----- Original Message -----
From: Miroslav Antic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2000 3:53 PM
Subject: [STOPNATO.ORG.UK] NATO, European Union Look Toward Furthering Cooperation


NATO, European Union Look Toward Furthering Cooperation

By Jim Garamone
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Oct. 24, 2000 -- NATO and the European Union
are going to have to work closely together, but "NATO
remains the indispensable anchor for European security,"
said Frank Kramer.

Kramer, assistant secretary of defense for <a href=
http://www.defenselink.mil/policy/isa/ >international
security affairs</a>, spoke to reporters about working out
procedures that will allow NATO and any future European
force to work together. His presentation followed Defense
Secretary William S. Cohen's Oct. 10 discussion on the
subject with NATO country defense ministers in Birmingham,

The European Union is composed of Austria, Finland,
Ireland, Sweden and 11 NATO members -- Belgium, Denmark,
France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, the
Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and United Kingdom. They
banded together originally for economic reasons. In fact,
the Euro -- the new money system on the continent -- is a
result of this effort. The EU is looking at a security
aspect of the union and under former NATO Secretary-General
Javier Solana is working with the North Atlantic Alliance
to make this a reality.

Cohen wants a "more positive" look at the NATO-EU
discussions. He wants to build on the proposals the United
States has made since 1995 during discussions in Berlin. A
European Security and Defense Program is based on the three
"I's." It must bring an improvement in capabilities, it
must be inclusive of all allies, and it must reaffirm the
indivisibility of allied security.

The way to improve NATO-EU planning and defense
capabilities was at the heart of Cohen's presentation in

Kramer said it is "hard to imagine any real scenario with a
significant use of force in which the United States would
not be involved or where the allies wouldn't want us
involved." Still, the EU wants to have the ability to put
out fires in its own backyard, and the United States
welcomes that idea, he said.

"So what we have undertaken to do is to ensure that NATO
and the EU work closely together," he said. This means the
two organizations must set common priorities and common
planning procedures, he said, and it also means common

The 11 NATO members in the European Union are not going to
build separate sets of forces to serve the EU, he said, so
planning for an EU force must be tied to NATO. The EU and
NATO should not develop separate planning processes.
Rather, Kramer said, plans must be interchangeable and
should be made in a way that NATO members who aren't in the
European Union can have a say in how their resources are

In turn, he noted, EU countries not in NATO can get their
concerns before the Atlantic Alliance.

NATO's Defense Capabilities Initiative also figures
prominently in the relationship. The DCI seeks to improve
NATO's capability in strategic airlift; precision-guided
munitions; and command, control, communications and
intelligence systems. Anything EU countries do to their
military forces must work with NATO's and must further
NATO's capabilities.

Kramer said much of the framework for how the two entities
will work together is complete. "We have, so to speak, a
handshake deal, and it's got to be put into lawyer form,"
he said. He expects most of the work to be finished by


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