>Subject: Interview with Professor Mihailo Markovic

>"Socialist roots will not be pulled out in Serbia"
>Philosopher and both member and left wing critic of SPS
>Belgrade, October 26th 2000
>=> What were the reasons for the 5th of October?
>=> What did you propose to Milosevic in order to change the directions of
>the events?
>=> As the author of the still valid party programme of the SPS, you were
>advocating the equality of all forms of property. What do you mean by this
>and what does it mean for the future of Yugoslavia?
>=> Regarding the coalition with the Radical Party a lot of criticism was
>raised against the SPS. Do you think that this coalition was necessary to
>preserve the unity of the country or do you regard it as an mistake?
>=> You have been criticising openly the Dayton agreement. Now many people
>compare Dayton to Kumanovo. Do you believe that the national defence could
>have been carried on and the de-facto loss of Kosovo avoided?
>=> How will the relation between Kostunica and Djindjic develop, as it is
>obvious that on one hand DOS could only win thanks to the nationalist
>rhetoric of Kostunica while the strongman in DOS is Djindjic who is also the
>agent of the West?
>=> Do you think that the army, that has got a big reputation because it
>bravely defended the country, has passed completely to the enemy or there
>are still positions of patriotic and left forces inside the army?
>=> Do you thing that Yugoslavia and the SPS will be transformed into
>ingredients of the New World Order, like other Eastern European countries
>and their formerly ruling parties, or will an antagonistic element remain?
>=> Regarding the perspective of the left and anti-imperialist forces what is
>your advice to them after it was proved that the SPS could not be reshaped
>in this spirit?
>International Leninist Current (ILC)
>Corriente Leninista Internacional (CLI)
>PF 23, A-1040 Wien, Austria
>Tel & Fax +43 1 504 00 10


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