TODAY'S NEWS (October.24.2000 Juche 89)


   * Kim Jong Il meets again Madeleine K. Albright

   * Kim Jong Il sends wreath to cemetery of fallen fighters of CPV

   * Kim Yong Nam meets Albright

   * Greetings to President of Kazakhstan

   * Jo Myong Rok hosts luncheon for Albright

   * Paek Nam Sun meets U.S. Secretary of State

   * DPRK FM spokesman on adoption of declaration on peace on Korean

   * Chinese party and state leaders send wreaths to cemetery of fallen CPV

   * Albright visits Jongbaek Kindergarten no. 2

   * Albright meets mediapersons

   * Banquet given by U.S. Secretary of State

   * Wreaths laid before martyrs cemetery of CPV

   * Cooperation between DPRK and China in oceanic science

   * Aid equipment from UNICEF

   * KCNA urges Japan's redress for its past crimes

   * Japan's redress for its past crimes urged

   * Establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and DPRK urged

   * Strengthening driving force for Korea's reunification called for

   * Korean Taekwon-do players prove successful

   * Motorway associated with profound trust and loving care

   * Rodong Sinmun observes Day of UN

   * Week of disarmament observed

Kim Jong Il meets again Madeleine K. Albright

   Pyongyang, October 24 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il today met
again and had a
conversation with Madeleine K. Albright, Secretary of State of the United
States of America.
    Present there was Kang Sok Ju, first vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs.
    Also present were the suite members of the U.S. Secretary of State.
    Wide-ranging views on the issues of common concern were exchanged in
the meeting.
    Madeleine K. Albright expressed deep thanks for warm hospitality
accorded to her by the DPRK side.

Kim Jong Il sends wreath to cemetery of fallen fighters of CPV

    Pyongyang, October 24 (KCNA) -- General Secretary Kim Jong Il sent a
wreath to the cemetery of fallen
fighters of the Chinese People's Volunteers (CPV) in Hoechang county, South
Phyongan Province, on the
occasion of the 50th anniversary of the CPV entry into the Korean front.
    The wreath was laid at the cemetery today.
    Written on the ribbon hanging from the wreath were letters "glory to
fallen fighters of the Chinese
People's Volunteers "

Kim Yong Nam meets Albright

    Pyongyang, October 24 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the
presidium of the DPRK Supreme
People's Assembly, today met and had a talk with Madeleine K. Albright,
Secretary of State of the United
States of America who paid a courtesy call on him at the Mansudae Assembly
    Present there were Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun and vice-Minister of
Foreign Affairs Kim Kye Gwan
and the suite members of the U.S. Secretary of State.
    Albright said that she had a talk with leader Kim Jong Il on important
    She expressed conviction that the improved U.S.-DPRK relations would
contribute to the peace and
stability on the Korean peninsula and in East Asia.
    She noted that President Clinton is greatly interested in his Pyongyang

Greetings to President of Kazakhstan

    Pyongyang, October 24 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the
presidium of the DPRK Supreme
People's Assembly, on Oct. 20 sent a message of greetings to Nursultan
Nazarbayev, President of the
Republic of Kazakhstan, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of its
National Day.
    The message extended sincere congratulations to the President,
government and people of Kazakhstan on
its National Day and expressed belief that the friendly relations between
the two countries would continue to
develop on good terms in the interests of the two peoples.
    It wished the President and people of Kazakhstan greater successes in
their work to achieve the
independent development and prosperity of the country.

Jo Myong Rok hosts luncheon for Albright

    Pyongyang, October 24 (KCNA) -- Vice marshal Jo Myong Rok, first
vice-chairman of the National
Defence Commission of the DPRK and director of the general political
department of the Korean People's
Army, today hosted a luncheon for Madeleine K. Albright, Secretary of State
of the United States of
America, on a visit to the DPRK.
    Present there on invitation were her suite members.
    Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun, vice-Minister of the People's Armed
Forces Ryo Chun Sok and
vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs Kim Kye Gwan were present there.
    Speeches were made at the luncheon.

Paek Nam Sun meets U.S. Secretary of State

    Pyongyang, October 24 (KCNA) -- Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun of the
Democratic People's
Republic of Korea met and conversed with Madeleine K. Albright, Secretary
of State of the United States of
America who paid a courtesy call on him, at the Mansudae Assembly Hall today.
    Present there were Kim Kye Gwan, vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs, and
other officials concerned and
her suite members.

DPRK FM spokesman on adoption of declaration on peace on Korean

    Pyongyang, October 24 (KCNA) -- The spokesman for the Foreign Ministry
of the Democratic People's
Republic of Korea today answered a question put by KCNA as regards the
adoption of the declaration on
peace on the Korean peninsula at the third Asia-Europe summit.
    He called attention to the fact that the recent third Asia-Europe
summit welcomed and supported the
north-south joint declaration and adopted the declaration on peace on the
Korean peninsula with unanimous
    He said:
    The government of the DPRK highly appreciates the fact that the
declaration on peace on the Korean
peninsula was adopted at a time when positive changes have taken place on
the Korean peninsula in the wake
of the historic Pyongyang meeting and the publication of the north-south
joint declaration, products of the
idea of national independence and great unity always maintained by the DPRK
government and its efforts to
put it into practice.
    We express expectation that all the countries in Asia, Europe and the
rest of the world will in the future,
too, give a strong impetus to the implementation of the north-south joint

Chinese party and state leaders send wreaths to cemetery of fallen CPV

    Pyongyang, October 24 (KCNA) -- Jiang Zemin, general secretary of the
central committee of the
Communist Party of China, President of the People's Republic of China and
chairman of the Central Military
Commission of the PRC, president Li Peng of the standing committee of the
National People's Congress,
premier Zhu Rongji of the State Council and president Li Ruihuan of the
National Committee of the Chinese
People's Political Consultative Conference sent wreaths to the cemetery of
fallen fighters of the Chinese
People's Volunteers (CPV) in Hoechang county, South Phyongan Province, on
the occasion of the 50th
anniversary of the CPV entry into the Korean front.
    The wreaths were laid at the cemetery today.
    Written on the ribbons hanging from the wreaths were letters "immortal
are exploits of fallen fighters of
the Chinese People's Volunteers," "immortal are fallen fighters of the
Chinese People's Volunteers," etc.

Albright visits Jongbaek Kindergarten no. 2

    Pyongyang, October 24 (KCNA) -- Madeleine K. Albright, Secretary of
State of the United States of
America, yesterday visited the Pyongyang Jongbaek Kindergarten no. 2.
    Being briefed on the life of kindergartners there and the humanitarian
food assistance from the World
Food Programme mission here, she spent a pleasant time with them.
    She left a souvenir at the kindergarten.

Albright meets mediapersons

    Pyongyang, October 24 (KCNA) -- U.S. Secretary of State, Madeleine K.
Albright, met mediapersons
at Pyongyang Koryo Hotel today in connection with her visit to the
Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
    Present there were reporters accompanying the U.S. Secretary of State,
mediapersons in Pyongyang and
correspondents of various countries here.
    At the press conference the U.S. Secretary of State said she came here
to convey to Chairman Kim Jong
Il of the National Defence Commission the views of U.S. President William
Clinton on the improvement of
the DPRK-U.S. relations and prepare for Clinton's visit.
    During her visit, she noted, she had hours-long constructive and
in-depth conversation with chairman
Kim Jong Il over various issues.
    She said that there was an earnest talk about "missile issue" and
outstanding issues between the two
    Recalling that she met with President Kim Yong Nam of the presidium of
the Supreme People's
Assembly, vice marshal Jo Myong Rok and Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun, she
said during her visit an
important progress was made in the improvement of the DPRK-U.S. relations.
    She was very moved to see beautiful Pyongyang, she added.
    She expressed thanks to Chairman Kim Jong Il for the special
hospitality accorded to her during her visit
to the DPRK, the first by a U.S. Secretary.
    Then she answered questions put by reporters.

Banquet given by U.S. Secretary of State

    Pyongyang, October 24 (KCNA) -- Madeleine K. Albright, Secretary of
State of the United States of
America, gave a banquet at Mokran House today upon the conclusion of the
itinerary of her visit to the
Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
    The great leader Kim Jong Il, Chairman of the National Defence
Commission of the DPRK, was invited
to the banquet.
    Present on invitation were Kim Yong Nam, President of the presidium of
the Supreme People's
Assembly of the DPRK, Jo Myong Rok, first vice-chairman of the National
Defence Commission of the
DPRK and director of the general political department of the Korean
People's Army, Kim Yong Chun,
member of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK and chief of the
general staff of the KPA, Kim
Kuk Thae and Kim Yong Sun, secretaries of the Central Committee of the
Worker's Party of Korea, Minister
Paek Nam Sun, first vice-minister Kang Sok Ju and vice-minister Kim Kye
Gwan of foreign affairs, and
officials concerned.
    Diplomatic envoys of some countries and representatives of
international organizations here were also
    Present were suite members of the U.S. Secretary of State.
    Madeleine K. Albright and Paek Nam Sun spoke at the banquet.
    The banquet took place in a cordial atmosphere.

Cooperation between DPRK and China in oceanic science

   Pyongyang, October 24 (KCNA) -- Party and power organs and working
people's organizations in
Kaesong laid wreaths at the martyrs cemetery of the Chinese People's
Volunteers in the city on Monday on
the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the CPV entry into the Korean front.
    Wreaths were laid at the martyrs cemetery in the name of the Kaesong
city committee of the Worker's
Party of Korea, the Kaesong City People's Committee, working people's
organizations and bouquets and
flowers were laid by working people in the city and soldiers of the
people's army.
    Present at the wreath-laying ceremony were Kim Si Hak, chief secretary
of the Kaesong city committee
of the WPK and others.
    They observed a moment's silence in honor of martyrs.
    On the same day Chinese ambassador to the DPRK Wang Guozhang and
embassy officials laid a wreath
at the cemetery in the name of the embassy.

Cooperation between DPRK and China in oceanic science

   Pyongyang, October 24 (KCNA) -- The minutes of the tenth talks on
cooperation between the
Hydro-meteorological Service of the DPRK and the State Oceanic
Administration of China in oceanic science
and technology were signed here yesterday.

Aid equipment from UNICEF

    Pyongyang, October 24 (KCNA) -- The United Nations Children's Fund sent
aid equipment needed for
public health in the DPRK.
    An equipment presenting ceremony was held in Pyongyang yesterday.
    The aid equipment was handed to an official concerned by Dilawar Ali
khan, representative of the office
of the UNICEF here.

KCNA urges Japan's redress for its past crimes

    Pyongyang, October 24 (KCNA) -- As already reported, the 11th round of
the DPRK-Japan
intergovernmental full-dress talks is slated to open in Beijing on Oct. 30.
    Domestic and foreign public is paying keen attention to the talks to be
opened at a time when a good
environment is being created in favour of the DPRK.
    If the talks are to bear good fruits, it is important for both sides to
have a proper attitude and stand toward
the talks.
    The talks are basically aimed at liquidating Japan's inglorious past
and improving bilateral relations.
    Proceeding from the position that improved DPRK-Japan relations fully
conform with the interests of the
two peoples and the requirement of the times, the DPRK has sincerely
approached the preceding talks and
this attitude and stand remain unchanged.
    Success of the talks depends on how the Japanese side will approach the
talks. If it repeats such
threadbare fiction as "suspected kidnapping", the talks will come to an end
without any progress. The talks
can make progress only when Japan adopts a bold decision to redress its
past crimes.
    The DPRK-Japan relations are basically different from the ordinary ties
between countries. The DPRK
and Japan are in the relationship between the assailant and the victim.
    Japan inflicted all sorts of misfortune and sufferings upon the Korean
people after its military occupation
of Korea and the DPRK is entitled to get compensation for huge human and
material losses. Japan should not
be allowed to improve these relations with the DPRK in the same way as it
does with other countries.
    If Japan is to improve its relations with the DPRK it should find a
definite solution to such fundamental
issue as redressing its past crimes. There can be no improvement of the
bilateral relations without Japan's
redeem for its past.
    Japan's redeem for its past crimes is a prerequisite for near yet far
off Japan to become a friendly
neighbor of the DPRK.
    If Japan persistently seeks a sinister political aim, raising a hue and
cry over "suspected kidnapping" and
"missile threat", the DPRK-Japan relations will never improve.
    If Japan truly wants to improve relations with the DPRK, it should make
an option to settle its past
crimes, though belatedly, and show it at the forthcoming talks.

Japan's redress for its past crimes urged

    Pyongyang, October 24 (KCNA) -- It is the principled stand and demand
of the DPRK related to the
issue of the DPRK-Japan relations that Japan should redress its crimes
committed against the Korean people
in the past before anything else under any circumstances and this is a key
to opening the door of improving
the DPRK-Japan relations.
    Rodong Sinmun today says this in a signed commentary clarifying the
DPRK's principled stand on the
11th round of the DPRK-Japan intergovernmental full-dress talks slated to
open late this month.
    The commentary says:
    The DPRK and Japan are in the relationship fundamentally different from
that between other countries
because they are in the relationship between the two sworn enemies.
    It is, therefore, a prerequisite and key to normalizing the DPRK-Japan
relations for Japan to redress its
past crimes.
    It is the core of this issue that Japan, assailant, should admit and
reflect on its crimes and apologize and
compensate to the DPRK, its victim.
    Japan should clearly understand this special nature of the relations
between the DPRK and Japan and
approach the talks with honesty.
    The Japanese government is seeking sinister political aims in raising a
hue and cry over "kidnapping" and
"missile" issues. It is vociferous about them even these days with the 11th
round of the DPRK-Japan
intergovernmental full-dress talks at hand.
    This makes the DPRK skeptical about Japan's stand on the issues of
redressing its past crimes and
improving the bilateral relations.
    While talking about the improvement of the Japan-DPRK relations, Japan
is putting a brake on its
process. This clearly shows its crafty double-dealing attitude.
    Japan's redress for its past crimes should include apology and
compensation, solution of the issue of
cultural treasures and guarantee of special status to the Korean residents
in Japan.
    Japan should not hush up the issue of redressing its past nor seek
other aim through the normalization of
the bilateral relations.
    If Japan truly wants to improve the relations with the DPRK it should
turn over a new leaf and make a
bold decision to settle its past crimes.

Establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and DPRK urged

    Pyongyang, October 24 (KCNA) -- An emergency meeting took place in
Tokyo on October 19 in
demand of early establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and the
Democratic People's Republic of
    Present were Motofumi Makieta, chairman of the Japan Committee for
Supporting the Independent and
Peaceful Reunification of Korea, Sumiko Shimizu, representative of the
Japanese Women's Liaison Council
for Solidarity with the Korean Women, and other Japanese public figures and
people from all walks of life.
    The establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and the DPRK is
an ethical and moral issue
which should be settled within the present century, speakers said,
underscoring the need for Japan to
sincerely redress its past.
    There still remains in Japanese society the idea of humiliating the
Korean nation such as the "suspected
kidnapping" racket, they said, adding that proceeding from the fact that
Japan is the assailant and Korea is the
victim, the government should sincerely approach the negotiations for
establishing diplomatic relations.
    The Japanese government should candidly admit, apologize and compensate
for Japan's past colonial
rule over Korea and enormous damage upon the Korean nation, so as to
establish the future-oriented relations
of friendship, they stressed.

Strengthening driving force for Korea's reunification called for

    Pyongyang, October 24 (KCNA) -- The whole nation should unite as one to
strengthen the driving force
for reunification. Herein lies a sure guarantee for the independent and
peaceful reunification of Korea.
Rodong Sinmun today says this in a signed article.
    The article goes on: Success of the cause of Korea's reunification
depends on how the fellow
countrymen in the north, south and abroad unite to struggle for it.
    It is one of the important issues in strengthening the driving force
for national reunification to unite in the
spirit of patriotism and national independence under the banner of the
great unity of the whole Korean nation.
    It is the common idea and feelings for all the members of the nation to
love their own country and value
its independence.
    The driving force for reunification will be strengthened in every way
when all the fellow countrymen
unite as one in the spirit of patriotism and national independence.
    It is another important matter in strengthening the driving force for
national reunification to get the whole
nation united under the banner of patriotism and national reunification.
    It is the common feelings and idea for the members of the nation to
love their country and nation and
value their identity. Moreover, the reunification of the country presents
itself as the supreme task of the
Korean nation who has suffered all sorts of misfortune and pain resulting
from the national split.
    The banner of national reunification serves as a banner of struggle
common to the nation and a banner of
great national unity.

Korean Taekwon-do players prove successful

    Pyongyang, October 24 (KCNA) -- Korean Taekwon-do players bagged 15
gold medals, 5 silver medals
and one bronze medal at the 1st Asian Taekwon-do Championships held in
Tokyo from October 21 to 22.
    DPRK boys and girls came first in the men and women's group pattern
    The DPRK placed first in the team standing to win a trophy.
    Ri Chol Nam and Ro Song Hui were awarded each the best prize.

Motorway associated with profound trust and loving care

    Pyongyang, October 24 (KCNA) -- The 40-odd km Chongnyonyongung Motorway
from the capital city
of Pyongyang to Nampho, a city on the west coast of Korea, was successfully
completed as a monumental
edifice in the era of the worker's party era.
    This project was as Herculean as the 120 km-long Pyongyang-Hyangsan
tourist motorway which was
opened to traffic in October Juche 84 (1995).
    After proposing its construction the great leader Kim Jong Il assigned
the project to young people in
November Juche 87 (1998). 50,000 young people from at least 200 cities and
counties across the country
volunteered to build the motorway to live up to the deep trust of the leader.
    He showed deep solicitude for them so that they could perform heroic
feats in the construction.
    He sent a variety of new year festive dishes to them when they were to
celebrate the first new year's day
in the construction site. He also made sure that early ripening potatoes
and grapes were sent to the members
of the youth shock brigades so that they might taste them before anyone
else. He saw to it that they were
specially served at renowned restaurants in Pyongyang several times and
sent them TV sets and other
entertainment apparatuses.
    In June last year when the project was still under way he made sure
that state citations including orders
and medals were awarded to them in high recognition of their exploits.
    This was something unprecedented. His loving care and trust were the
only source of the courage with
which they could overcome rigorous ordeals and manifold difficulties.
    In the whole period when the project was carried out the country's
economic situation was so hard that
the builders were short of construction machines and vehicles and fuel and
there was an acute shortage of
cement, steel, timber and even food.
    Under the slogan "self-reliance is the only way out " the youth shock
brigaders used stretcher-live
carrying means, plastic bags, hammers and chisels day and night to lay
roadbeds. They removed at least 14
million cubic meters of earth.
    In this course they presented a 50,000-strong chorus, something
unprecedented in history, to
demonstrate the faith and spirit of the young Korean people.
    The motorway was successfully completed in a matter of two years thanks
to their unremitting efforts as
the best one in all aspects including architectural style and technology.
    The motorway was named "Chongnyonyongung Motorway" to convey long the
exploits of the youth
shock brigade members and soldier-builders.

Rodong Sinmun observes Day of UN

    Pyongyang, October 24 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today dedicates a signed
article to the Day of the
United Nations.
    The paper says:
    For 55 years after its foundation the UN has made great efforts to
ensure global peace and security and
promote the socio-economic development of its member states in accordance
with its mission and purpose.
    Different from the time when the UN was founded, the present time is
faced with an important task to
establish fair international relations and order which will represent the
new millennium.
    To this end, justice, impartiality and equality should be ensured in
the UN system and activities and
challenges to the UN charter should be successfully overcome.
    Expectation and concern about the UN role in making the 21st century a
century of human prosperity and
progress and peace are great.
    The changed international situation requires to reform the UN structure
in a more democratic way. It is
one of important ways of building the trust of the international community
in the UN for the UN to redress
those matters which were dealt with wrong by a strong arm and a high hand
on the contrary to the purpose
and principles of the UN Charter.
    When the UN remains faithful to its charter and discharge its mission
and duty in conformity with the
changing situation at the turn of the century, the trust of the world
people in the UN will be built.

Week of disarmament observed

   Pyongyang, October 24 (KCNA) -- Minju Joson today dedicates a signed
article to the beginning of a
week of disarmament this year.
    The article says:
    Disarmament is an important way of removing tensions and danger of war
and ensuring world peace and
security at present.
    It is one of the fundamental ways for disarmament for the peace-loving
people of the world to unite and
wage a powerful joint struggle against the arms race of the imperialists.
    The peace-loving people of the world should fully lay bare the criminal
moves of the imperialists who are
hastening the development of nuclear weapons while justifying their
possession and use of nuclear weapons
in the old way of thinking in the era of the Cold War. And they should put
a collective pressure so as to
dismantle the existing nuclear weapons and stop the development of new
nuclear weapons.
    It is important to establish the nuclear-free, peace zones in different
parts of the world and expand them
    The Democratic People's Republic of Korea will resolutely struggle in
defence of peace against the arms
race of the imperialists in the future, too.


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