esta central por la heroica
lucha de los militares del ejercito
popular y los constructores y darles agradecimiento evaluando altamente sus
heroicos meritos de haber
levantado esa gran obra monumental de la epoca del partido del trabajo.
    en la ceremonia inaugural participaron jo myong rok, jefe de la
direccion politica general del ejercito
popular de corea, kwak pom gi, viceprimer ministro del consejo de ministros
y otros.
    el ministro de las fuerzas armadas populares kim il chol en su informe
inaugural senalo que con el
termino de la obra de la segunda etapa de la central hidroelectrica
"juventud" de anbyon se han ejecutado
brillantemente las ensenanzas del gran lider presidente kim il sung y se
permite sotisfacer mas
satisfactoriamente la demanda electrica de la economia nacional.
    subrayo que normalizar la produccion electrica de la central reviste un
gran significado para solucionar el
problema de electricidad, brecha de la construccion de una potencia.
    deben generar satisfactoriamente la electricidad al hacer bien la
administracion de instalaciones.
    los cuadros dirigentes del partido y el estado cortaron la cinta
colgada sobre el dique.


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