TODAY'S NEWS (December.11.2000 Juche 89)


   * Greetings to President of Burkina Faso

   * 53rd board meeting of DPRK-China Hydro-power Company held

   * Korean nation's pride

   * Health-promoting rhythmic exercise

   * Rally calling for vital rights held

   * Probe into mass killings in Rogun-ri called for

   * Great man who glorified century

   * Withdraw "theory of principal enemy"

     For Spanish-speaking people

   * un gran hombre del siglo 20

   * periodicos conmemoran dia mundial de derecho humano

   * vocero de crpp demanda la retirada de teoria de "enemigo principal"

Greetings to President of Burkina Faso

    Pyongyang, December 11 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the
presidium of the DPRK
Supreme People's Assembly, on December 7 sent a message of greetings to
Blaise Compaore, President of
Burkina Faso, on its National Day.
    He in the message extended warm congratulations to the President,
government and people of Burkina
Faso on the National Day.
    Expressing belief that the friendly and cooperative relations between
the two countries would further
develop, he wished the President fresh success in his work for development
and prosperity of the country.

53rd board meeting of DPRK-China Hydro-power Company held

    Pyongyang, December 11 (KCNA) -- The 53rd meeting of the board of
directors of the DPRK-China
Hydro-power Company was held in Pyongyang.
    Present at the meeting were chairmen and directors of the two sides to
the board.
    A decision on the issues agreed upon at the meeting was signed today.

Korean nation's pride

    Pyongyang, December 11 (KCNA) -- The Korean nation is a resourceful
nation with stronger patriotism
than any others' and excellent national culture and tradition as the ties
of homogeneous nation have been
carried forward throughout its history spanning 5,000 years, says Rodong
Sinmun today in a signed article.
    It goes on:
    It was the first nation in the east to build a country and has an
ancient history as a homogeneous one.
    The excavation of the tomb of king Tangun proved that the Korean nation
is a civilized nation who built a
country over 5,000 years ago. Advantages of the Korean nation are evidenced
by the development of metal
workmanship, Koguryo mural tombs, the development of astronomy and the
creation of Hunminjongum
(Korean alphabet), metal type, rain gauge, a tortoise ship and others. All
of them instill pride and
self-confidence into the nation.
    It is the brilliant tradition of the Korean nation that the Korean
people have defended the sovereignty of
the country and the dignity of the nation generation after generation.
    Recalling that Korea remains divided into the north and the south since
the middle of the 20th century,
the article says:
    The 55 year-long history of national division teaches a bitter lesson
to all the Koreans that the country
should be reunified for the development of the country and the prosperity
of the nation.

Health-promoting rhythmic exercise

    Pyongyang, December 11 (KCNA) -- Mass rhythmic exercise is widely
popular with Koreans of all
    The 5-minute, 15-movement routine starts with simple movements and
develops into highly rhythmic
ones. It has a good effect on the muscular system as it imposes a stretch
of the whole body such as the wrist,
ankle, arms, legs, shoulders, neck, breast and waist. It also benefits the
cardiovascular system through
quicker, stronger heart-beats.
    The routine is gradually wider and more intensive in movement so that
the pulse is at 140 to 150, ending
up at 170 to 180. A repetition of this process is prone to increase the
breathing capacity and oxygen intake, a
favourable impact on the respiratory system.
    The exercise is effective for step-down care and ageing prevention. An
all-round, brisk muscular
movement in time with lively music is liable to decrease the fatty fiber.
    Its full benefit will only be felt when its width and intensity meet
the norm. In the exact tempo, the
movements must be rhythmic, light, flexible and elastic.
    For full effect, the public is requested to make the exercise habitual.

Rally calling for vital rights held

    Pyongyang December 11 (KCNA) -- A mass rally of the year 2000 was held
in Seoul on December 9
with the attendance of at least 3,500 workers and peasants to call for
ensurance of their vital rights and
abolition of the "Security Law," according to Seoul-based "Radio No. 1."
    At the rally, the organizing committee said that the authorities have
violated people's right to existence by
shifting the responsibility for the economic crisis on to workers and peasants.
    The committee demanded the withdrawal of the "neo-liberalist policy,"
the ensurance of people's vital
rights, abolition of the "Security Law" and immediate revision of the
unequal "status of forces agreement."
    The participants made a demonstration march after the rally.
    That day the police authorities sent 30 companies of police to disperse
the rally.

Probe into mass killings in Rogun-ri called for

    Pyongyang, December 11 (KCNA) -- "Yonhap News" of South Korea reported
that civic organizations
including the people's movement for the revision of the unequal "Status of
Forces Agreement (SFA)" and the
Measure Committee for Probe into Mass Killings of Civilians in Rogun-ri
held a rally in Seoul on December
6 with the attendance of at least 200 people. The rally demanded
investigation into massacres of civilians in
Rogun-ri and the total revision of "SFA."
    A spokesman for the measure committee called for a thorough-going probe
into the incident, accusing the
U.S. government investigation team of being keen on playing down and
twisting the mass killings of South
Korean civilians committed by GIs during the Korean War without properly
probing the crimes, though they
were brought to daylight.
    The executive chairman of the people's movement for the revision of the
unequal "SFA" demanded total
revision of the agreement including the solution to the environmental
issue, charging that the "on-going
negotiations on the 'SFA' are not constructive as evidenced by their
failure to take up lease period and rent for
U.S. military bases in South Korea, their core issues."

Great man who glorified century

    Pyongyang, December 11 (KCNA) -- "The 20th century, which is drawing to
its end, has recorded
many famous men who steered the revolutionary movement of the century. The
greatest among them is
Generalissimo Kim Il Sung, President of the Democratic People's Republic of
Korea," said Alexander
Moreno, chairman of the Venezuelan National Association for the Study of
the Juche Idea.
    Progressive humankind, looking back on the 20th century full of twists
and turns, are retrospecting the
immortal feats Kim Il Sung performed while steering the revolutionary
movement of the century.
    His greatest feat was that he founded the Juche idea representing the
demand of the times, desires and
wishes of humankind for the first time in history.
    The Juche idea, man-centred new philosophical idea, raises a key
philosophical issue with a main
emphasis on man and clarifies that man is the master of the world and his
own destiny and plays a decisive
role in transforming the world and carving out his destiny.
    The President set out on the road of revolution in his teens and
founded this great idea amidst
hard-fought struggle for the liberation of the country and the freedom of
the people, not in a quiet study.
    The founding of the Juche idea in the 20th century ushered in a new era
in which the popular masses
became masters and carved out their destinies independently worldwide.
    The President put the idea into revolutionary practices and achieved
immortal feats.
    By leading revolutionary wars against the Japanese and U.S. aggressors
to victories, he indicated a new
path to be followed by the people of colonial countries in their struggle
for national liberation and smashed the
myth about "mightiness" of U.S. imperialism for the first time in history.
    He successfully carried out the anti-imperialist, anti-feudal
democratic revolution and the socialist
revolution in the shortest span of time, changing the appearance of the
DPRK beyond recognition.
    A clear proof of this was that a democratic system was established
after the country's liberation, socialist
transformation completed in a matter of four-five years despite war ruins,
industrialization was realized in 14
years and the country turned into a powerful socialist nation, independent,
self-supporting and self-reliant in
national defence, the man-centred socialist country, the first of its kind
in human history, which has achieved
the single-hearted unity of the leader, the party and the masses.
    During this period, Kim Il Sung authored more than 3,070 works giving
perfect answers to all the
theoretical and practical problems in carrying out the Korean revolution
and the human cause of
    He always found himself among people, giving ceaseless on-site guidance
without a day's rest.
    It is clearly proved by the fact that he visited more than 18,000 units
in over 17,800 days from the day of
the liberation of the country till his demise.
    He conducted energetic external activities, guided by the idea of
independence, peace and friendship,
indicating the road to be followed by the era of independence and greatly
encouraging the world people in
their struggle.
    He was the first to put up slogan "World people advocating
independence, unite " he met more than
70,000 political party and state heads from 136 countries and other
foreigners from the country's liberation
till the last period of his life.
    During this period he visited 87 countries covering more than 522,440 km.
    For his immortal exploits performed for the cause of global
independence he received 180 highest orders
and medals from over 70 countries and international organizations, honorary
citizenship from more than 30
cities, academic degrees such as honorary doctor and professor from famous
universities of different
    He was also presented with more than 165,700 precious gifts from party
and state heads, prominent
personages and public organizations of the world.
    Today more than 480 units in over 100 countries are named after Kim Il
Sung and at least 1,000
organizations are active to study the Juche idea. These are clear evidence
of the unbounded reverence of
progressive humankind for Kim Il Sung, the great man of the century.

Withdraw "theory of principal enemy"

    Pyongyang, December 11 (KCNA) -- The South Korean authorities should
behave themselves, clearly
mindful that the provisions of the north-south agreements cannot be
properly implemented unless those
anti-reunification elements seized with war fever are eliminated at once
and the "theory of the principal
enemy" is withdrawn. Dialogue is meaningless and it is impossible to expect
any progress in the inter-Korean
relations while the "theory of principal enemy" is advocated.
    A spokesman for the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the
Fatherland said this in a statement
issued yesterday accusing the South Korean authorities of throwing a new
stumbling block in the way of
inter-Korean reconciliation and unity and the country's reunification.
    Recalling that the South Korean Ministry of "National Defence" recently
made public the "military white
paper for 2000," in which it defined the DPRK as its "principal enemy," the
statement branded this behaviour
of the South Korean authorities as a departure from the spirit of the June
15 joint declaration and an
unpardonable anti-reunification act of bringing the inter-Korean relations
back to the period of confrontation.
    The statement continued:
    If the South Korean authorities truly value the successes achieved by
the historic Pyongyang meeting and
the adoption of the north-south joint declaration and want national unity
and reunification, they should do
away with such leftovers of the era of confrontation as defining the
compatriots in the north as the "principal
    Confrontation and war can never go with dialogue and reconciliation.
    The facts go to glaringly prove that the attitude the South Korean
authorities have adopted since the
historic north-south summit talks is nothing but a fig-leaf to disguise
their true intention to seek confrontation
and division.
    We solemnly urge the South Korean authorities to remain true to the
spirit of the June 15 north-south
joint declaration which they committed themselves to implement before the
entire nation and take a sincere
attitude to national reconciliation and unity and the country's reunification.

For Spanish-speaking people

un gran hombre del siglo 20

    pyongyang, 11 de diciembre (atcc) -- "el siglo 20 que va a terminar
conoce a numerosos hombres
insignes quienes hicieron operar cambios durante esta centuria.
    el mas destacado de ellos lo constituye el generalisimo kim il sung,
presidente de la republica popular
democratica de corea."
    dijo asi alexander moreno, presidente de la asociacion nacional de
venezuela para el estudio de la idea
    al mirar retrospectivamente la historia del siglo 20 llena de
vicisitudes la humanidad progresista recuerda
las inmortales hazanas del gran lider presidente kim il sung quien hizo
operar cambios durante esta centuria.
    el creo por primera vez en la historia la ideologia juche que refleja
la demanda de la epoca y la aspiracion
de la humanidad. esta constituye su hazana mas relevante.
    esta nueva idea filosofica humanocentrica presenta el problema
fundamental de la filosofia poniendo en el
centro al ser humano y aclara que este es el dueno del mundo y de su
destino y juega el rol decisivo en la
transformacion del mundo y la forja de su destino.
    el presidente kim il sung tomo el camino de la revolucion a diez anos y
mas de edad y creo esta gran
ideologia no en un despacho sino en medio del fragor de la sangrienta lucha
por la restauracion del pais y la
libertad y la liberacion del pueblo.
    con la creacion de esta idea este siglo ha podido brillar como nueva
epoca de la historia en que las masas
populares ya hechas duenas del mundo forjan de manera independiente su destino.
    al materializarla en la practica revolucionaria el acumulo las
inmortales hazanas que brillaran eternamente
de siglo en siglo.
    ademas, el condujo a la victoria las dos guerras revolucionarias contra
el imperialismo japones y el
norteamericano y asi allano el nuevo camino de la lucha de liberacion
nacional de los pueblos de los paises en
colonia e hizo pedazos por primera vez en la historia el mito de la
"invencibidad" del imperialismo
    en el mas corto tiempo de la historia cumplio exitosamente la
revolucion democratica antiimperialista y
antifeudal y la socialista abriendo asi la nueva historia de creacion de
grandes transformaciones sobre la tierra
    despues de la restauracion del pais el establecio el regimen
democratico, logro la transformacion socialista
en 4 - 5 anos sobre un monton de cenizas despues de la guerra, realizo la
industrializacion en 14 anos,
convirtio la rpdc en un poderoso pais socialista independiente, soberano y
autodefensivo, pais centrado en las
masas populares, primero del genero en la historia de la humanidad, pais
donde se logro la unidad monolitica
del lider, el partido y las masas.
    durante ese periodo publico mas de 3 070 obras principales que dan
respuestas completas a los
problemas teorico - practicos presentados en el cumplimiento de la
revolucion coreana y la causa de la
independencia de la humanidad.
    el prosiguio el camino de la direccion sobre el terreno sin disfrutar
ni de un dia de descanso para
encontrarse siempre entre los habitantes.
    lo prueba el hecho de que desde la restauracion del pais hasta el
ultimo momento de su vida dirigio sobre
el terreno mas de 18 mil unidades en mas de 17 mil 800 dias.
    el presidente kim il sung desplego las dinamicas actividades exteriores
bajo el ideal de la independencia,
la paz y la amistad para indicar claramente el camino de la epoca de la
independencia y estimular con vigor la
lucha de los pueblos del mundo.
    presento primeramente la consigna " unamonos los pueblos de todo el
mundo que abogan por la
independencia ".
    durante toda su vida desplego actividades exteriores encontrandose con
lideres de partido y estado y otras
personalidades, en total 70 mil procedentes de 136 paises.
    visito 87 paises en total recorriendo mas de 522 mil 440 kilometros de
    por su inmortal contribucion al cumplimiento de la causa de la
independencia del mundo recibio mas de
180 ordenes supremas y medallas de mas de 70 paises y organizaciones
internacionales, titulo de ciudadano
honorario de mas de 30 ciudades, grado academico y categoria docente como
doctor y profesor titular de las
universidades renombradas de varios paises del mundo y mas de 165 mil 700
regalos valiosos de los lideres
de partido y estado, renombradas personalidades y organizaciones sociales
de los 5 continentes.
    hoy en dia, mas de 480 objetos de mas de 100 paises se llaman con el
nombre del presidente kim il sung
y mas de mil organizaciones de estudio de la idea juche funcionan en el
mundo, lo que demuestra
elocuentemente infinitos
    sentimientos de respeto y veneracion de la humanidad progresista hacia el.

periodicos conmemoran dia mundial de derecho humano

    pyongyang, 11 de diciembre (atcc) -- ayer es el dia mundial de derecho
humano. con motivo de esta
efemeride el diario "rodong sinmun" en un articulo de ayer senala que se
realizara sin falta la aspiracion de la
humanidad a gozar a sus anchas de una vida independiente y creadora
ejerciendo el genuino derecho humano.

    el articulo continuo:
    este ano tambien con motivo del dia mundial de derecho humano se
discuten ampliamente los asuntos
para asegurar y mejorar el derecho humano.
    la norma del genuino derecho humano consiste en que este asegura o no
la vida independiente y creadora
de las masas populares.
    la republica popular democratica de corea asegura estrictamente a todos
los miembros de la sociedad el
verdadero derecho a vivir y la libertad democratica.
    en la sociedad capitalista las masas del pueblo trabajador no tienen la
dignidad del ser humano ni el
derecho politico ni el elemental derecho a vivir.
    hoy dia al cacarear de que "no hay frontera en el derecho humano" y "el
derecho humano se pone sobre el
poder" los imperialistas imponen su "norma de derecho humano" a otros
paises interviniendo en los asuntos
internos de estos.
    la logica de los imperialistas en cuanto al "derecho humano" es para
justificar la agresion e intervencion
armada en otros paises.
    por eso, hoy en la onu y otros foros internacionales los paises
mayoritarios rechazan tajantemente la
"norma" y la logica de "derecho humano" del occidente y se oponen
resueltamente a la intervencion de los
imperialistas en los asuntos internos de otros y la violacion a la soberania.
    el periodico "minju joson" dedico ayer tambien un articulo a la misma

vocero de crpp demanda la retirada de teoria de "enemigo principal"

    pyongyang, 11 de diciembre (atcc) -- recientemente el "ministerio de
defensa nacional" del sur de corea
publico oficialmente la "carta blanca de defensa nacional para el ano 2000"
en la cual define "como enemigo
principal" al norte de corea y las autoridades surcoreanas crean un nuevo y
grave obstaculo en el camino de la
reconciliacion y la unidad norte - sur y de la reunificacion de la patria.
en relacion con eso el vocero del comite
por la reunificacion pacifica de la patria hizo publica el dia 10 una
declaracion que senala en particular:
    mientras el sur califica de "enemigo principal" al norte sera
insignificante el dialogo entre ambas partes y
no se podra esperar el desarrollo de sus relaciones. las autoridades
surcoreanas deben actuar con prudencia,
bien conscientes de que a menos que eliminen de inmediato a los elementos
anti-reunificacion inflados por la
psicosis de guerra y que anulen tal teoria es imposible que se ejecuten
debidamente los puntos de acuerdo
entre el norte y el sur.
    los actos de las autoridades surcoreanas son evidentemente la traicion
al espiritu de la declaracion
conjunta del 15 de junio e imperdonable proceder anti-reunificacion que
devuelve las relaciones norte-sur al
    si, de veras, las autoridades surcoreanas aprecian los exitos logrados
por el historico encuentro de
pyongyang y la aprobacion de la declaracion conjunta norte-sur y desea la
unidad nacional y la reunificacion
del pais deberan liquidar debidamente el residuo de la epoca de
enfrentamiento que define como "enemigo
principal" a los compatriotas.
    son incompatibles la confrontacion y el dialogo, la guerra y la
    el presente caso demuestra evidentemente que la actitud de las
autoridades surcoreanas tomada hasta la
fecha a partir de las conversaciones de nivel supremo no pasa de ser un
disfraz para ocultar su verdadera
intencion de perseguir el enfrentamiento y la division.
    urgimos solemnemente a las autoridades surcoreanas que aprecien el
espiritu de la declaracion conjunta
norte-sur firmada ante toda la nacion y tomen la sincera posicion y actitud
para la reconciliacion y la unidad de
la nacion y la reintegracion del pais.


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