>From: "mart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>To international readers,  perhaps unfamilliar with Canadian politics,
>Canada is having a federal election on Nov. 27.2000 , to elect a new
>parliament and a new government. This election comes at a critical time for
>Politically, the extreme right wing and the religeos fundamentalists have
>become united, behind Stockwell Day and the Canadian Alliaence party. The
>governing Liberals, under Jean Chretein, have in response, moved their
>unabashed "corporate" agenda, even further to the right.
>Even the only slightly "left" New Democratic Party has  totally abandoned
>it's traditional  working class base, and embracing  Britain'sTony Blair's,
>phoney "third way" line, now is only promising to moderate some of the worst
>effects of  the extreme right wing and corporate agenda on Canadian people.
>The Communist Party, after years of struggle and rebuilding is fighting back
>and offering a real alternative to Canadians .
>Below is the official press release from the CPC and some highlights of it's
>"people first" platform.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Communist Party of Canada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: October 25, 2000 2:13 PM
>Subject: CPC Launches Campaign - press release
>October 23, 2000
>Communist Party Officially Launches Campaign; Unveils Platform
>The Communist Party launched its election campaign today by announcing that
>the Party will field more than 50 candidates in the November 27 general
>elections and thereby regain its registered status which was stripped from
>the CPC in 1993.
>“We are very excited about our campaign,” CPC leader Miguel Figueroa said,
>“not only because we will reestablish our credentials as an official federal
>party – Canada’s third oldest – but also because our platform addresses the
>vital concerns of working people in Canada at a crucial moment in the
>country’s history.”
>The CPC launched its campaign by unveiling the main themes of its platform,
>which include measures: (1) to reverse privatization of Canada’s public
>services and natural resources; (2) to combat poverty and raise the living
>standards of working people; (3) to sharply increase taxes on transnational
>corporations, the banks and wealthy individuals; and (4) to oppose the
>corporate agenda of globalization, and the loss of Canadian sovereignty.
>“There are real choices to be made in this election,” Mr. Figueroa said.
>“But they are not between the Liberals and the Alliance, as those parties
>and most political and media pundits would have Canadians believe.”
>“On most key questions facing working people in this country, there is no
>essential difference between the Liberals and their main contenders on the
>right, the Canadian Alliance.”
>“Both share the same pro-corporate ‘vision.’ Both support tax cuts for the
>rich, at the expense of the social services like Medicare and public
>education for the people. And both promote the policies of capitalist
>globalization, and the subordination of Canada to the interests of U.S.
>“The real choice facing Canadians is between the corporate agenda advanced –
>to greater or lesser degree – by all of the mainstream political parties on
>the one hand, and those parties and policies that oppose neo-liberalism and
>globalization and stand for putting ‘people before profits,’ on the other.”
>The Communist Party will campaign in many key ridings across the country to
>expose the bogus claims of the ruling Liberals as the “party of compassion,”
>while warning Canadians about the even greater danger posed by the
>ultra-right wing Alliance under Stockwell Day. The CPC will also put forward
>its own “people’s alternative” program as a basis for the ongoing
>fightback – both inside and outside Parliament – against the policies of Big
>Business and its governments.
>“Our Party faces an uphill battle in this campaign precisely because we are
>a small party which, like other smaller, alternative parties, is routinely
>ignored by the mass media and cut out of the mainstream political debate,”
>the Communist Party leader said.
>“But despite these difficulties, we are confident that many thousands of
>Canadians – especially workers, the unemployed, women, aboriginal peoples,
>new Canadians, and youth and students – will be attracted by our policy
>“We invite all democratic and progressive-minded Canadians to consider our
>‘people’s alternative’ and to vote for Communist candidates on November
>= 30 =
>Note to the Media:
>The Communist Party will field over 50 candidates in the coming election,
>compared to only eight candidates in 1993, and 13 in 1997. The CPC will
>nominate 11 candidates in British Colombia, 3 in Alberta, one in
>Saskatchewan, 7 in Manitoba, 18 in Ontario, 12 in Quebec, and one in Nova
>Communists will run in several high-profile ridings, including Jean Chrétien
>’s home riding of St. Maurice, LaSalle (Finance Minister Paul Martin), York
>Centre (Defense Minister Art Eggleton), and Vancouver Centre (Hedy Fry,
>Minister Responsible for the Status of Women).
>A full list of CPC candidates and ridings is available to the media upon
>CPC leader Miguel Figueroa will also be touring across Canada over the
>coming weeks. Details of the leader’s tour will be circulated shortly.
>Journalists and reporters covering the federal election are asked to contact
>the Central Campaign Committee of the CPC for more information, to arrange
>interviews, etc.
>Highlights from the Communist Party Platform:
>A People’s Alternative for Canada!
>Defend and expand health & social programs
>Reverse federal cuts in transfer payments for health, education and social
>welfare, and preserve Canada-wide standards. No to privatization – block
>Alberta’s Bill 11 and other provincial attacks on Medicare. Rescind the Drug
>Patent Act (which guarantees mega-profits for the big pharmaceuticals, and
>high costs for health care), and introduce universal Pharmacare and
>Denticare. Immediately establish an accessible, affordable and non-profit
>childcare and infant care program across Canada – no more delays! Stop the
>war against the poor, such as “workfare” and welfare cutbacks. Spend at
>least 1% of the federal budget on social and non-profit housing. Stop the
>“war on drugs”; treat addiction as a medical issue, not a criminal act.
>Jobs with decent pay
>Legislate a 32-hour work week with no loss in take-home pay; ban compulsory
>overtime, and raise minimum annual paid vacations to four (4) weeks. Lower
>the voluntary pension age to 60, and substantially increase pensions. Extend
>benefits to part-time, home-based and contract workers. Raise the federal
>minimum wage to $10.50/hour. Stop Ottawa’s theft of the EI fund; set EI
>benefits at 80% of previous earnings to all unemployed workers. Develop
>environmentally-sound primary industries and manufacturing; rebuild social
>programs and Canada’s decaying municipal infrastructure.
>Stop Corporate Globalization – Defend Canadian sovereignty
>Curb the power of transnational corporations; Cancel NAFTA and pull Canada
>out of all corporate-driven trade and investment negotiations, such as the
>FTAA, the WTO and the GATS. Develop mutually beneficial trade agreements
>that protect the environment and respect Canadian economic, social and
>cultural sovereignty.  Ban water exports. Restrict capital flight and job
>loss with currency exchange controls and strong plant closure laws. Block
>foreign takeovers. Put the banking and insurance system under public
>ownership and democratic control. Reverse the privatization of Air Canada,
>PetroCanada and CN Rail. Restore funding for the CBC, the arts and Canadian
>Tax the greedy, not the needy
>Legislate progressive tax reform based on ability to pay – no ‘flat’ tax!
>Scrap the regressive GST. Raise taxes on the wealthy and eliminate taxes on
>incomes below $30,000; apply taxes to 100% of capital gains, and increase
>other taxes on big corporations and banks. Close tax loopholes, collect
>deferred corporate taxes, and tax the speculators through introduction of
>the “Tobin tax”. Impose a special “windfall profit tax” on large oil and
>other resource companies. Establish wealth and estate taxes.
>Democratic constitutional reform –
>Convene a Constituent Assembly
>Resolve the crisis of Confederation and build Canadian unity on a new basis.
>Elect a democratic Constituent Assembly to draft a new constitution, based
>on an equal and voluntary partnership of the First Nations, Quebec, and
>English-speaking Canada. Recognize Quebec’s national right of
>self-determination, and the inherent rights of Aboriginal peoples to
>self-government and just settlement of all outstanding land claims, based on
>proposals of the 1996 Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.
>Full equality for women
>Close the wage gap – full pay and employment equity for all working women.
>Protect women’s reproductive rights; provide publicly funded, accessible,
>quality abortion services in every province, and guarantee their security.
>Ensure over-the-counter availability of RU-486 (the “morning after” pill).
>Stop violence against women. Restore adequate funding for NAC and other
>women’s groups, crisis centres, and transition houses. Endorse the demands
>of the World March of Women to end poverty and violence against women.
>A future for youth: education and jobs
>Increase federal support for education at all levels. Roll back and then
>eliminate tuition fees for post-secondary education, and stop the
>privatization and corporatization of our schools, colleges and universities.
>Shift from loans to grants for student assistance. Expand youth access to
>training and apprenticeship programs. Create decent-paying jobs and improved
>services for youth, not more prisons and ‘boot camps.’
>Fight racism and discrimination
>Strengthen employment equity programs for people of colour, Aboriginal
>peoples, and people with disabilities. Scrap the “head tax” on new
>immigrants. End discrimination against lesbians, gays, bisexuals and
>transgendered persons; guarantee the marriage and adoption rights of all
>Canadians, regardless of sexual orientation. Promote the rights of people
>with disabilities for equal access to all social, medical and educational
>facilities and services. Strengthen and enforce laws against hate propaganda
>(including on the internet), hate crimes and neo-fascist groups, and
>prosecute war criminals living in Canada.
>Protect & expand democratic rights
>Eliminate Election Act barriers against smaller political parties, and
>provide fair media access for all parties and candidates. Enact a new
>electoral system to combine election of individual MPs with proportional
>representation, and the right to recall MPs. Defend the right to dissent –
>stop government spying and police attacks against protesters and progressive
>organizations. Strengthen civilian control over the armed forces and police.
>A Bill of Rights for labour
>Enshrine the constitutional right of all workers to organize, bargain
>collectively, picket, strike and take collective political action. Ban
>strike-breaking and scabbing. Strengthen labour laws and employment
>standards; block anti-labour “right-to-work” laws.
>Save the environment
>Put the environment ahead of corporate profit. Impose stronger penalties on
>polluters. Make Canada a world leader in reduction of ozone-depleting gases
>and hydrocarbons. Phase out nuclear power, and reduce reliance on fossil
>fuel consumption; expand energy saving programs and alternative power
>sources. Stop destructive forestry practices, such as clear-cutting. Require
>labelling on genetically-modified food products. Create jobs through
>protection and cleanup of the environment. Increase research on the
>long-term effects of human economic activity.
>Peace, disarmament and global justice
>End Canadian participation in US/NATO military aggression. Reject the
>mis-named policy of ‘humanitarian interventionism”  – respect the UN Charter
>and international law. Slash the military budget by 50%; convert military to
>civilian jobs. Pull Canada out of NATO and NORAD. End economic sanctions
>against Iraq. Support negotiations for the abolition of weapons of mass
>destruction and arms exports. Support fair and mutually beneficial
>international trade. Strengthen friendship and trade with Cuba and other
>socialist countries.


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