Press Release



The Patriotic union of Kurdistan (PUK) have kidnapped (Hiwa Ahmad), the member of leading committee of the Organisation of Kurdistan -Worker communist party of Iraq (WCPI)

  On October the 6th, the PUK’S armed forced, like Mafia, have kidnapped Hiwa Ahmad in the centre of the city of Suleimania. This operation was so well planned that nothing is known about him until this moment.

We pointed in a previous statement to the attempts of the PUK to arrest and kidnap the leaders and cadres of our party who practice political activity under very suppressive atmosphere in city of Suleimaniah. We also pointed out that these terrorist actions are been committed very secretly, especially after the lectures which were given by Jalal Al talabani to the members of his suppressive apparatus and when a number of human right observers from the PUK itself were posted to observe the activity of these apparatus. The PUK is developing the human rights in Kurdistan according to its own method which includes committing killing, torture and kidnapping secretly, without any deter and without revealing any information about these operations and their victims. All the visits by his family and friends to the security apparatus have failed to obtain any information about him.


We stress that the PUK is responsible for the safety of Hiwa Ahmad and we demand that he is immediately release. We also call on all political and human right personalities and organisations and Amnesty International to condemn this crime and to put pressure on the PUK to release Hiwa Ahmad and to stop the continuous violation of freedom of political activity and human rights.



 Abroad Organisation

Worker Communist Party of Iraq

19Oct 2000


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