TODAY'S NEWS (December.18.2000 Juche 89)


   * Greetings to Slovene Prime Minister

   * Kim Jong Il praised as captivating leader

   * Establishment of diplomatic relations between DPRK and UK hailed

   * Secretary of U.S. Army denies shooting orders for Rogun-ri mass

   * Anti-reunification remarks condemned

   * Many films produced

   * Repeal of SL urged in S. Korea

   * Removal of concrete wall urged

     For Spanish-speaking people

   * comunicado conjunto de cuarta ronda de conversaciones a nivel de

   * vana ilusion de japon

Greetings to Slovene Prime Minister

    Pyongyang, December 18 (KCNA) -- Hong Song Nam, premier of the DPRK
cabinet, on Dec. 15 sent a
message of greetings to Janez Drnovsek upon his reelection as Prime
Minister of the Republic of Slovenia.
    The message wished him greater success in his responsible work.
    Meanwhile, Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun sent a message of greetings to
his counterpart of Slovenia
Dimitrije Rupel.

Kim Jong Il praised as captivating leader

    Pyongyang, December 18 (KCNA) -- The Egypt-Korea Friendship Association
published a bulletin on
Dec. 10 to mark the 9th anniversary of the great leader Kim Jong Il's
election as Supreme Commander of the
Korean People's Army.
    Kim Jong Il is a brilliant commander possessed of far-sighted wisdom
and matchless courage and will,
the bulletin said, and went on:
    His organizing ability and commanding art are very extraordinary.
    The iron discipline and perfect order in which the whole army and
country and all people act as one on
the instruction of the Supreme Commander have been established in the DPRK.
And the revolutionary
commanding system and military discipline have been established and the
strong sense of organization and
discipline has prevailed within the people's army. All these would have
been unthinkable without his
distinguished leadership ability.
    Benevolent and army-first politics is his peculiar political mode. What
attracts particular attention is the
policy of giving priority to the army.
    He is, indeed, an ideal statesman and fascinating leader perfectly
possessed of literary and military

Establishment of diplomatic relations between DPRK and UK hailed

    Pyongyang, December 18 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in a signed
commentary hails the recent
opening of diplomatic relations between the DPRK and the United Kingdom.
    This event is a result of the independent foreign policies and
activities of the two countries, the
commentary observes, and goes on:
    Independence, peace and friendship are the idea of the consistent
foreign policy of the Worker's Party of
Korea and the government of the DPRK.
    Guided by this idea, the DPRK has developed friendly relations with
different countries of the world
advocating independence and invariably maintained the stand to develop
friendly relations with those capitalist
countries that respect the DPRK's sovereignty and are friendly to it.
    The normalization of relations between the DPRK and countries of the
European Union will positively
help expand and develop relations with them in various fields and ensure
peace and security in northeast Asia
and, furthermore, in the rest of the world.
    There is increasing concern of the international community for the DPRK
and it has become an
irresistible trend of the times for different countries to improve
relations with the DPRK.
    The DPRK government will as ever develop the relations of friendship,
cooperation and
good-neighborliness with all countries of the world that advocate
independence, respect the DPRK's
sovereignty and are friendly to it.

Secretary of U.S. Army denies shooting orders for Rogun-ri mass killings

    Pyongyang, December 18 (KCNA) -- Caldera, secretary of the U.S. Army,
when interviewed by a U.S.
Daily on Dec. 14 denied shooting orders related to the mass killings of
civilians in Rogun-ri, according to the
South Korean "Yonhap News" (internet).
    He said that an investigation of Rogun-ri case that occurred in the
summer of 1950 has been made for
over 1 year but did not find conclusive evidence that the then u.s.
soldiers had orders to shoot civilians.
    "Yonhap News" recalled that McCloskey, member of the U.S. private
advisory panel in charge of
supervising the investigation of Rogun-ri case, had noted in early December
he strongly disagrees with the
hazy conclusion of an investigation team of the U.S. Army that they did not
find enough evidence that the
U.S. soldiers had orders to shoot civilians.
    McCloskey, saying that the Pentagon was too quick to dismiss the
testimony of U.S. Korean war
veterans, asserted that there is no question that there were orders,
"Yonhap News" held.

Anti-reunification remarks condemned

    Pyongyang, December 18 (KCNA) -- Some countries surrounding Korea
recently made remarks harmful
to Korea's reunification to throw a wet blanket over the Korean nation's
desire for reunification and incite
antagonism and confrontation between the north and the south, says Rodong
Sinmun today in a signed
    A bright prospect of peace and reunification is opening on the Korean
peninsula by the consistent
peace-loving and reunification-oriented efforts of the Democratic People's
Republic of Korea, the
commentary says, and goes on:
    But some countries surrounding Korea are spreading a wrong public
opinion that reunification of the
Korean peninsula is far off, while turning a blind eye to such positive
    They are trying to put a brake on the issue of peace and reunification
of Korea on some or other pretext
with a view to pursuing their sinister purpose to use the Korean issue in
realizing a strategic object and
intentionally hampering peace building in this region.
    It is a foolish act to reverse the present situation of the Korean
peninsula by interfering in the
reunification issue of the Korean nation. It is the trend of the times to
demand the reunification of Korea.
    We have had the proposal for reunification by a federal means which
enjoys full support and sympathy at
home and abroad. The proposal conforms with the interests of the countries
surrounding Korea and the desire
of the world peace-loving people.
    Peace and reunification of Korea is a pressing issue directly related
to peace and stability of the
Asia-pacific region. The United States and those countries should clearly
see the developments on the Korean
peninsula and act with discretion. They should do nothing harmful to the
reunification of Korea, though they
do not make a substantial contribution to it.

Many films produced

    Pyongyang, December 18 (KCNA) -- Many films of high ideological and
artistic value have been
released in Korea this year.
    What is noteworthy is serials of multi-part feature films "Forest
Sways" and "the Nation and Destiny".
    "Forest Sways" part 12 deals with the arduous march which ended with
triumph in the period of the
anti-Japanese revolutionary war.
    The film depicts the superb tactics of the President Kim Il Sung and
his warm love of soldiers, the
transparent view of anti-Japanese heroine Kim Jong Suk on the leader
manifested in defending the
headquarters of the revolution at the risk of her life, and warm sense of
obligation and comradeship of
    Multi-part feature film "the Nation and Destiny" part 53 portrays Choe
Hyon, an anti-Japanese
revolutionary fighter, who commands a corps of the Korean People's Army
behind the enemy lines to
mercilessly punish the aggressors in defence of the security of the supreme
    Feature films "Green Shoulder-Strap," "Son Comes Back Home", "White
Smoke", "Echo of Life" and
"My Family" have enriched the treasure house of cinematic art.
    The feature film "Green Shoulder-Strap" reflects the spirit of devoted
service to the people and the
self-sacrificing spirit displayed by people's security men. The film tells
a true story about a security officer
who on a train detects an enemy spy infiltrating into Pyongyang to
destabilize the socialist system and dies a
heroic death.
    The film "Son Comes Back Home" portrays a soldier of the Korean
People's Security Forces who is
arrested by the enemy while drifting about in rough storm in the sea on
military duty but remains true to his
revolutionary faith and comes back to the homeland. The film "White Smoke"
depicts a young researcher
who succeeds in his study of an important subject related to the power
production at a thermo-power plant.
    "A Soldier with No Epaulette," "Wives of Officers" and other feature
films are of great cognitional and
educational significance as they represent those who think of others more
than themselves and devote
themselves to society and the collective.
    Many other films portray young people who give a steadfast continuity
to the revolution.

Repeal of SL urged in S. Korea

    Pyongyang, December 18 (KCNA) -- The people's solidarity for the repeal
of the "Security Law" held
the second pan-national rally for the abrogation of SL around the building
of the "Democratic Party" on
December 15 with an attendance of over 500 students, dissident figures and
others, according to Seoul-based
"Yonhap News" (internet).
    The organization demanded the repeal of this evil law, saying it is a
shame that the SL, mechanism
symbolic of underdeveloped country in human rights, remains unabolished.
    The ralliers made public a list of eight typical opponents to the
abrogation of the SL and held a ceremony
to burn pictures showing the "Intelligence Service" and the newspaper
Chosun Ilbo as well as portraits of
those opponents to it and the list of their names.
    Earlier, on December 12 the organization held a press conference in
front of the "National Assembly"
building, urging the repeal of the SL.

Removal of concrete wall urged

    Pyongyang, December 18 (KCNA) -- The chairman of the Society for the
Study of the Juche Idea of the
University of Madagascar on December 12 made public a statement titled
"Concrete wall, legacy of 20th
century, should be pulled down."
    December 29 will be 21 years since the building of the concrete wall
symbolic of division of the Korean
peninsula, the statement said, and went on:
    The 240-odd-kilometre-long concrete wall built by the South Korean
authorities in the area south of the
Military Demarcation Line is the biggest wall ever in history which cut off
the blood ties of the Korean nation
and its territory. It is a symbol of the national division and
confrontation between the north and the south of
    Now when the Cold War ended the world public is urging the immediate
removal of the concrete wall
physically bisecting Korea.
    It is a challenge not only to all Koreans but also to justice and
conscience of humankind to leave the wall,
a symbol of division and confrontation in the 20th century, intact though
the 21st century is at hand.
    The South Korean authorities should pull down this concrete wall and
courageously take the road of
reunification, far from going against the desire and aspiration of all the
Korean people and the world

For Spanish-speaking people

comunicado conjunto de cuarta ronda de conversaciones a nivel de ministro

    pyongyang, 18 de diciembre (atcc) -- quedo clausurada el dia 16 la
cuarta ronda de conversaciones a
nivel de ministro del norte y el sur de corea celebrada en esta capital en
medio de expectativa y atencion del
pais y el extranjero.
    en ella ambas partes hicieron balance sobre la labor del periodo
transcurrido para la ejecucion de la
historica declaracion conjunta norte-sur y llegaron al acuerdo en las
propuestas formuladas en aras de la
reconciliacion, cooperacion, la unidad y la reunificacion.
    los jefes de las delegaciones de ambas partes firmaron los acuerdos
sobre la proteccion de inversiones, la
prohibicion de imposicion de dobles impuestos de los ingresos, la
liquidacion y el procedimiento de solucion
de conflicto de companias comerciales entre el norte y el sur, logrados el
10 de noviembre en el segundo
contacto de expertos para la cooperacion economica de ambas partes.
    en la ocasion quedo publicado un comunicado conjunto de la cuarta ronda
de conversaciones a nivel de
ministro del norte y el sur cuyo texto es el siguiente:
    la cuarta ronda de conversaciones a nivel de ministro norte - sur de
corea se desarrollo del 12 al 16 de
diciembre del 89 (2000) de la era juche en pyongyang.
    en ella ambas partes hicieron balance de la labor de los ultimos 6
meses para la ejecucion de la historica
declaracion conjunta norte-sur y al llegar a la unanime comprension en
cuanto a la necesidad de cumplirla
activamente al acoger el ano 2001 acordaron los siguientes puntos:
    1. el norte y el sur deciden componer y gestionar el comite por la
promocion de cooperacion economica
norte-sur para el desarrollo equilibrado y la prosperidad conjunta de la
economia nacional.
    el comite sera compuesto por 5-7 miembros respectivamente con el a
nivel de viceministro como jefe de
la delegacion (delegado jefe) y tendra su primer contacto en pyongyang a
eso del 26 de diciembre del ano
2000 a fin de consultar y resolver los problemas practicos que se presentan
en la actual colaboracion
economica tales como la cooperacion en la electricidad, la ligacion de la
ferrovia y la carretera, la construccion
de la zona industrial de kaesong y la promocion de la labor de prevencion
de inundaciones en la cuenca del rio
    2. el norte y el sur deciden cooperar en la pesqueria y los interesados
de las autoridades de ambas partes
tendran contacto cuanto antes en la zona del monte kumgang para llegar a un
acuerdo en torno a la propuesta
del norte de ofrecer al sur por un cierto periodo una parte de su pesqueria
en el mar este de corea.
    3. el norte y el sur deciden proponer el contacto entre las entidades
de taekwon-do de ambas partes para
consultar el problema de intercambio del grupo de jugadores modelo.
    4. el norte y el sur haran en plan de prueba la comprobacion del
paradero de los familiares y parientes
separados y el intercambio de correspondencias. se realizara en enero y
febrero de 2001 la comprobacion de
los paraderos de 100 personas de cada parte, el intercambio de
correspondencias de 300 personas mas o
menos de cada parte en marzo de 2001.
    5. el norte y el sur intercambiaran a finales de febrero de 2001 el
tercer grupo de visita de familiares y
parientes separados (100 de cada parte).
    6. la parte norte enviara en marzo de 2001 un grupo de turistas al
monte halla y en el primer semestre de
2001 un grupo de observacion economica.
    7. el norte y el sur seguiran las formalidades de poner en vigor los
acuerdos sobre la proteccion de
inversiones, la prohibicion de imposicion de dobles impuestos de los
ingresos, la liquidacion y el
procedimiento de la solucion de conflicto entre companias comerciales entre
el norte y el sur, firmados por el
jefe y el delegado jefe de la delegacion de ambas partes y se informaran
del particular.
    8. el norte y el sur reanudaran en marzo de 2001 la quinta ronda de
conversaciones a nivel de ministro
norte-sur y definiran el lugar de esta ronda a traves de la consulta.

vana ilusion de japon

    pyongyang, 18 de diciembre (atcc) -- el periodico "rodong sinmun" en un
articulo individual de ayer
vuelve a subrayar que el japon no debe abrigar la vana ilusion de hacerse
miembro permanente del consejo de
seguridad de la onu sino esforzarse por ganar la confianza de la sociedad
    tambien en la asamblea general de la onu de este ano se frustro tal
intento del japon, debido a la
vanagloria e interpretacion precipitada de las autoridades japonesas
ignorantes de la verdadera intencion de
otros paises, senala el articulo y continua:
    ellas pensaban que su pais ya tiene la calificacion de ser miembro
permanente del consejo de seguridad y
tiene asegurados los votos en pro necesarios mediante la operacion trasera
de varios anos. por eso creyeron
que sin duda su pais podria ser miembro permanente del consejo de seguridad.
    pero, en la asamblea general de la onu de este ano este problema no se
presento como agenda de
    tambien el japon cometio un error subjetivo en el analisis de las
fuerzas y el juicio de la situacion al
considerar que no es problema disfrutar del apoyo de cinco paises miembros
permanentes del consejo de
    china tiene la posicion negativa a la intencion del japon de hacerse
miembro permanente del consejo de
seguridad y ee.uu. se opone al japon al creer que este se puede convertir
en una potencia politica y militar e
italia tambien mantiene la actitud de retenerlo.
    a continuacion el periodico hace constar que la opinion publica senala
que fue absurdo el "calculo del
japon sobre votos en pro" en la onu.


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