>Vietnam, Laos to promote relations
>Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) General Secretary Le Kha Phieu says the
>Vietnamese Party and State wants to see the close relations between Laos and
>Vietnam further strengthened in the interests of the two peoples.
>At a reception on December 20, Mr Phieu told Lao Deputy Prime Minister and
>Foreign Affairs Minister Somsavat Lengsavad, that a stronger development of
>Vietnam-Laos bilateral relations would also benefit peace, national
>independence, democracy and social progress in the world.
>Deputy Prime Minister Somsavat Lengsavad, who is also a member of the Lao
>People's Revolutionary Party Central Committee (LPRP CC) is leading a
>delegation from the LPRP CC's External Relations Commission on an official
>visit to Vietnam.
>Mr Phieu praised efforts made by the CPV's Commission for External Relations
>and its Lao counterpart in implementing the tasks assigned by the two Parties.
>He said the efforts had made positive contributions to the development of the
>special friendship and solidarity and comprehensive co-operation between the
>two countries.
>After briefing the General Secretary about talks held earlier with officials
>from the CPV's Commission for External Relations, Somsavat Lengsavad pledged
>that Laos would do its best to promote the special ties.
>At the talks, the guests and hosts exchanged views about regional and
>international issues of common concern and the two Parties' co-operation
>Mr Somsavat Lengsavad and the director of CPV's Commission for External
>Relations, Nguyen Van Son, signed a co-operation programme for 2001 by which
>Vietnam and Laos will broaden the exchange of information, experience,
>Party-related documents and studies. (VNA)
>President praises Lao achievements
>President Tran Duc Luong spoke highly of Laos's socio-economic achievements,
>particularly in agriculture, and its enhanced international status when
>receiving Lao National Assembly Chairman Samane Vignaketh in Hanoi on December
>The president also expressed his appreciation of the unceasing development of
>the traditional friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive co-operation
>between the Parties, States and peoples of Vietnam and Laos.
>In response, the Lao NA chairman thanked the Vietnam government, State and
>people for their help to Laos's national construction.
>He said that he hoped the time-honoured traditional friendship and
>comprehensive co-operation between the two peoples would be further
>strengthened in the 21st century.
>Earlier, a high-ranking delegation from the Lao National Assembly, led by
>Chairman S Vignaketh, paid floral tributes to President Ho Chi Minh at his
>Mausoleum. The delegation also held working sessions with Minister of Planning
>and Investment Tran Xuan Gia and Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development
>Le Huy Ngo.
>The delegation will leave Hanoi on December 23 for the northern mountain
>provinces of Tuyen Quang, Ha Giang and Yen Bai. (VNA)
>NA chairman receives foreign MPs
>National Assembly Chairman Nong Duc Manh received in Hanoi on December 20 the
>heads of five foreign parliamentary delegations, who took part in a December
>18 and 19 seminar on reforming parliamentary organisations and operations.
>Chairman Manh said he wanted to learn from their experiences and hold further
>in-depth meetings, in a bid to lift the performance of the NA's functional
>He added the seminar had been an excellent opportunity to promote mutual
>understanding between the highest legislative bodies in the five countries,
>namely Sweden, Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos, the Republic of Korea, and Vietnam.
>The heads of the visiting delegations told Chairman Manh that they were
>impressed with the growing bilateral ties between legislative offices in
>Vietnam and those of their respective countries.
>Chairman Manh suggested that future seminars should be organised to allow a
>greater variety of workshops to be held, covering a wider range of
>parliamentary activities.
>He asked the Swedish and Cambodian head delegates to convey his thanks to the
>Swedish Speaker Brigitta Dahl for inviting him to visit Sweden, and the
>Cambodian Parliamentary Speaker Prince Norodom Ranariddh for inviting him to
>attend an international peace conference to be sponsored by the Cambodian
>Parliament at the end of next month. He said he gladly accepted the
>invitations. (VNA)
>Defence Ministry meets foreign military attaches
>The Defence Ministry gave a reception to foreign military attaches in Hanoi on
>December 21 for the 56th anniversary of the founding of the Vietnam People's
>Army (December 22).
>Deputy Defence Minister Lieutenant General Nguyen Huy Hieu thanked the
>military attaches and ambassadors for their promotion of friendship between
>Vietnam, their countries and armies.
>The hosts and guests raised toasts to the development of the Vietnam People's
>Army and the friendship between the Vietnam People's Army and other armies.
>Military Zone 9 marks 55th anniversary
>A meeting was held yesterday to celebrate 55th anniversary of the Military
>Zone 9 (December 10, 1945 - December 10, 2000).
>Politburo member and Minister of Defence, Senior Lieutenant Senior Pham Van
>Tra praised the Command and soldiers of the military zone who fought with
>fortitude and wholeheartedly helped people protect rice crop, their property
>and lives in the recent floods.
>Commander of the military zone, Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Tan highlighted
>the undaunted tradition of the military zone in the two resistance wars
>against foreign invaders and achievements recorded in building up forces.
>Vietnam, China to boost co-operation
>Deputy PM Nguyen Manh Cam (right) receives
>Deputy Governor of Yunnan Shao Qiwei.
>Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Manh Cam told a visiting official from Yunnan,
>China, that further development of co-operation with the province would help
>boost the current good ties between the Parties, States and peoples of China
>and Vietnam.
>Mr Cam expressed his confidence at a reception held on December 21 in honour
>of Deputy Governor of Yunnan Shao Qiwei that Yunnan had the potential and
>favourable conditions to expand multi-faceted relations with Vietnam.
>Mr Shao Qiwei expressed his delight at his first visit to Vietnam where he had
>seen impressive achievements and briefed the deputy prime minister of his
>meetings with officials from the Vietnamese ministries, agencies and
>He said that he and relevant Vietnamese offices had discussed steps to further
>promote economic relations, particularly in trade, transportation and tourism.
>Mr Shao, who is making a working visit, said that cross-border trade between
>Yunnan and Vietnam recorded a 30% increase, and transported goods totalled
>440,000 tonnes this year against 240,000 tonnes in 1998. (VNA)
>Foreign Ministry rejects misrepresentation
>Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Phan Thuy Thanh, on December 21, flatly rejected
>misrepresentations relating to the Hoa Hao Buddhist sect in southern An Giang
>Mr Thanh was answering questions from foreign correspondents who suggested
>that the general secretary of the Hoa Hao Buddhist sect, Ha Hai, was in
>serious ill health after 32 days of a hunger strike; that the Vietnam
>government had prohibited celebration of Huynh Phu So's birthday on December
>20; and that the police had used force to dissolve a demonstration during the
>celebrations, causing one death.
>The spokeswoman said: "Competent An Giang province agencies had reported that
>the information was a complete distortion of the facts."
>"Ha Hai is enjoying normal health," she said.
>"The People's Committee of An Giang province had received a request from the
>Representative Committee of the Hoa Hao Buddhist sect to allow a ceremony to
>celebrate Huynh Phu So's 81st birthday.
>The People's Committee had, on December 14, issued a decision permitting the
>Representative Committee to hold the ceremony." (VNA)


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