>X-Apparently-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>Dear Friends,
>The 1st December will be a campaign day against the new labour code. The
>Finnish Solidarity Committee for New Labour Movement in former Soviet Union
>Countries is going to prepare a statement presenting the labour code question
>and the campaign. It will be distributed to mass media, trade unions and
>organizations, expecially them Oleg Shein met on his visit in Finland.
>Unfortunately we have not possibility to
>organize a demonstration.
>We support the KZoT-campaign and will make it known in our country. We see it
>expecially important because Finnish people really don't know the new labour
>movement in Russia and the living conditions of Russian workers. We have
>translated to Finnish the main texts on the labour code question and hope they
>can be published in the websites of the campaign or be linked to them.
>However, we have followed very strictly the debate between Oleg Shein and
>Grigory Isaiev concerning the KZoT-campaign. There is a wide unanimity between
>us, that Isaiev and his supporters have been honest and mainly right in this
>debate and Shein and Steve Myers have not. In our opinion the slanders thrown
>by Oleg and Steve have been base-minded and Steve's request not to send money
>for Samara Stachkom really arises anger.
>The Sence of Justice Movement in Finland (the initiator of the Finnish
>Solidarity Committee) is preparing a summary about the debate. It will be
>quite broad and long presenting also main principles and views of the Sence of
>Justice Movement itself. After getting ready the summary will be sent to
>proletarism and ISKRA lists (quite soon, I hope). The translation of the works
>of Razlatsky to Finnish and
>Swedish has also been started.
>In spite of the criticism we anyway respect very much the work of Oleg Shein
>and support Zashchita. He can also be right in some details of this debate.
>Personally I agree with the view that the main slogans of the labour movement
>in Russia ought to be political and directed against the whole system. The
>Solidarity Committee is
>however to be a wide front, where different opinions are allowed. We will
>publish views of all parties of this debate on the websites of the Committee.
>With solidarity
>Pia L”nsman
>President of the Finnish Solidarity Committee for New Labour Movement in
>former Soviet Union Countries
>P.S. I send this message to proletarism and ISKRA lists and forward it soon
>also to ISWoR-org list.
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