
                       Thursday, December 21, 2000, updated at 10:45(GMT+8)

                       Jiang Zemin Receives Credentials of DPRK Ambassador

                       Jiang Zemin, President of the People's Republic of
                       China has received credentials from Choe Jin Su,
                       newly appointed DPRK Ambassador to China, Xinhua
                       reports today (Dec.20,2000).


Hu Jintao Urges More Efforts from Youth for Modernization Vice President Hu
Jintao Wednesday, December 20, called for the Communist Youth League of
China (CYLC) to earnestly mobilize young people to exert their enthusiasm
and creativity towards the country's modernization drive.

When speaking at the fourth plenum of the CYLC Central Committee, Hu, also
a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist
Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, said that the youth, as the most
active and vigorous force in the country, are playing a more and more
important role in economic development as China speeds up the reform and

The CYLC should guide young people to show their utmost fortitude and
bravery to unswervingly make effort for the country's economic and social
development, Hu said.

Hu also stressed that the youth groups focus on the work of cultivating
skilled young people, helping them improve their professional level and
enrich their experience.

Meanwhile, the youth groups should establish a smooth system for
supporting, awarding and promoting skilled young people, Hu said.

The young people were also urged to be firmly rooted with patriotism,
collectivism and socialism, and have correct outlook on the world, life and

In addition, Hu encouraged the youth groups to devote themselves into the
grassroots of the mass and solve practical problems for them.

Before the plenum, Hu met with leaders of CYLC local committees,who were
awarded by the CYLC Central Committee this year, and the annual ten most
outstanding young people nationwide.


UN to Look into Human Rights Violations by Israel Against Palestinians The
United Nations has set up a three-member commission of inquiry to gather
information on human rights violations by Israel in the occupied
Palestinian territories.

According to a UN press release Tuesday, the inquiry commission will begin
its work soon and present its conclusions and recommendations in an effort
to prevent a repetition of such violations.

"The inquiry commission is expected to complement the various efforts being
undertaken towards establishing a just and lasting peace in the Middle East
by contributing to the cause of promotion and protection of human rights,"
the commission said.

The three members are appointed on the basis of their independence and
objectivity, the press release said. They are John Dugard of South Africa
at Leiden University, Holland; Richard Falk of the United States of
America, a professor of International Law at Princeton University, USA; and
Kamal Hussein of Bangladesh, former Foreign Minister of Bangladesh.

The inquiry commission was set up in accordance with a resolution entitled
"Grave and massive violations of the human rights of the Palestinian people
by Israel," which was adopted by the Commission on Human Rights at its
fifth Special Session and endorsed by the UN Economic and Social Council on
November 22, 2000.


Official: Beijing to Improve Public Safety Beijing should give top priority
to improving public safety for its bid to host the 2008 Olympic Games, said
Jia Qinglin, secretary of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Chinese
Communist Party, Wednesday.

The focus of the improvements should be on the prevention of crime, said
Jia at the municipal work conference on politics and law held Wednesday.

The police along with other departments should strive to maintain a secure
environment and social order to prepare for the 2008 Olympic Games and to
implement the 10th Five-Year Plan, said Jia.

The Beijing municipal government has focused on building a strict,
efficient, and capable police force to ensure public safety, he said.

The secretary also called on all Beijing citizens to make contributions to
public security by enhancing campaigns against crimes.

On April 7, 1999, the Beijing Olympic Bid Committee formally presented
Beijing's bid report to Juan Antonio Samaranch, president of the
International Olympic Committee (IOC) at the IOC's Lausanne-based


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