> Terrorist Alert At Ibrox
> ================
> Kate Foster
> ONE of Northern Ireland's most notorious terrorists
> threatened to spread trouble
> to Scotland yesterday by heightening sectarian
> tensions with an appearance at the
> Old Firm game at Ibrox.
> Police officers feared Loyalist killer Michael Stone
> had travelled to Scotland to
> attend the emotionally charged fixture but were
> relieved when he could not be seen
> in the stadium.
> His presence in the Glasgow area prompted warnings
> in the media about the
> possibility of violence between fans of the rival
> clubs. Stone, who killed three
> people during an IRA funeral, was caught in an early
> morning bomb scare hoax at
> the hotel in which he was staying just hours before
> he was due to attend the
> match.
> The 45-year-old, who spent 12 years in the Maze
> jail, was travelling with friend
> and pubowner James Gray who was providing his
> security.
> He travelled with around 200 other Rangers fans from
> east Belfast but at the last
> minute pulled out of joining the crowd at Ibrox to
> witness his team beat Celtic
> 5-1. Police sources said they could not be sure
> whether Stone attended the match
> but expressed their relief that, if he was there, he
> stayed out of sight to avoid
> antagonising the Celtic supporters.
> Stone declined to comment on his visit to Scotland
> but a minder said he was in
> Glasgow to thank Loyalist groups for their support.
> He said: "Michael is here for the football and for
> some time away to relax. He has
> friends here, a lot of people who supported the
> prisoners. There is nothing
> inflammatory about his visit. He wants it to be kept
> as quiet as possible."
> However, the killer's intention to attend the match
> provoked anger from
> anti-sectarian group Nil By Mouth.
> Carla Henderson set up the organisation after her
> boyfriend, 16-year-old Mark
> Scott, a Celtic fan, was murdered by Rangers
> supporter Jason Campbell in 1995. She
> attended yesterday's match and said reports that
> Stone would be attending had
> spread throughout the crowd. She said: "Stone had
> the right to be there but I
> would question his motive for coming to Glasgow.
> This kind of thing does nothing
> to help dispel sectarian associations."
> Stone was evacuated from Glasgow's Hilton hotel ,
> along with his security and 400
> guests, after staff received a telephone bomb
> threat. The call was made around
> 2:30am and police and bomb disposal experts sealed
> off the area. No device was
> found.

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