Party. Vietnam Civil Aviation
>General Secretary Le Kha Phieu recognised the efforts of the Vietnam Civil
>Aviation Administration in his speech at the sector's Party congress.
>He said this achievements contributed greatly to the development of the
>country and reaffirmed that the sector must be a leading sector in the
>national economy. He urged the staff of the sector to study and apply latest
>technological and scientific solutions to move the sector forward, especially
>the application of electronic technology and software.
>On building of the Party, the General Secretary urged the staff of the
>administration to maintain internal unity and solidarity and exercise
>democracy in all Party affairs since unity and solidarity are vital to the
>power of the Party.
>Mr Nguyen Tien Sam, secretary of the Party committee and general director of
>the administration read the political report. This stated that the
>administration was formed and developed from the operations of the aviation
>transport, the airport and the flight control. The leadership of the
>administration over the past three years directed the development of these
>operations. To date, the network of the national flag carrier, Vietnam
>Airlines, has 19 domestic routes and 25 international routes to countries in
>Asia, Europe and Australia. Vietnam Airlines’ passenger carriage in 1999 is
>5.6% higher than 1998 figure with international passengers up 10%. In the
>first nine months of 2000, passenger transport is 12.5 % higher than 1999
>figures. Other services were also increased.
>It is expected that the administration will carry six million passengers and
>200,000 tonnes of cargo in this year. The flight control section of the
>administration was successful in providing safe control and of flights in FIR
>in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City and earned a lot of money for the State budget.
>The sector was recognised Labour Hero by the State for its efforts.
>The report also said that, in the coming time, the administration would try
>its best to build a strong staff to meet the increasing requirements of the
>sector in the 21st century.

>NA passes draft State budget
>National Assembly deputies approved a Resolution on the draft State budget
>2001 and another Resolution on the State budget balance last year in the
>plenary meeting chaired by NA Vice Chairman Mai Thuc Lan on November 28.
>Earlier in the morning, deputies continued their discussions on work reports
>by the People's Supreme Court and the People's Supreme Procuracy, the
>implementation of law cases and the management of the local courts on the
>organisation and the enforcement of Law on Complaints and Denunciation.
>Twelve deputies from eleven provinces and cities took the floor, focusing
>their opinions on the situation of complaints and denunciations of citizens
>this year; achievements and shortcomings of relevant agencies in settling
>complaints and denunciations; the reasons and effective measures for the
>settlement of citizens' complaints and denunciations in the coming time.
>They also voiced their ideas on the situation and the results of the fight
>against crimes this year, reasons and solutions for the issue.
>Strong points, weak points and shortcomings of judicial activities in 2000,
>reasons and solutions for the problem were also posed by the deputies in the
>Several deputies put forth issues relating to the implementation of democratic
>regulation at the grassroots level and the settlement of administrative
>The NA is to hear the explanations to the questions raised by NA deputies


>Efforts to overcome flood aftermath,
>start winter-spring crop
>Efforts are continuing to overcome the flood aftermath in affected areas.
>Naval units garrisoned in Cam Ranh town, Khanh Hoa central province such as
>Navy Force M26 corps and the Navy Force Zone 4 are continuing their efforts to
>help local people overcome the flood consequences.
>The provincial Military Command has sent medical officers to some villages to
>spray chemicals to clean the environment, sterilise 50 wells and provide free
>medical check-ups and medicines worth over VND 6 million to more than 500
>The provincial Fisheries Department has sent technical cadres to localities to
>instruct shrimp breeding farmers on measures to restore damaged shrimp ponds.
>The province has also helped each household whose member was killed in the
>flood with VND 1 million; those whose house was destroyed with VND 1 million
>and those whose house was damaged with VND 500,000.
>The recent flooding that hit Dong Thap has contributed to the increase of poor
>households in this southern province. Local leaders have asked districts and
>towns to define the exact poor households so as to grant waiving of schooling
>fee in the 2000-2001 school year for children of these families.
>Fifty two working groups including 208 doctors and physicians of the Military
>Zone 9 with medicine worth VND 170 million have arrived in remote and
>submerged villages in the provinces of Tien Giang, Dong Thap, An Giang, Kien
>Giang, Can Tho and Vinh Long. These groups will stay in the villages for ten
>to fifteen days and instruct the locals about measures to fight and prevent
>diseases, clean the environment and provide them with medical check-ups and
>The Vinh Long province’s Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development is
>providing loans worth VND 95 billion to local farmers to restore orchards.
>Cai Be district in Tien Giang province is buying rice for reserve and selling
>about 80 tonnes of subsidised seed rice for the winter-spring crop to local
>farmers. Farmers are buying seed rice at VND 1,300 per kilogram instead of the
>real price of VND 1,800 per kilogram.


>Party delegation attends French Socialist Party Congress
>A delegation of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) led by Mr Huu Tho, member
>of the CPV Central Committee and head of the Party Commission for Culture and
>Ideology attended the French Socialist Party Congress held in Grenoble from
>November 24-26.
>The delegation handed a message of greetings of the CPV Central Committee to
>the congress. The Vietnamese guests had meeting and exchanged notes with the
>FSP external relations secretary. They were also received by leaders and
>members of the parliament of the FSP.
>FSP leaders thanked the CPV for the greetings and for sending a delegation to
>their congress. They expressed their wish to further promote bilateral
>relations between the two Parties and peoples.


>Vietnam, France boost friendship and co-operation
>France will continue to promote co-operation with Vietnam,  particularly in
>economics, culture, science and technology, and hopes that Vietnam will
>continue playing an active role in the Francophone community.
>So said French Francophone and Co-operation Minister Charles Josselin while
>receiving Nguyen Dinh Bin, permanent Deputy Foreign Minister and Chairman of
>the Overseas Vietnamese Committee, in Paris on November 27.
>Minister Josselin spoke highly of Vietnam's socio-economic achievements and
>political stability over recent years and said that Vietnam played an
>important role in Asia. He also said that Vietnam would always occupy a
>priority position in France's diplomatic policy in Asia. The host and guest
>exchanged international issues of common concern.
>Deputy FM Bin informed Minister Josselin of the achievements recorded by
>Vietnam this year as well as its determination to continue with the renovation
>process and an open external policy of independence, diversification and
>Earlier, Deputy FM Bin held talks with the General Secretary of the French
>Foreign Ministry on boosting the two countries' relationship and on
>international issues of common concern. (VNA)


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