>Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2000 20:02:00 EST
>Subject: Another cowardly attack against Iraq!
> Dear friends,
> The Iraqi people (innocent people who have never harmed any American in any
> way) can look forward to another four years of this kind of terrorism under
> a Bush or Gore Administration.  Ralph Nader would put an end to this
> nonesense!  A vote for him would send a message that we don't accept this
> kind of imperialism committed in our name, with our tax dollars.  Let's show
> the Iraqi people that not ALL Americans are calloused war-mongers!
> Peacefully yours,
> Nancy Hey
> Iraq says Western air raid hurt three
> BAGHDAD, Nov 1 (Reuters) - Iraq said three people were wounded on Wednesday
> when Western aircraft attacked civilian targets in a no-fly zone in the
> north of the country.
> The official Iraqi News Agency (INA), quoting a military spokesman, said
> hostile planes flew over the provinces of Duhouk, Arbil and Nineveh at 11:18
> a.m. (0818 GMT) bombing civilian and   installations.
> It said three civilians were wounded.
> The spokesman said Iraqi defences challenged the planes and forced them to
> return back to their bases in Turkey. He said other planes flew over another
> no-fly zone in the south but no raids were reported.
> Earlier the U.S. European Central Command (EUCOM), based in Germany, said
> the aircraft bombed Iraqi air defences after coming under fire while
> patrolling a no-fly zone in the north.
> EUCOM said aircraft of the joint U.S.-British force had come under Iraqi
> anti-aircraft fire from north of the city of Mosul during regular patrols of
> the area.
> The aircraft left the area safely, it said.
> "Coalition aircraft responded to the Iraqi attacks by dropping ordnance on
> elements of the Iraqi integrated air defence system," EUCOM said in a
> statement.
> A U.S.-British force patrols the northern no-fly zone from an airbase in
> southern Turkey.
> Western air raids have become a regular occurrence since Baghdad decided in
> December 1998 to challenge jets patrolling northern and southern no-fly
> zones set up by Western powers after the 1991 Gulf War.
> The zones were set up to protect Muslim Shiites in the south and a Kurdish
> enclave in the north from possible attack by Iraqi government forces. >>
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