>Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2000 00:35:58 -0500 (EST)
>From: Socialism From Below <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Call for Jakarta Conference June 7-10, 2001
>ìFighting Neo-Liberalism in the Asia-Pacific.î
>Jakarta, Indonesia
>7-10 June, 2001
>Come to Jakarta in June 2001!
>Join the struggle to globalise resistance to the neo-liberal offensive!
>The conference will be held between June 7-10, 2001 and will be
>organised by  the Indonesian Centre for Reform and Social Emancipation
>(INCREASE ). The conference will be held in the city of Jakarta. From
>within Indonesia, the conference will be supported by the affiliates of
>INCREASE, namely, the National Student League for Democracy (Liga
>Nasional Mahasiswa untuk Demokrasi, LNMD), the National Peasant Union
>(Serikat Tani Nasional, STN), the Indonesian National Front for Labour
>Struggle (Front Nasional Perjuangan Buruh Indonesia, FNPBI), the
>People's Cultural Network (Jaringan Kerja Kebudayaan Rakyat, JAKKER),
>the People's Youth Movement (Gerakan Pemuda Kerakyatan, GPK), and the
>People's Legal Aid Foundation (Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Rakyat, LBHR).
>Aims of the Conference
>INCREASE sees the conference as having several complimentary aims.
>First, INCREASE intends the conference to raise awareness within
>Indonesia about the nature and role of neo-liberal ecnomic policies, as
>well as the role of the international financial institutions - such as
>the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank and the World
>Trade Organisation (WTO) - in forcing neo-liberal policies upon the
>peoples of the Third World in general and Indonesia, in particular. In
>this context INCREASE hopes the conference will provide a forum whereby
>Indonesian organisations waging campaigns to improve the welfare and
>empowerment of the people can come to see their campaigns as linked to
>the generalised fight against neo-liberalism.
>Second, INCREASE hopes that the discussion among Indonesian
>organisations, intellectuals and activists at the conference as well as
>between the Indonesian participants and overseas participants will help
>advance the process of the progressive movement in Indonesia being able
>to develop its own alternatives to the IMF prescribed neoliberal
>strategy being enforced at the moment.
>Third, INCREASE wished the conference to also function as a vehicle for
>deepening the cooperation between progressive forces in the Asia Pacific
>region. Where feasible we also hope that it can help develop cooperation
>between the Asia Pacific and other major areas, such as Europe, North
>America and Latin America. At the moment, we have commitments from
>partner movements in South Korea, the Philippines, Pakistan, East Timor
>and Australia that they will attend and speak at the conference. We also
>have confirmations of attendance from activists in the United States and
>the Netherlands. We expect further confirmations in the next few months.
>INCREASE hopes that concrete measures to deepen and concretise
>cooperation will develop out of the conference.
>Fourth, INCREASE wishes to introduce the international participants to
>the struggle for reform and social empowerment, for fundamental social
>change, in Indonesia. In addition to panels and workshops on a range
>themes relevant to the general analysis and struggle against
>neoliberalism, there will also be many panels and workshops that will
>relate these issues to Indonesia. There will be speakers from all
>sectors of society and from the progressive political parties and
>currents in Indonesia. We intend that some of the affiliates sectoral
>organisations of INCREASE will organise 7-10 exposure programmes in
>their areas of activity immediately after the conference.
>Conference themes
>Some of the specific themes of the conference will include:
>* The nature of the current crisis in liberalism
>* Why is neo-liberalism the capitalists current preferred solution
>* The nature of the international financial institutions
>* Relations between (a) Europe and Asia-Pacific and (b) the US and
>* The impact of neo-liberalism in developed as well as developing
>* The role of the military in defending neo-liberal regimes
>* Strategies for fundamental social change: democratic revolution;
>popular power;
> socialism etc
>* How to achieve international collaboration in struggle
>* The role of feminist struggle
>* The social economic crisis and the environmental impact
>* Trade union organising and worker mobilising
>* Peasant union organising; land issues; and peasant campaigning
>* Political strategies and mass mobilising
>* Culture and struggle
>The conference will be an open, public, live-in conference. The agenda
>will be decided by the INCREASE conference organising committee, in
>consultation with partner organisations. INCREASE is, of course, in
>hearing suggestions for additional themes and topics.
>There will be a strong cultural component in the conference programme.
>We will consider possibilities for protest mobilisations as part of the
>conference closer to the date.
>Exposure tours
>Second, INCREASE will be facilitating 7-10 day exposure tours for
>interested activists after the conference. There will be exposure tours
>in the worker/trade union, peasant, student, cultural and womenís
>movement sectors. Individuals or organisations can indicate their
>interest in such tours on the registration form.
>We will soon begin the international publicity for this conference. We
>would be very pleased to be able to include your organisation as a
>sponsor of the conference.
> ********************************************************************
>ìFighting Neo-Liberalism in the Asia-Pacific.î
>Jakarta, Indonesia
>7-10 June, 2001
>Tel.: .........................
>Email address:
>Age: ........................... Sex:  ...............................
>I am representing an organisation:   YES/NO      Name of organisation
>I am a member of an activist organisation: YES/NO
>Name of organisation:
>My interests are:
>Languages spoken:
>Special dietary needs:
>Special health issues:
>Immediately after the conference, 7-10 exposure tours will be organised
>by the affiliates of INCREASE in the worker, peasant, womenís movement,
>student, and cultural sectors. There will be an additional cost for
>this. If you wish to participate in one of these tours and would like
>further information, please indicate below.
>I would like to participate in a exposure tour in the
>.............................................................. sector.
>Registration for international participants
>Costs international participants at the conference are US$225
>waged/US$125 unwaged. This includes registration fee, conference keynote
>papers, accommodation, and three meals per day during the conference.
>Registration and payment methods:
>Send cheques made out to Peoples Power fighting Fund to:
>Action in Solidarity with Indonesia and East Timor (ASIET),
>P.O. Box 458,
>Broadway 2007.
>The Netherlands and Europe:
>Contact Solidariteit met Timor en Indonesie (SOLITIN) at
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] for payment and registration details.
>For information on other international registration agents contact
>Action in Solidarity with Indonesia and East Timor (ASIET)
>PO Box 458, Broadway NSW 2007 Australia
>Phone: 61-(0)2-96901230
>Fax  : 61-(0)2-96901381
>WWW  : www.asiet.org.au
>    The Socialism From Below listserve was created by the New Socialist
>      Group to discuss and debate socialist activism, share news relating to
>        revolutionary struggles around the world, assist in organizing projects
>        of socialist renewal and on the ground activism. Views expressed on
>     the SFB list do not necessarily represent the views of the New Socialist
>   Group as an organization or those of its members. For more information on
>            the New Socialist Group and its politics and its activities contact
>                         [EMAIL PROTECTED] or visit www.web.net/~newsoc
>To join or leave the Socialism From Below list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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