----- Original Message -----
From: SolidNet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2000 11:17 PM
Subject: CP of Greece, Solidarity Statement with the Palestinian People taken in
Athens meeting

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 CP of Greece, Solidarity Statement with the Palestinian People taken in
                             Athens meeting
                    From: Communist Party of Greece
                http://www.kke.gr, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Solidarity Statement with the Palestinian People taken in Athens meeting

We representatives of Communist and Workers’ Parties of the Southern and
Eastern Mediterranean, the Gulf Region and the Red Sea, meeting in
Athens on 16th December 2000 at the fringes of the 16th Congress of the
Communist Party of Greece, declare our condemnation to the Israeli
bloody aggression on the Palestinian people, and confirm our full
support with their legitimate just struggle for independence and
national sovereignty and the return of the Palestinian refugees
according to the resolutions of the international legitimacy and condemn
the American policy that take the side of its strategic ally Israel.

We salute the just struggle of the Palestinian people and its heroic
steadfastness and great sacrifices in facing the Israeli aggression, and
we appeal to all peace-loving and freedom forces all over the world to
accelerate their solidarity activities with the Palestinian people to:
1.  Stop the Israeli aggression and its bloody crimes and lift the
Israeli military, economic sanctions imposed on the Palestinian people.
2.  Continue the struggle and pressure on all levels to force the
Israeli government to abide to the international legitimacy especially
resolutions 242,338,194 and implement them to ensure the complete
Israeli withdrawal from all Arab territories in Syria and Lebanon
occupied since the 5th of June 1967, and demolish all its settlements
and  establish the Palestinian independent sovereign State with Eastern
Jerusalem as its capital.
3.  Provide immediate international Protection to the Palestinian People
to ensure their security until  their independence.
4.  Form international investigation commission to investigate the
Israeli occupation, and punish the criminals according to the
International Law and Geneva agreement.
5.  Demand the UN sponsor to the future negotiations to brake the
American monopoly in leading the negotiations, due to the American role
in taking bluntly the side of Israel in its aggression.

Athens, 16th December  2000

Egyptian Communist Party
AKEL of Cyprus
Communist Party of Greece
Tudeh Party of Iran
Iraqi Communist Party
Communist Party of Kurdistan-Iraq
Communist Party of Israel
Jordanian Communist Party
Lebanese Communist Party
Palestinian People’s Party
Communist Party of Sudan
Syrian Communist Party
Syrian Communist Party

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