TODAY'S NEWS (December.14.2000 Juche 89)


   * 1st day sitting of 4th round of inter-Korean ministerial talks held

   * Greetings to Macedonian Foreign Minister

   * Joint soiree of north-south workers held

   * "International Kim Il Sung Prize" awarded to Guinean minister

   * Japan's call for "regional cooperation" dismissed as deceptive trick

   * Probe into death of S. Korean woman called for

   * Guinean President meets DPRK delegation

   * Kim Jong Il praised as sun of humankind

   * Exploits of Kim Jong Il and Kim Jong Suk praised

   * Korean pro-boxer retains his world championship

   * Grand gymnastic display and artistic performance praised

   * Exhibition of Koryo medicines and medicinal herbs

   * Implementation of three-point charter of national reunification called

1st day sitting of 4th round of inter-Korean ministerial talks held

    Pyongyang, December 14 (KCNA) -- The first day sitting of the 4th round
of the north-south ministerial
talks was held in Pyongyang on December 13 amidst growing expectation and
concern of the people at home
and abroad for the implementation of the north-south joint declaration.
    Present there were the members of the north side's delegation headed by
Jon Kum Jin, senior councilor
of the cabinet of the DPRK, and its suite members and the members of the
south side's delegation headed by
Unification Minister Pak Jae Gyu and its suite members.
    At the talks both sides reviewed the implementation of the June 15
joint declaration for half a year after its
publication and exchanged views on the matters which would serve as a
lesson in implementing it.
    The talks will go on.
    On the same day, the south side's delegation saw the demonstration of
Taekwon-do instructors and
players of the north side at the Taekwon-do Hall and enjoyed a performance
at the Pyongyang Circus

Greetings to Macedonian Foreign Minister

    Pyongyang, December 14 (KCNA) -- Paek Nam Sun, Foreign Minister of the
DPRK, sent a message of
greetings to Srdjan Kerim upon his appointment as Foreign Minister of the
Republic of Macedonia.
    Extending warm congratulations to him, the message expressed the belief
that the friendly and
cooperative relations between the two countries would further develop on
good terms in the future.
    It wished him great success in the performance of his new duty.

Joint soiree of north-south workers held

    Kosong, December 13 (KCNA) -- A joint soiree of participants in the
north-south workers' grand
seminar for reunification was held on Mt. Kumgang today.
    Present at the soiree were members of delegations of the General
Federation of Trade Unions of Korea,
the Federation of South Korean Trade Unions and the South Korean
Confederation of Trade Unions who
participated in the north-south workers' grand seminar for reunification.
    At the soiree workers of the north and the south were pleased to share
the will for reunification and
patriotism and have a clear-cut goal of struggle at the first grand seminar
for reunification and expressed their
determination to demonstrate the wisdom and stamina of the working class,
in the future, too and open up a
new history of a reunified country.
    They sang songs reflecting the faith and will of working class and
other people of Korea to put an end to
the tragic division and achieve the reunification of the country in the
spirit of independence and great unity of
the nation, demonstrating that they are united in thought and desire for
    They intermingled with each other, singing songs, dancing and reciting
poems, stirring up strong desire
for reunification.
    Earlier, members of the south side's delegations visited sea-Kumgang
and lagoon Samil in Mt. Kumgang
and appreciated a circus performance.

"International Kim Il Sung Prize" awarded to Guinean minister

    Pyongyang, December 14 (KCNA) -- "International Kim Il Sung Prize" was
awarded to Dorank
Diasseny Assifat, Minister of National Defence of the presidency of Guinea,
who is also director general of
the African Regional Committee for the Study of the Juche Idea.
    The prize was instituted to meet the ardent desire of the world
progressive figures and people to glorify
forever the immortal exploits performed by the President Kim Il Sung for
    It has been awarded since Juche 82 (1993) to prominent political and
public figures and followers of the
Juche idea of the world who have ardently espoused the immortal Juche idea
founded by Kim Il Sung and
worked hard to embody it and made outstanding contributions to achieving
global independence and world
    Dorank Diasseny Assifat received a diploma, a gold medal and a souvenir
at a ceremony held in Conakry
on December 8.
    Congratulatory speeches were made there by Lamine Sidime, Prime
Minister of Guinea, Moussa Solano,
Minister of Land Administration and Decentralization and Security, who is
chairman of the Guinean National
Committee for the Study of the Juche Idea and first administrative
secretary of the Party for Unity and
Progress of Guinea, and Vishwanath, general secretary of the "International
Kim Il Sung Prize" Council and
director general of the International Institute of the Juche Idea.

Japan's call for "regional cooperation" dismissed as deceptive trick

   Pyongyang, December 14 (KCNA) -- Japan's much talk about "regional
cooperation" and "dialogue for
security" is nothing but hypocrisy, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed
    Recalling that some time ago its chief executive raised the issue of
promoting the cooperation in East
Asia, the article says:
    This proposal was prompted by a political intention to secure Japan's
influence and position on the
international arena including Asia.
    Japan has no face to talk about regional cooperation and dialogue for
security in Asia. The primary task
facing it at present is not to call for "regional cooperation" but to
redress its past crimes.
    In actuality, Asian countries are guarding against and keeping away
from Japan because of its wrong
stand and attitude towards the settlement of the past.
    The Asian people see through Japan's dark intention.
    The Japanese reactionaries should honestly settle its criminal past and
show their will to earnestly work
for peace and regional development, far from impertinently advocating
"regional cooperation" and "dialogue
for security" while showing their moneybag off.

Probe into death of S. Korean woman called for

   Pyongyang, December 14 (KCNA) -- The South Korean newspaper Hangyore
(internet) reported that 17
civic and social organizations in the areas of Taegu and North Kyongsang
Province including the Taegu
Citizens' Association for Retaking the Land used by the U.S. Military
Bases, the Taegu Women's
Association and the Taegu Citizens Federation for Economic Justice issued a
joint statement on December 11
demanding the clarification of the cause of a doubtful death of woman Pak
Chun Hui, an employee of a unit
of U.S. forces in South Korea, and the announcement of results of
investigation into it.
    Pak has served at the 20th support corps of the U.S. forces in South
Korea since 1994.
    The statement urged the U.S. forces' side to settle the case in a
responsible manner and the South Korean
authorities to take practical "governmental" measures in this regard.
    The U.S. forces side claimed that she died by falling down from a taxi
which was running on a
motorway in Virginia state in the evening of the very day in early August
this year she arrived there on a
business trip at the invitation of the defense department.
    A reinvestigation into her death is now under way as her bereaved
families lodged a protest with the U.S.

Guinean President meets DPRK delegation

    Pyongyang, December 14 (KCNA) -- We absolutely support leader Kim Jong
Il who is successfully
carrying forward the cause of President Kim Il Sung.
    Guinean President Lansana Conte said this when he met the DPRK
government delegation on a visit to
his country on December 8.
    With high sense of obligation Kim Il Sung gave sincere help to Guinea,
he said, and went on:
    It is thanks to him that we have been able to defend independence until
    Therefore, I and my people always remember and keep the sense of
obligation towards him.
    We will work hard to further develop the friendly relations between the
two peoples in the future, too.

Kim Jong Il praised as sun of humankind

    Pyongyang, December 14 (KCNA) -- The world progressive people are
praising the great Kim Jong Il as
the most outstanding leader of the 20th century.
    C. R. Aslam, chairman of the Pakistan Socialist Party, said that the
Juche idea developed and enriched
by Kim Jong Il holds a topping place in the history of human thought and it
is a perfect socialist idea, a
beacon illuminating the road ahead of humankind.
    Razacarisoa Noelson, national secretary of the Party of the Congress
for the Independence of
Madagascar, noted that Kim Jong Il in his many works dealt a blow to the
ideology and theory of renegades
of socialism and imperialists, and brought the scientific accuracy and
invincibility of socialism and conviction
of socialist victory home to the world progressive people.
    Francis Fanuel Lyimo, chairman of the Tanzanian National Coordinating
Committee of the Juche Idea
Study Groups, stressed that the world public is now acknowledging Kim Jong
Il as the only leader who will
guide the cause of global independence in the 21st century.
    Claudio Campos, general secretary of the October 8 Revolutionary
Movement of Brazil, emphasized that
Kim Jong Il is a great man of excellent caliber who is guiding the Korean
revolution to victory with his
outstanding and seasoned leadership.
    Nina Andreyeva, general secretary of the central committee of the
All-Union Communist Party of
Volsheviks, said that Kim Jong Il has convincingly led the heroic Korean
people to the struggle to achieve a
new victory in the socialist cause, giving full play to the people's
intelligence and strength under the banner of
the Juche idea.
    Garib Newaz, President of the Bangladesh People's League, noted that
Kim Jong Il, who defended the
just cause of socialism in the hardest time when socialism was undergoing
turns and twists, will be recorded
in history as the savior of socialism.
    Anders Karlsson, chairman of the central committee of the Communist
Party of Marxist-Leninists
(Revolutionaries) of Sweden, said that the achievements gained by the
Korean people in accomplishing the
cause of socialism in recent years under the leadership of Kim Jong Il
astonished all the socialists and
revolutionaries around the world.
    Ivan Rodriguez, chairman of the central committee of the Dominican
Worker's Party, praised Kim Jong
Il as the great leader who has glorified the era of independence and the
sun of humankind who will steer the
political history of the 21st century.

Exploits of Kim Jong Il and Kim Jong Suk praised

    Pyongyang, December 14 (KCNA) -- Symposiums were held in India, Peru
and Guyana to mark the 9th
anniversary of Kim Jong Il's election as Supreme Commander of the Korean
People's Army and the 83rd
birth anniversary of great communist revolutionary fighter Kim Jong Suk.
    B.C. Gupta, chairman of the Juche Idea Study Society of Delhi, India,
in his speech at the symposium
said that Kim Jong Il is the iron-willed commander who is possessed of
clairvoyant wisdom, revolutionary
sweep, competent leadership ability and distinguished military
qualifications and traits.
    Under his leadership the KPA is firmly prepared politically,
ideologically and in military technique and
has grown up to be an invincible strong army with powerful offensive and
defensive means.
    Clarence Elliot, chairman of the Group for the Study of Works of
Comrade Kim Jong Il in
Lainyavernus, Guyana, said in his speech that Kim Jong Suk defended the
safety of Kim Il Sung, the
lodestar of Korean liberation and the father of socialist Korea, which is
striking in her revolutionary struggle.
It is her greatest feat for the country and the nation that she firmly
provided the continuity of the revolutionary
cause of Juche pioneered by Kim Il Sung and brought a bright future of
modern Korea, he added.
    A message of greetings to Kim Jong Il was adopted at the symposium held
in India.

Korean pro-boxer retains his world championship

    Tokyo, December 12 (KNS-KCNA) -- Pro-boxer under the General
Association of Korean Residents in
Japan Hong Chang Su, world champion of the super flyweight of the world
boxing council (WBC) and
people's athlete of the DPRK, punched out a Japanese pro-boxer in 3-0
decision at the Maishima gymnasium
of Osaka Prefecture, Japan, on December 12, retaining the championship.
    Hong successively attacked the opponent from the very start,
overwhelming him, and finally knocked
down him with a left fist hook in the third round.

Grand gymnastic display and artistic performance praised

    Pyongyang, December 14 (KCNA) -- Many foreign friends lavished praises
on the grand gymnastic
display and artistic performance "Ever-victorious Worker's Party of Korea"
staged in celebration of the 55th
anniversary of the WPK.
    Vishwanath, director general of the International Institute of the
Juche Idea, said that he deemed it the
highest honor to see the grand gymnastic display and artistic performance,
the monumental masterpiece of the
    Subash Kaji Shrestha, chairman of the Study Forum for Self-reliance of
Nepal, noted that the moment he
saw the performance he felt as if he had entered a paradise for people for
the first time in his life.
    Juha Kieski, chairman of the Finnish Society for the Study of the Juche
Idea, said that he clearly realized
how ardently the Korean people revered and missed the great leader Kim Il
Sung through the performance,
adding that the history of the WPK would shine forever as the history of
Kim Il Sung, founder of the party.
    Tavee Viriyatoon, general secretary of the Social Development
Coordinating Center of Thailand, said that
the performance truthfully represents the firm will and determination of
the Korean people to safeguard
socialism, under the guidance of the great Kim Jong Il.
    Only victory and glory are always in store for the Korean people led by
Kim Jong Il and the great party,
he added.

Exhibition of Koryo medicines and medicinal herbs

   Pyongyang, December 14 (KCNA) -- The Pyongyang exhibition of Koryo
medicines and medicinal
herbs was recently held, attended by 40 units in Pyongyang, including the
district pharmaceutical plants, the
medicinal herb management office and the medicinal herb-growing farms.
    On display at the exhibition were 650 kinds of 130 Koryo medicines and
200 sorts of 450 plant, animal
and mineral medicines.
    The displays attracted the visitors' attention.
    Aloe injection, crataegus pinnatifida injection, schizandra chinensis
juice, injin paste and atractylodes
Japonica paste received high appreciation.
    The plant, animal and mineral medicines exhibited by the medicinal herb
management office were also
favorably commented.

Implementation of three-point charter of national reunification called for

   Pyongyang, December 14 (KCNA) -- The three-point charter of national
reunification serves as a
guideline of the cause of reunification, says Rodong Sinmun today in a
signed article.
    It goes on:
    The three-point charter set forth by the President Kim Il Sung is a
reunification program the keynote of
which is the three principles of national reunification, the ten-point
program of the great unity of the entire
nation and the proposal for founding the Democratic Federal Republic of Koryo.
    The charter clarifies key principles to be observed in the movement for
national reunification based on the
transparent spirit of national independence which regards the dignity and
sovereignty of the nation as its life
and soul, a political program to reunify the country on the basis of the
great unity of the entire nation and a
blueprint of a reunified state.
    The charter provided three pillars which surely guarantee national
reunification and a guideline to be held
fast to in carrying out the reunification cause.
    Explaining the reason why the charter serves as a guideline of
reunification cause, the article notes that it
is a grand reunification program of Korean style and a scientific
reunification charter based on the great Juche
    The article continues:
    This charter is based on the patriotic idea which places the interests
of the nation and its will for
reunification above anything else, irrespective of ideology, system,
political view and religious belief in the
north and the south. The charter is an important guideline to be abided by
all of us desirous of reunification.
    If the national reunification movement is to discharge its mission and
responsibility to the full before the
nation, it should keep a firm hold on the three-point charter of national
reunification as its life line and action
program and thoroughly implement it.


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