>Talks held between Vietnamese and Lao NA delegations.
>Laos's National Assembly Chairman Samane Vignhaketh held talks with his host,
>Chairman Nong Duc Manh in Hanoi on December 20 to further boost co-operation
>between two countries.
>Host and guest expressed their joy and happiness at both their personal
>meeting and at the constant development of relations between their countries,
>relations they described as "comprehensive and time-honoured".
>National Assembly Chairman Manh said his Lao counterpart's visit was a step
>forward in the bilateral relationship and an opportunity to discuss both
>bilateral and multi-lateral relations.
>The National Assembly and people of Vietnam always treasure the co-operative
>ties with Laos and will try their best to preserve that special relationship
>eternally, Said he.
>Mr Samane Vignhaketh said his visit was a manifestation of the friendship and
>co-operation between the two parliaments and the two peoples.
>He believed that the time-treasured multifaceted co-operation would help the
>two countries, side by side, firmly advance towards the new millennium despite
>challenges ahead. (VNA)


>Vietnam attends Greek Communist Party Congress
>A delegation of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) led by Pham Van Tho,
>member of the Party Central Committee, visited Athens for the 16th Congress of
>the Greek Communist Party from December 14-17.
>The head delegate extended greetings from the CPV Central Committee to the
>congress and best regards from CPV General Secretary Le Kha Phieu to General
>Secretary Aleka Papariga and Honorary President Harilaos Florakis of the Greek
>Communist Party.
>The delegation held working sessions with senior officials of the Greek
>Communist Party.
>They congratulated Aleka Papariga on her re-election as general secretary of
>the Party.
>The delegation also exchanged views with international delegates at the
>congress. (VNA)


>Mongolia honours Vietnamese
>Mongolia's Silver Star for Peace medal has been presented to the president of
>the Vietnam-Mongolia Friendship Association, Hoang Minh Thang, and its former
>president, Nguyen Quang Sang.
>The medals were presented by the president of the Mongolia Union of Peace and
>Friendship Organisations, Chuluun Batjargal, at a ceremony in Hanoi on
>December 20.
>Present at the ceremony were acting President of the Vietnam Union of
>Friendship Organisations Vu Xuan Hong and Mongolia's ambassador to Vietnam,
>Avaadorjiin Tsolmon .
>Hoang Minh Thang expressed his thanks at receiving the precious award and said
>he would do his best to contribute to developing friendly relations between
>Vietnam and Mongolia. (VNA)


>Deputy minister visits Belgium, Luxembourg
>Deputy Minister of Culture and Information Tran Chien Thang paid working
>visits to Belgium and Luxembourg on December 17 and 18.
>While in Belgium, he worked with the general high commissioner in charge of
>international relations of the French-speaking Belgian community, P Suinen on
>cultural co-operation between the two countries.
>He was also received by Brussels Mayor Marion Lemesrer.
>In Luxembourg, Thang held working sessions with officials of the Ministry of
>Culture and the University of Teaching and Research and discussed future
>He toured a number of cultural establishments in the two capitals. (VNA)


>Hanoi party chief meets Catholic cardinal
>Hanoi Communist Party Chief Nguyen Phu Trong and other senior officials of the
>city, on December 19, visited Cardinal Pham Dinh Tung, president of the
>Vietnam Episcopal Council, to mark Christmas and the ending of Holy Year -
>The city's Party leader said he hoped Episcopal Council and Vietnamese
>Catholic priests and believers would continue to promote the tradition of 'God
>Respect and Patriotism,' joining hands with all residents to build a civilised
>and beautiful Hanoi.
>Mr Trong, who is also a Politburo member of the Communist Party of Vietnam
>Central Committee, also briefed the Cardinal on the city's success in
>socio-economic development this year.
>Cardinal Tung told the city's leader about the Catholics' preparations for
>Christmas and the Episcopal Council's annual meeting, slated for early next
>year. (VNA)


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