>Subject: [gangbox] Fwd: Israel Threatens Wider War and Gives Arafat

>               Israel Threatens Wider War and Gives Arafat Ultimatum
>  MID-EAST REALITIES - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 11/2:
>     The Israelis have not only been busy with tanks and helicopter
>  they
>  have also been busy with political and verbal threats of a high order.
>  has warned its Western patrons, both the U.S. and key European States,
>that a
>  regional war could take place and they all have to work together.  Arafat
>  essentially been told he and his entourage could also become threatened,
>at the
>  least the infrastructure of his regime destroyed, the money that fuels
>  regime
>  cut.  These threats have been of course substantially backed up by
>  unprecedented
>  Israeli military attacks right in their own backyard, making it clear that
>  the Israelis do not get their way they have the military power to enforce
>  will.
>     It is not likely the desperate "agreement" reached between Shimon Peres
>  Yasser Arafat last evening will be enforced. It wasn't really an agreement
>  course...it was much more an "ultimatum". UPI reported last evening that
>  Minister Ehud Barak said shortly before Peres' meeting with Arafat that
>  was supposed to deliver "a stern warning to the Palestinian leader to stop
>  Palestinian violence immediately."  That's diplomatic language for, this
>  your
>  last warning, do what we tell you, "or else".
>     The Arafat Regime, desperate now to save itself, may well decide that
>it is
>  now in danger of total defeat and will package what has taken place as an
>  "agreement"
>  with which it will try to comply.  Doing so will require even greater
>  repression
>  that previously combined with some kind of diplomatic slight of hand to
>  again that a real Palestinian State is coming through Arafat's efforts.
>  CIA will be working overtime to enforce it.  The Arab "client regimes" are
>  desperate
>  as well and will do what they can to prop up Arafat at this point.  The
>  Israelis
>  may have other plans at this point, however, and what is taking place at
>  moment may be more a part of their public relations strategy than a return
>  the feeling that they can get what they want from a now much weakened
>  Regime.
>      The articles below help explain the complicated backdrop to what is
>  place today:
>  The Times, UK, 31 Oct:  ISRAEL issued a warning yesterday that the daily
>  running
>  street battles between Israelis and Palestinians could erupt into a
>  conflict that would engulf the Middle East and stretch across the
>  to Europe.  During a visit to London, Shlomo Ben-Ami, the Israeli Foreign
>  Minister,
>  painted a far bleaker picture of the implications of the month-long crisis
>  gripping
>  the Middle East than have previously been set out by Israeli leaders.
>  Mr Ben-Ami was a leading figure for almost a decade in the negotiations
>  the Palestinians, which collapsed last month. Yesterday he appealed to
>  Blair
>  for help in persuading Yassir Arafat, the Palestinian leader, to enforce a
>  ceasefire
>  and resume talks before it was too late. He made similar calls to European
>  leaders
>  in Paris earlier in the day and today is due in Washington for talks with
>  President
>  Clinton, who has only weeks left in office to broker a peace agreement.
>  Mr Ben-Ami said that the longer the present "low intensity" conflict with
>  Palestinians continued the bigger the risk that it would lead to a
>  escalation.
>  There are already fears of fresh fighting on the northern border with
>  which could drag in Syrian forces as well. Also, the militant mood on the
>  street
>  across the Arab world could force moderate leaders into direct
>  with Israel.
>  Mr Ben-Ami said: "This is why we say to the Europeans: 'You have high
>  here.' It is the stability of the Mediterranean — maybe even of Europe —
>  is at risk."
>  One flashpoint that would push the street battles in the West Bank and
>  into
>  a virtual state of war could happen on November 15, when the Palestinian
>  has threatened unilaterally to declare an independent state.
>  If that happened, Mr Ben-Ami said, Israel would reluctantly respond in
>  with
>  a "defensive disengagement" from the Palestinian areas. The move would
>  effectively
>  mean that the main areas of disputed land, such as East Jerusalem and the
>  Jewish
>  settlements in the West Bank and Gaza, would be incorporated into the
>  state and the main Palestinian population areas sealed off by the Israeli
>  military.
>  "We will be obliged to take measures of defensive disengagment in case the
>  Palestinians
>  declare unilaterally," Mr Ben-Ami told The Times. "A unilateral
>  means
>  you signal the end of the peace process — nothing binds
>  us any more."
>  While insisting that he remains an optimistic and committed to a
>  settlement,
>  he said the peace movement in Israel was in danger of collapse unless a
>  breakthrough
>  was achieved soon.
>  The centre-left coalition of Ehud Barak, the Prime Minister, is holding on
>  power by a thread, and the right-wing opposition would return to power if
>  elections
>  were held today.
>  "The Palestinians' response to this wave of violence is threatening to
>  the peace camp in Israel," he said. "We spent a lifetime trying to build a
>  modus
>  vivendi with the Palestinians. We see the work of our lives collapsing
>  our eyes. The threat is that this will be the day of the hawks — the
>  Palestinian
>  hawks and the Israeli hawks."
>  Although all sides to the conflict agreed on the provisions of a ceasefire
>  month at the Sharm el-Sheikh summit in Egypt, the deal failed to halt the
>  violence.
>  The search for a solution has been complicated by next week's American
>  presidential
>  elections, which will seriously weaken President Clinton's influence in
>  region.
>  In part that is why Mr Ben-Ami made his appeal for help yesterday to
>  and other European leaders.
>                       ISRAEL BRACES FOR TWO-FRONT WAR
>  MIDDLE EAST NEWSLINE -Tuesday, October 31:
>  TEL AVIV — Israel is preparing for a two-front war as Syria appears to
>  given
>  the Hizbullah and its Palestinian allies the green light for attacks on
>  Lebanese
>  border with the Jewish state.
>  Israeli defense officials said the government of Prime Minister Ehud Barak
>  assesses
>  that Hizbullah will launch attacks together with an offensive by
>  Islamic groups. They said they have intelligence information of two Hamas
>  squads
>  that have infiltrated Israel in an attempt to launch terrorist attacks.
>  "There is an effort by more than one organization to carry out an attack
>in the
>  heart of the country," Deputy Defense Minister Ephraim Sneh said. "There
>  elements that want to draw us into a conflict in the territories and on
>  northern
>  border."
>  The officials said Syria is allowing Hizbullah to attack Israel from the
>  Lebanese
>  border. They point to the increasing shooting attacks from Lebanon on
>  soldiers. On Sunday, Israeli soldiers came under fire near Kibbutz Zarit.
>  Nobody
>  was injured.
>  "What worries us is that Syria does not fulfill a suitable role," Sneh
>  "There are indications that it is acting differently. It could be because
>  situation in the Arab world, it does not have the motivation to stop this
>  [Hizbullah
>  attacks]."
>  Hizbullah secretary-general Hassan Nasrallah urged for greater attacks on
>  Israel.
>  Nasrallah said the Israeli policy of restraint was playing into the hands
>  the Palestinians.
>  "The enemy's options are narrow," Nasrallah said. "Either they invade the
>  Palestinian
>  territories and thus the peace process would collapse or wait for a long
>  and this is in the interests of the Palestinians who are more capable of
>  patience."
>  On Monday, an Israeli security coordinator was wounded by Palestinian
>  Earlier, an Israeli officer was lightly injured in a bombing near the
>  border with the Gaza Strip.
>  In eastern Jerusalem, two Israeli security guards were shot and critically
>  injured.
>  The guards were said to have been shot at close range outside a government
>  office
>  on Monday.
>  Israeli sources said the military has prepared a plan to launch an
>  against Hizbullah in Lebanon and the PA in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
>  the sources said Prime Minister Ehud Barak is under pressure from the
>  States to maintain restraint.
>  The sources said the military has been dismayed by Barak's policy. They
>  the army withdrew tanks from Jerusalem because Barak refused to allow them
>  respond to Palestinian gunfire by Tanzim fighters loyal to Arafat.
>  Barak has warned his Cabinet that a war would only prompt massive
>  pressure. "If we would have 400 or 1,000 dead Palestinians and more
>  of killed children, it doesn't help Israel at all and perhaps damages
>  Barak said. "God forbid, that a tank shell should go astray as in Kafr
>  The reference was to the 1996 shelling attack on a Hizbullah position that
>  killed
>  nearly 100 Lebanese civilians.
>  Barak appears to have been stung by the criticism from the military. On
>  officials said the prime minister approved a plan to send commandos in the
>  areas to attack gunmen loyal to Arafat. But the officials said any attack
>  require the approval of Barak, who is also defense minister.
>  On Sunday, Palestinians reported that seven people died in clashes with
>  troops. The figures have been disputed by Israeli military sources.
>                                By Charles Aldinger
>  WASHINGTON (Reuters - 31 Oct) - About 10,000 U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia
>  Kuwait have been put on the highest state of alert because of "credible"
>  threats
>  of possible attacks by anti-Western guerrillas, the Pentagon said.
>  Defence Department spokesman Ken Bacon said forces in the two Gulf states
>  been placed on "Threat Condition Delta" -- the highest protective alert
>  in the U.S. military -- following threats "involving unspecified targets".
>  The latest step in the volatile Gulf and Middle East region followed the
>  October
>  12 deaths of 17 U.S. sailors in an apparent suicide bombing against the
>  destroyer
>  USS Cole in Yemen. U.S. troops in Bahrain and Qatar were also put on
>  Condition Delta" alert after that attack in Aden harbour.
>  Under the highest alert, U.S. troops carefully screen visitors to bases
>  they are located and make sure that vehicles that might contain explosives
>  not parked close to buildings.
>  Bacon confirmed a report from the U.S. Embassy in Kuwait City earlier that
>  alert level of around 5,000 troops each in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia had
>  increased.
>  "In both Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, U.S. forces are at the highest alert
>  which is Threat Condition Delta," he said at the daily Defence Department
>  briefing.
>  "It is due to credible-threat information involving unspecified targets,"
>  added.
>  But when asked if the threats had come from any specific anti-Western
>  such as that headed by exiled Saudi dissident Osama bin Laden, the
>  refused to elaborate.
>  "I've said all I can about the threats," he told reporters.
>                   A VARIETY OF U.S. FORCES IN REGION
>  U.S. personnel in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait include Air Force units in both
>  countries
>  that conduct almost-daily flights over southern Iraq to enforce a
>  Western-declared
>  "no-fly" zone.
>  The United States has a variety of forces deployed in and around the Gulf
>  region.
>  U.S. ground forces also are deployed in the Kuwaiti desert close to the
>  with former occupier Iraq. The U.S.-led Gulf War ended Iraq's seven-month
>  occupation
>  of Kuwait 10 years ago next February.
>  The embassy in Kuwait said that the increased alert status was due to
>  "continued
>  threats and tensions" in the Gulf region.
>  "Late yesterday, October 30, all U.S. military units present in Kuwait and
>  Saudi
>  Arabia were ordered, based on continued threats and tensions in the
>region, to
>  adopt additional force- protection measures," said a U.S. Embassy warden's
>  message
>  obtained by Reuters in Kuwait.
>  Defence officials, who asked not to be identified, said last week that the
>  "Delta"
>  alert in Qatar and Bahrain had followed specific threats picked up by U.S.
>  intelligence
>  against U.S. embassies in those two countries and an international school
>  Bahrain attended by American students.
>  Another Pentagon spokesman said last week that the credibility of those
>  threats was not known. There are about 1,000 American military personnel
>  Bahrain,
>  which serves as headquarters for the U.S. Fifth Fleet, and another 50 or
>  soldiers
>  in Qatar maintaining American armour stored there.
>  Bacon said on Tuesday that the threats involved in the Kuwait and Saudi
>  alerts, although credible, did not involved specific targets.
>  U.S. citizens in the wider Middle East were advised earlier this month to
>  extra security precautions in view of clashes between Palestinians and
>  troops over the past month.
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